Basically you have to escape special chars like ? ? ?, which occur in german pet names a few times. For example this works for german: PHP: private string EscapePetname(string petname){ return petname.Replace("?", "\\195\\164").Replace("?", "\\195\\132").Replace("?", "\\195\\182").Replace("?", "\\195\\150") .Replace("?", "\\195\\188").Replace("?", "\\195\\156").Replace("?", "\\195\\159");} If a pet name is passed to Lua (in GetTypeByName and HasPet), you have to use EscapePetname(petname) instead of petname. Same should work for each other language with such nonascii chars. The Lua.Escape function won't handle them right now. No support from me - just a hint for maybe.
Thnx realmoo! Implemented & should work. If a german client user could confirm please? btw, will switch to SVN tonight
re: [PLUGIN] Pokébuddy - Gotto kill em all! Nope, no turrets or anything, it just attacked. I didn't even own 1 of the pet (and I still don't )
Working like a charm The GUI is quite usable and makes it easier than all that file handling. Some ideas: -would be nice if already added combat rules are editable in the GUI, e.g. if you want to simply change a value (might be a bit tricky with AND combined rules ) -it might be possible to improve the default routine, if you look through the skill descriptions for words like 'heals' and just use that skill if pet is below 50% or so - far from optimal but I think would improve the behavior of unknown pets a bit -maybe it's better as botbase than as plugin - with gb2 it's trying to mount all the time during pet battles - not a very big problem because it's just not possible but dunno if it has any impact. Very good job!
Thank you for a great plugin. One thing I don't really understand yet. What makes the plugin swap pets? One of my pets is 3 levels higher then the other one now, but he just keeps useing the high level pet. I see all the sliders in the UI, but I don't really understand them all yet Edit: Never mind found the answer in Crowley post on first page, sorry.
- Im thinking of allowing manual editting of a logic line. - I've thought about that, wouldnt work perfect but its something im planning to do - By making it a plugin and not a botbase i've avoided having to navigate and this way the plugin can be used while farming, doing dungeons, botting archeaology, questing (daily quests?!?) etc. (still looking for a way to disable GB's mounting, just because "You cant do that yet" is soo annoying, havnt really looked into it, might be really easy) Thanks for the comments and im glad you like it
Hi there, ive been searchin the forums f?r several hours on how to enable the plugins as SVN. Can anyone please write a quick explanation on how, and where, I need to put these files. Since when im clicking on the links its not complete folders only tons of files. Sorry for not grasping how to setup this.
Yep, if you copy Crowley's profiles (Petarea folder) to Plugins and activate the plugin (Petarea) it automatically switches when all of your pets reach that lvl. But bear in mind that it still attacks pets in the zone you were in while moving to new zone so it might be bit slow
This is working great as a painless way of grinding out pet levels and capturing rares you maybe didn't have before. I'm running it while I'm around though so I can release multiples and let the bot continue smoothly. Great job from both you and Crowley! Thanks!
This is absolutely amazing! Only suggestion I have is to make it ignore all pet combat when a new profile switches until it reaches the designated zone.
In good time, if you followed the most recent updates you'll understand why i had my priorities elsewhere