I turn on my honorbuddy the correct way (run as admin and whatnot, everything is in 32bit mode, running in admin mode..) and i choose the correct profile and my priest goes on his adventure in deepholm to do quests and i leave for school. Well, i am always surprised when i get home that it has disconnected me, AND my honorbuddy has stopped working way before i was disconnected. It shows some sort of stuck error that i will post, it will be at the end of my log sort of. I NEVER get disconnected without using honorbuddy, and then when i turn it on, about 10 minutes into it, im guessing it disconnects me. This is very odd. I can never leave my honorbuddy to work overnight or during the day and this pisses me off because i paid a good $30ish for it. Please help me out so i can make this bot work without any problems. Thanks!
[22:01:40.520 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Rixi "The Digger" Bombdigger looks like it cant find the way to the npc or to navigate to it inform Kick about that
Kick is the author of your profile and in the Submitted Profiles is his thread. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...mega-profile-pack-1-85-issues-click-here.html