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  • [PB] Skinning 1-525

    Discussion in 'ProfessionBuddy Profiles' started by Infernik, May 9, 2012.

    1. fallen182

      fallen182 New Member

      Oct 20, 2012
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      all he does is keep running around.. kill one or two mobs and run around..
    2. markuslars

      markuslars Member

      Apr 23, 2012
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      am i the only one who don?t have proffesionbuddy
    3. lynar

      lynar New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Starting to run this now, after i got convinced how he bought the skinning knife :p

      Rest asure i will write back tomorrow :)

      Thanks in advance!

      EDIT: Did not work :( He had flight to org at skilllevel 50.. and just stood there :(
      Last edited: Oct 30, 2012
    4. Manihack

      Manihack New Member

      Apr 8, 2012
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      not working at all...please fix your zip file
    5. TheJoker79

      TheJoker79 New Member Legendary

      Sep 30, 2012
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      after using win rar i could extract and test it .....

      I started at 1700 with 22 skinning skill and now its 2000 and i got 275 skill and it runs perfect and all afk btw.

      PS: thx 4 this profile, realy good work

      1 hour to skill 330!
      30 mins to 375!
      1 hour more and 456!
      ok 30 mins to 525 and it s done :)

      btw it was a 87er shadow prist
      Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
    6. Infernik

      Infernik Member

      Dec 23, 2010
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      Please guys attach your logs if you have an issue with the profile. Thanks.
    7. paaco1981

      paaco1981 New Member

      May 1, 2010
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      Running great so far 1-300 in 2hours 45mins on an 85 Pally. When I get 525 I'll update again.

      Thanks for taking the time to make this :)
    8. jessesullins

      jessesullins New Member

      Aug 9, 2011
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      when i try and run this profile, as soon as i open honorbuddy and hit login, it goes as far as "attached to wow id blah blah" then gets an error message saying it has to close, with options to send error report or not. then i deleted the profiles from the skinning i just downloaded, works fine. any ideas? i tried a fresh HB download
    9. dankdre

      dankdre Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Is it possible to make this profile farm a certain area for types of leather? instead of it going to where im at (490)

      can i make it goto the starting area to farm that leather?
    10. coxxx

      coxxx New Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      Hi , i dont have the proffesionbot in HB , and it dosent work on grindbot or any of the other bots ... How can i make this working i just really need it for skinning :confused:

      ...and do i have to travel to the zone where needs to skinn?
      Last edited: Nov 6, 2012
    11. MeleX

      MeleX New Member

      Oct 25, 2012
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      This! i need this profile to keep farming like... Knothide Leather for example. Rlly appreciate if someone show how to do it.

    12. Sylurtron

      Sylurtron New Member

      Nov 6, 2012
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      Hi, I don't seem to have this ProfessionBuddy folder that a few people have spoke about...can anyone help me set this up please as i'm having trouble loading it.
    13. MeleX

      MeleX New Member

      Oct 25, 2012
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      Just search the forum and download it. :)
    14. Sylurtron

      Sylurtron New Member

      Nov 6, 2012
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      Lol thats exactly what i have been doing..but im kind of a noob lol
    15. flyangler33

      flyangler33 New Member

      Apr 16, 2010
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      this profile makes me DC every 2 mins any ideas why? level 89 tauren monk
    16. tobinopowa

      tobinopowa New Member

      Nov 13, 2012
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      When i start the profile my hunter just dont move....
    17. Chesnut817

      Chesnut817 Member

      Nov 7, 2012
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      Running fine till i try and do the alliance 105-130 profile then this.

      Honorbuddy v2.5.6561.515 started.
      Logging in...
      Attached to WoW with ID 732
      New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      New bot added!: BGBuddy
      New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
      New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      New bot added!: Grind Bot
      New bot added!: Questing
      New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      New bot added!: PartyBot
      New bot added!: Combat Bot
      New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
      New bot added!: Raid Bot
      Honorbuddy v2.5.6561.515 started!
      Character is a level 87 Dwarf Shaman
      Current zone is Duskwood
      Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      [Sharp Exit] Sharp Exit @ Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 is starting.
      [Sharp Exit] Looking for a two-way chat plug-in for your smart phone? Please visit Sharp Messenger | Monitor your Honorbuddy toons via Google Talk. for the awesome plug-in Sharp Messenger.
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Item names.
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Items to Remove List
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Items to Sell List
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Items to Keep List
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Items to Open List
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Complete
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Item names.
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Items to Remove List
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Items to Sell List
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Items to Keep List
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Items to Open List
      [Mr.ItemRemover]:Loading Complete
      [Singular] Starting Singular v2.5.6561.515
      [Singular] Determining talent spec.
      [Singular] TalentManager - looks like a ShamanEnhancement
      [Singular] Current spec is Shaman Enhancement
      [Singular] Building method list
      [Singular] Initialization complete!
      Initialization complete.
      Changing current profile to 105-135 Meidum Leather-Alliance
      PB 1.521: Loading profile Skinning 1-525 [PB].xml
      PB 1.521: Preloading profile 1-50 Light Leather.xml
      PB 1.521: Adding TradeSkill Mining
      Starting the bot!
      Changing current profile to 105-135 Meidum Leather-Alliance
      PB 1.521: Checking for new version
      Changing current profile to 1-50 Light Leather-Alliance
      PB 1.521: Done Loading Tradeskills.
      PB 1.521: No updates found
      [Sharp Exit] Starting watch.
      [Singular] Your Level 87 Dwarf Enhancement Shaman Build is
      [Singular] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot 0m in Duskwood
      [Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
      Changing current profile to 50-105Meidum Leather-Alliance
      [UserSettings-v246(warning) @line 30]: Attribute 'LearnFlightPaths' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
      [UserSettings-v246(warning) @line 30]: Attribute 'TrainNewSkills' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      [Sharp Exit] Stopping watch.
    18. Jarrito66

      Jarrito66 New Member

      Nov 4, 2012
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      Here maybe i can help you all with a setup guide!


      Step 1: Install ProfessionBuddy!!! If you do not have it then download it from this site. (i believe its on the main page under botbases or something)
      -Also the instructions on how to do that are there just read and follow

      Step 2: Locate your ProfessionBuddy Profiles folder! After installing it in your HonorBuddy Bots folder, open up your PB(professionbuddy) folder. Inside you should see a folder ` called Profiles. Open this folder and leave it open!

      Step 3: Download this profile! The download is a zip file. After downloading it you need to open it with WinRar or 7zip. I use WinRar.

      Step 4: Extract the files! When you open the zip file you should see 2 objects called like "Skinning 1-525.xml" and a folder called Farming Profiles. You can either drag and
      drop these two files into your HonorBuddy>Bots>ProfessionBuddy>Profiles folder or you can extract them there using the Extract To option
      -You will need to use this method everytime you use a PB profile because PB does not load profiles like the other bots you are used to

      Step 5: Start you WoW. This ones pretty self explained (you must use the 32x(or maybe 64 i forgot but its in your WoW folder) version for HB) This is for all HB bots though

      Step 6: Log in.

      Step 7: Start HB! Not actually start but run the .exe and login

      Step 8: Select PB! This is located in the drop down menu at the top right

      Step 9: Load the profile! Like i said up above, PB does not load profiles like other bots. Forget the "Load Profile" button under the bot selection box. Go down to "Bot Config"
      (Bot Config will appear only if Enhanced Mode is checked) This is the PB Menu basically. Now you will see two boxes. The one on the left has 3 tabs. Make sure you
      have the "Profiles" tap selected. (This is where you can choose your profiles) Now select (Click) the "Skinning 1-525" profile. Then go down to the bottom and click
      "Load profile" Some text in the right column should now pop up.

      Step 10: PB Settings. Now in the right column there are 2 tabs. "Profile" and "Profile Settings". Select the settings one. Here you can choose your settings like to mail or sell.
      -If you want to keep the leather, Type in Mail where it says Sell and then enter your recipient above (I have my settings to Bind HS=No and Sell=Mail)
      -If you want to sell or auction the leather write in AH in the sell slot
      -To vendor, type Vendor there

      -This next section is very important! Exspecially if youre a noob
      Step 11: HB Settings: Now you can exit the PB Settings (I don't think you need to hit save). Now on your HB menu click "Settings and Tools" or whatever its called and here
      are all your HB options. Here you can choose which mount to use etc. In this menu the boxes that you should have checked are "Loot Mobs" and "Skin Mobs". Also I
      would turn your "Loot Radius" tab up to like 60-80. and your pull distance as well. You may also need to add your mail recipent name but im not sure if this is
      necessary or if the profile takes care of it. (I have mine filled in and it works but i think it trys to mail stuff twice) I would also make sure "Find Vendors Auto" is off

      Step 12: Start the Bot! Just click start. I started mine in SW, not sure if thats needed though. Also make sure you dont have two primary profs already. Otherwise theres no
      room for skinning the bot wont delete them

      Step 13: Watch the Bot! I would just watch the bot for a little bit to make sure everything is going smoothly. If there is a problem you could ask me if you want or the actual
      Profile Creator. If it does something like have trouble learning skinning then just help the bot out! Bots arent perfect but theyre convient

      Common Problems

      My bot is only killing not looting or skinning!
      -This is a problem due to the "Loot Mobs"/"Skin Mobs" checks. Try stopping the bot and then rechecking them! or increase the loot distance!

      My pet is killing them so i cant loot!
      -This is a problem with your CC(Custom Class), Not the profile. Try and go into your class config and unselect any pet attack/use pet/call pet options or turn pet to passive

      I cant install PB!
      -Go check the PB forums, That doesn't belong here

      The bot bought a skinning knife even though i already have one!
      -So what?! its like 89copper

      My Log
      I am running this profile on a 90 BeastMaster Hunter with Fpsware for hunter CC! I made sure to turn of my pet before starting
      -I started the profile in SW after already manually training skinning up to about like 74 i think.
      -I already had a skinning knife but the profile bought one anyways. I dont really care about that though.
      -After buying the skinning knife the profile headed straight for Westfall and started killing boars. At first it was only killing and not looting so i looked at my HB settings and made sure loot and skin were selected. They were but i was still having problems. I stopped HB and when back into the settings which were now unchecked so i checked them. Bot started looting and skinning mobs with ease.
      -After skinning the boars and some coyotes my toon headed back to SW even though I had over 70 slots of bag space remaining. I think it went to train probably but i wasnt watching it. It sold the whites and Green BoE's which i was happy about because i dont want those. Then it mailed the leather to my alt. Perfect!

      Update:So I've started this profile probably about 1 hour ago and so far skinning is at 240!

      Update: I have know been running the profile for about 6 hours. My skinning is know at 450. The leveling seemed to take much longer in Outlands and Northrend which is understandable. The only other problems ive had is the while in Scholazar Basin, my bags became nearly full. instead of rushing to town the bot just sat there saying that it couldnt find a mailbox. After manually deleting some greys the profile started back up again. The Bot has just left SW after hearthing there and emptying bags and learning new skill. On its way to Uldum the bot stopped with a message saying "I don't have a skinning knife in my bag, going to buy one." when in fact there was now 3 skinning knives in my bag. I restarted bot and problem solved.

      I will create a full log up until i hit 525!

      I want to thank you for making this profile it's awesome! It's worked better than any other profile I've used! If you have some other profiles i would love to check them out! plus a 525-600 one would be perfect!
      Last edited: Nov 24, 2012
    19. kyle345

      kyle345 New Member

      Oct 31, 2012
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      thank you very much :)
    20. EuGoldservice

      EuGoldservice New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      Not working for me with the latest patch.


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