Sorry but less information isnt possible. Give some infos and I try to help i.e. tried to login or cant find android key
Looks like your last change did the job. No crash since 1 hour and its updating the page thx <3
The Android App brings always the same failure: falsePW , i try it 10 times always the same failure??
Had a cool thought.. Maybe on the screenshot page you can add an "open bags' button.. that was if we're using SS to check loots and our bags aren't open we'll have a way to open them.. What do you think?
Sorry So like yvoenchen123 say the android app always show "falsePW", i've try to change my password but it does not work It's a shame because the android app is really useful if you could fix this small error it's would be great Good idea !
OT: I would answer but i only remember 2 things from french in school "Ca va" and "merde" Yeah the falsePW error ... working on that. But i think you 2 are both not on the apk from the SVN, correct?
Oh yes... I test the apk from the svn this afternoon thanks ( "merde" is the most used word in France ahah, or "putain" ...)
android app keeps saying false PW also HB and wow hangs when running this plugin so no reason. force closing HB will unfreeze wow. wierd
falsePw should be fixed. Should be possible Currently im checking if this freezing/crashing thing is fixed -.-
with the most recent posted BuddyCon.cs my bot ran smootly all night except for the profile problem with repairing. I think you solved the crashing with that one
I've been getting a bunch of PHP Errors on the website.. This is the error: Code: Division by zero /home/buddycon/public_html/protected/controllers/BotController.php(386) After I refresh a couple of times it starts working, but can it be fixed?
when i frist installed buddycon it ran fine but then i requested a screenshot on the website after that my buddycon just spams in HB taking screenshots over and over not really sure why this happens when i turn the plugin on now also
Wie immer scheint es, dass nicht das Programm oder sonst was der Fehler ist, sondern der Fehler zwischen Stuhl und Monitor sitzt . Hab die ganze Zeit die selbe andriod app verwendet und nicht die vom svn, weil ich net wusste das du immer ne neue baust. WoW crasht auch nicht mehr, zumindestens die letzten 3 stunden nicht! das einzige problem was ich habe: mein handy vibriert nicht bzw zeigt nicht an, dass ich ne nachricht erhalten habe: Ganz Links steht es zwar also [2] CHARname aber wenn ich draufdr?cke ist dort nichts. Senden von Nachrichten geht vom Handy aus. W?rde dir in so einem Fall auch ein Log helfen? hab grad neues update von htc geladen(6mb), werde berichten ob mein fehler behoben ist
Major problem here Thalord! My "home" page is filled with tons and tons of the same char name, with 1 or 2 sec appart it seems that it has created a new subpage for my toon. Had to dissable the plugin cause it kept spamming your website. Any idea what is causing this? Kind Regards -Reconos