Thric3's [a3 - inferno - keep depths 1/2/3] (DEC2update) THRIC3'S KEEP DEPTHS 1-3 (includes readme to edit using notepad) DOWNLOAD HERE V1.2 (Updated Dec 2nd, 2012, includes Ciggarc edited run). Hey peoples, there have been requests, so I'm unleashing the beast!!! lol. Includes Keep Depths 1 - 2 - 3 A readme to changing the files so they work with current profiles you're already using This is my first release, I do have others in the pipeline, thanks for all the lovin' Version Changes---- v1.2 ---- Changed Keeps 1 to port once it reaches 4 stacks (Normally there is only up to 5 here, and I find it saves time porting after 4) ---- Reduced boxSize and boxTolerance to .13 for each profile, this should keep it running smoothly with the new DB. ---- Included my edition of the Ciggarc profile, it's edited to be numbered... Although the Battlefields are there as #03, it is currently skipped Keeps 3 leads to Fields of Slaughter. v1.1 ---- Changed the boxSize and boxTolerance, this improves the pathing by a lot keeping you from getting stuck running into walls. (Download link above is to the new version)
I tried it out and its cool but it seems to up my cpu usage alot.... for some reason and certain spots my cpu usage jumps up from 50-60 to about 80+ which causes deaths and weird stuff to happen.
Yeah the CPU usage will be high, try putting your game into Windowed mode and making the screen smaller. Other than that because it's having to calculate the distances it will use more than the normal profiles. EDIT: The new version 1.1 may take even more CPU power but you'll get stuck less often.
hi m8 nice work is it possible to make the keep lvl 2 profile explore until it finds The breach and then continue to next profile?
I've just tried adding this to the Champion hunt pack profiles. I appreciate the effort because im really looking to have this included in my botrun, however there are som locations that you get stuck on and it remains stuck as well or you get a "Resetting grid segmentation" notification and you idle / casting spells in position without moving on. This happened in both Depths 1,2 and 3 on one occasion in each depth level. Hope this can be fixed - Botting as archon wizard with twister (wicked wind), Spectral blades (healing blades) should the offensive abilities / class matter towards possible fix. Edit: *There are now several positions that one would attempt to fire through the wall on mobs not yet discovered, meaning no advancement. *In case of resplendent chest, bot does not open it
i have also tried to add this to the champion hunt pack it will run around in depths 1 kill and it goes good then it gets stuck, tried it about 5 times each time he gets stuck in random spots and wont move, not even giles plugin will attempt to move the charater, really hoping this gets fixed soon, it would be really really awesome =), still good work so far on the profile hope too see some improvements soon =)
I added this to the latest CIGGARC A3 Champion Hunting (BigRed) profile and it works perfectly. Now I have an almost complete A3 run From Tower of the Damned all the way to killing Azmo. Would it be possible to include Ghom at the end of level 3? Thanks man!
I would like to thank you for making a profile like this, I love it and 1 of a kind! But its super laggy, any way to fix it??? my game is in windowed mode, smallest size window as I can get, I turned down my graphics as low as it can go.
Does anyone have this integrated with CIGGARC A3 Champion Hunting and can zip it up so I can download it please
This is not working very well due to the CPU usage(or whatever). The game windows freezes every period of time(like 10 or 20 secs) for a moment and it would cause some problems. What happened to me was that the bot lost tracking and my character just stuck there. UnstuckMe tried to fix that but it didn't work. So DB decided to skip the whole map. Please fix that!
Here you go. This one BTW goes and kills Azmo. The bot seems to walk around Keep Level 1 and 2 more than it should and spend a few minutes doing it but at least it doesn't get stuck. The Keep Level 3 profile is from CIGGARC as well. Enjoy guys!
Bot gets stuck in Level 2 trying to what looks like destroy a Siege bridge or crate on the other side of a wall. Any ideas how to fix this? EDIT: Yea, the bot just keeps getting stuck on random walls and corners and not doing anything.
i start the profile and he go to the teleport -> port to keeps 1 and dont run the same on keeps 2 and keeps 3
Sorry guys, but I've been testing. It seems that regardless of the box size/tolerance, sometimes you just stand in a corner. It could be with the new DB this has been fixed. I'm still actively testing though. I'll be doing a release tomorrow afternoon PST. Thanks for checking.