Hi, Question: can someone tell me how to amend the .cs file to the effect of summoning a pet immediately if Demonic Rebirth aura is active ? Code: Summon pet IF !StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Demonic Rebirth") In a little more detail, my interest is currently survivability whilst questing/grinding through Northrend (71-78). That said, I've had a go at editing the CC myself, adding the code below. Any tips on the above or making the CC a little more survivable would be greatly appreciated. My character is decked out in mostly Heirloom gear, but struggling on a few grinding areas and I want to get to a point where I don't need to monitor so much if I switch from Quests to Grinding. Code: Spell.BuffSelf("Unending Resolve", ret => StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent < 25), Spell.BuffSelf("Harvest Life", ret => StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent < 50), Cheers!
hi thx alot for this profile im loving it so far, my question: is there any command i can use in a macro to force a spellcast when i like?
ok i gave it a shot at helping you out im not where i can test it to make sure im right with that said if i am right just copy the code i posted and put it in normal rotation might be best to put it just before the CC goes into meta . Code: new Decorator(ret => StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent < 25, Spell.Cast("Unending Resolve")), new Decorator(ret => StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent < 50, Spell.Cast("Harvest Life")),
The problem with the endlessly healthstone casts seems to be a language problem. When I use my german client, I have this problem too, but after I changed the language to english, everything worked fine.
11/4/2012 - 1:40PM - Complete Re-Write in preparation for other specializations. - Removed Meta Usage temporarily. Major DPS improvement again, ensure Threatening Presence is OFF for Dungeons and ON for Questing.
I was having issues with .510.. pretty sure it messed some things up. Just fyi, pretty sure this is the right log edit: I reinstalled the profile and it worked fine. Had to unglyph hand of gul'dan, but that is perfectly fine. Edit*: After testing, I believe it runs smoothly besides metamorphosis.- if you click over to it manually it spams corruption.
Smarter, great job on this so far. Is affliction for raiding/PVP something you are considering doing? If so that would be awesome!
Holy shit the newest version of this is amazing in PVE, i havent tested in pvp but WOW dude great job!
Hah, thanks. Download latest version, Meta has been disabled till an issue can be resolved. HoG works fine now.
I have updated this to the SpellID of Healthstone so non-english clients won't have this issue, watch for next release.
1 second after every dismount the pet is not available in this time it cast call pet and brake the cast after 1 second when the pet comes... can u fix it please? i hope u understand, my english is not so good
No, I cannot. It isn't an issue really either way, it only does it for a second. This is due to a non-instant update of the Pet's State, nothing I can do to fix it if I wanted to.