I created an addon for GPBot that would connect to the messenger network and monitor whispers in WoW. Once recieved, it would send it to the msn contact you specify. You could then be logged on to this contact at work or wherever and not only see the whispers, but reply using any msn chat client. However, it didn't get as much use as I'd expected. I personally used it all the time as I was on MSN at work and just chatted to whoever whispered me. If I spent the time remaking it for HB, would you use it? I won't bother if it'll be left with 1 download or whatever.
Okay sounds positive I'll have a look at how HB handles messages tonight. And yes, you can use MSN on your mobile. It'll just send you a message like anyone else using MSN would. Does HB use c#?
Whatever device you use makes absolutly no difference. You'll just open MSN on your phone, at work, anywhere and on your contact list you'll see the bot, just like any other contact. If you send him a message, he'll send it to WoW. If someone sends you a message, he'll send it to you. If HB uses C# and doesn't handle messages too differently to GPBot, I should be able to re-use a lot of my old code and speed up a release.
I'd use it all the time. Been trying to do this myself. Didn't find any good recourses online on how to pull this off so I killed it. Interested to see what you came up with.
Know it might not make a big difference if i say i'd use it since your already planning on making it but hereby. I'd use it ! And plx keep it compatible with the upcoming versions, so many usefull things are biting dust
How's it cming with the msnwhisper m8, doing the same thing atm and had a big eureka moment yesterday. Was struggling with C# and messengerconnectivity. Damn! forgot that
It's not going too bad. Been having trouble with not using external dlls as the library I'm using relies heavily on System.web. I managed to find a class-converted version of HttpUtility (which I can send you if you need) but am having problems with System.Web.Services now. I'm trying to load it via reflection but can't get it to work lol.
ah cool well im using msnp-sharp library (former dotmsn) and it works really great. But idd! i forgot the no-dll policy so that sucks a bit. I was thinking if there would be a way u can extract the classes u need from the dll so u could still use the functionality. Made a thread for it so brainstorm away. I kept the project on hold cause u where working on the same. But ill check out ur code as soon as it will be released hehe XD. If ya ever need some help though just lemme know. I just started a different project where all the chat-traffic gets send to a database and a webpage where u can login and read and reply. Always handy for the peeps with webhosting of somekind and dont have msn acces on work. Im gonna start a thread for that see what ppl think of the idea.