OHH SHIT That i not see in the HowTo Steps Thanks now it works all fine : EDIT And whats with this Message: New Plugin Version available! This version isnt supported i take the actual Version from the Thread / SVN
To be honest i hate it -.- If i had put, lets say, the screenshot thing in and suddenly there are freezes -> should be something with screenshots. But this just comes out of the mists (did you see what i did there ^^) EDIT: Do you have more than one bot running? Different HB Folders? Beta or Stable? Which Bot (GB2, Questing, etc)?(TBH its a stupid idea but please test it) Im running 2 bots 1 smooth the other not. Same HB dir. Beta. Questing Switched the bad one to my droid with singular... now smooth -.- Edit2: Currently no freezes either they have disapeared EDIT3: AHHHH WHY WHY WHY!!!! no freezes WHY!
Hey Talord, the Plugin Version is: 1.0.57 witch Version the Software on the Webspace have i don?t know because i not see it in the Webinterface
2 bots in a VM, 2 HB Folders, 1 WoW Folder, questbot, stable version both seem to have mighty lags when starting/stopping the bot, also the plugin sometimes disables itself and i cant disable it other than deleting it..
It disables itself? Wtf ... I will look into it ... but i dont think that the plugin can disable itself
your inbox is full. replaced it and trying in one of my bots first thing i see, bC posts in log and connects but is still "disabled" under plugins - it does not disable itself, but disable itself. you get it? ;D it is "disabled" under plugins, but its still working. once i enable it again, it will create another instance of the plugin, if i'm not wrong. might be hb related. stopping / starting works FLAWLESS atm. no delay, nothing. ?: after some minutes, it takes more time. and i think the plugin is looping HB somehwere, cause all of a sudden my hunter stops doing anything and goes "afk" ... no prob w/o plugin. ill keep an eye on it.
OT: Need more PM space -.- Ok... I already thought of that, but there isnt much room for that... BTW Its working a lot better for me. Which bots are running?(BG,GB2,Quest) Have you restarted HB or only recompiled the plugins EDIT: maybe garbage collection ... i will see if i can give you a debug version with some addidtonal output.
Probably I'm blind but there is no key in android app from your svn except the API key... And another bad thing that plugin spams the HB log window with messages even when it's turned off until you chek and uncheck again the checkbox in plugins.
Hey, how do i turn ON that i can see XP gain when i click on "view" ? I can see that the bot starts and chat , but can't see XP Gain.
Hey Talord, the Plugin Version is: 1.0.57 witch Version the Software on the Webspace have i don?t know because i not see it in the Webinterfac
Hm, would be awesome if you could do it for quest XP only or something like that. Wouldn't be that spammy then
hey, k?nntest du vllt anstatt eine eigenst?ndige ios app nicht einfach prowl/growl-push mechanik einbauen? und dann push-messages f?r best. events (lvl up, whisper, more than x deaths...sowas halt) ? MFG
Dann w?rde das "Doppeltgemoppelt" sein... Weil: BuddyCon (Das Plugin) hat schon ein Feld f?r API-Key von Prowl....
Danke Edit: die Optionen sollen kommen. Bin gerade fertig geworden mit dem neuen Server und der Einrichtung und den Tests. Gibt also die Woche wohl wieder einen (hoffentlich wieder) reibungslosen Umzug. Done with Backend and testing on the new server. So we will be moving this week Hopefully stressless (for you) like last time
@ thalord, ich habe ein kleines Problem mit meinem Webinterface (is ja mein eigener Server (naja server.. eher XAMPP) aber f?r die Zwecke reicht das Ich hatte anfangs das Uploaden falsch eingestellt also falsche URL im upload.php skript jetzt habe ich im webinterface unter Screenshots ein Schwarzes Bild (imgur.com) das das bild nicht vorhanden ist. und das l?sst sich nicht l?schen, das st?rt etwas, wie bekomm ich das weg ohne den MySQL reset und neuaufsetzen des WebUI skripts?
Am einfachsten is vermutlich es mit phpMyAdmin oder Adminer selber zu l?schen. Entweder die Screenshot Tabelle leeren oder halt gucken welche bot_id (steht oben in der url am ende) EDIT: bitte in den anderen Thread wen es um das self Hosting geht. In diesem Thread bin ich nur am Plugin/Buddycon.eu am bearbeiten (sonst komm ich immer durcheinander)