that stuff didnt come towards the end of DS you have to wait till the creator has done or researched the boss fights to know exactly when to pop cd's and what not... just give it time we're only a month into the xpac
not what i meant, if boss has more than 15 mill health use cd's, if less than 15mill class it as trash, as example. i dont want it to be used at specific times, just not on trash.
Is it possible to add an hotkey for switching between aoe and single target rotation? I think of examples like the last phase of the headless horseman, where the pumpkins spawn, but i rather would keep on my single target dmg instead of useless aoe?ing. Also i would like to sync Rabid with Lynx Rush automatically, got that in a macro for now. And what config do i use best for the mop raids? the solo/party one or dragonsoul lfr/normal/hc? Does it matter anyhow? Great CC anyways! Thanks
Could we see an implementation of Heart of the Phoenix? Pet management in Heart of Fear is pretty terrible and I am having trouble keeping my pet alive.
Not seeing an option to enable glaive toss. Using the most recent build. 2.2.5. No option, and doesn't use it. Otherwise, this is fuckin excellent
awsome cc one thing im thinking of lvling a new hunter on another server with lazyraider is it possible to use this with lazyraider while questing? and move manually? and can this also be use for arena does it do evrything like big burst damage and cc? could u also setup a svn so when u update we just do it via svn?
Could you read the first post and check out my other thread? I have a seperate PvP CC, I'm not sure how well this will work for leveling manually, but just fine at laters levels at least (moving and targetting manually that is). Anyway, there's already an SVN on the main thread. Also, I'm uploading a new update now. 2.3.1 - Added support for Rabid - Added ability to alter at what health a mob is considered boss, so you can manually set the threshold for that (10 = 1 million hp, goes up to 200 = 20 million hp) - Added focus check for revive pet and call pet (Revive pet requires 35 focus) I might add some additional pet spells in the next release, like Heart of the Phoenix or Water striders water walking etc.
did some testing on dummy with new version and i'm pulling on average 1k more dps. awesome still a bit confused about the Boss Health thingy, but got to check first the boss and then adjust this i guess. overall, great CC and highly recommended
Just set it to where you want depending on what you're doing. When you're questing you might wanna set it to only a few million, if you're doing heroic raiding you probably want it around 15 million
At the very beginning of the fight you should use BW and Rapidfire simulanously, reseting them as soon as possible with Readiness. This is to ensure maximum Cooldown usage. Delaying either BW or Rapid Fire and reseting after both have been used delays Readiness, with usually is a DPS loss. Delaying BW could however be beneficial if one accounts for chance on hit trinkets that usually proc around 5-10 seconds into the fight. While stacking trinkets with BW is beneficial, losing out on a total of one BW over the full length of the fight however is a DPS loss. Whether this happens or not depends on the Raids performance however. So while this is no one size fits all solution, popping BW as soon as the pet is on the Target would be the overall better solution i think. edit: i tested it just now in 25man mode garalon. the bot is not very good at keeping kill command on cooldown. which is the very key element to beastmaster