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  • [A1 - A3 Inferno] Keywarden Hunt (Randomized)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Magi, Oct 21, 2012.

    1. in2fun

      in2fun New Member

      Sep 23, 2010
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      Ran over night no problems that can see.

      Using DB 70 beta, Keyhunt 2.0.2 beta, Giles unity with 2 extra numbers added for ignore mobs.
      Lvl 60 paragon 48 Monk using Monk cannon build.
      On MP 2
      Had plenty of act 3 keys from farming champs so just did act1 and act2 key runs.

      Got 4 keys eash using this profile/addon.

      Total tracking time: 10h 16m 30s
      Total deaths: 54 [5.26 per hour]
      Total items dropped: 5116 [497.9 per hour]
      - Rare: 788 [76.69 per hour] {15.4 %} (Picked up - Rare: 458 [44.57 per hour] {82.52 %})
      - Legendary: 5 [0.49 per hour] {0.1 %} (picked up all)

      Worked very good for me.
      On the giles topic, should use yours or unity is better? Or what can change in unity to make like yours.
    2. sperma6902

      sperma6902 New Member

      Oct 15, 2012
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      hey magi i have long time to use your plugin cause i got 30 keys and i run act 3 champ runs.now i try again and i see that bot after dies tp at base and do the profile from start like old days.is this how it suppose to be?
      Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
    3. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Thank you, glad to hear! Works well for my monk too. For my profile, I would use mine at the moment. Unity really only seems to address some WW barb and WD issues, nothing for monk. I guess it improves molten dodge too. It does add some new features like an email option as well as the add-on described a few posts above (displays info about stashed items it appears).

      I'm going to check out the unity version tonight, and throw my edits in and see how I like the new add ons (really only the identify, don't need to be emailed every time it finds a legend). Will report back.

      No, it shouldn't TP back to town when you die, can you post a log at all?
    4. DodgeThis

      DodgeThis New Member

      Nov 6, 2012
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      Well, actually now that you mention it I cant seem to find (and then enable) the KeyRun plugin. Its located in the correct pluginfolder but its not showing up in DB.

      Im using Errorclicker, Buddystats, Radsatom and Gilestrinity. Disabling them doesnt seem to fix the problem. Im not using my standalone relogger atm, so that can't be the problem. I'm eager to test out the BETA-version as it seems like people is having good experiences with it so far. Did it help and you got any idea what to do?


      Fixed the problem. Seems like the plugins I had in my standalone relogger-folder caused a conflict. I didnt have the "KeyRun" in my reloggers' plugin-folder and thereby, for some reason, didnt show up in DB. Having "KeyRun" in both the normal DB plugin-folder and the relogger-folder made it show up in DB, but caused a error and load the profile. The fix was to completely remove the standalone relogger with its pluginfolder and only have the "original" DB-plugin-folder left with plugins. Its running right now, and it looks GREAT - thanks Magi.
      Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
    5. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Excellent, thank you for the follow up!

      I know a few pages back someone fixed the relogger issue. Basically, you just have to create a new file to start the whole profile on that doesn't initially use trinity or keyrun, here is an example:

      	<Name>[A1 - A3 Inferno] Keyhunting - Choose an Act</Name>
      	<GameParams quest="72801" step="36" act="A1" difficulty="Inferno" resumeFromSave="False" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1"  />
      		<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
      		<!-- Load the original trinity file -->
                      <LoadProfile profile="A1-A3_START_HERE.xml" />
      Just rename it something else like A1-A3_START_FOR-RELOGGERS.xml

      This way it gives some times for Trinity and KeyRun to initialize. At least that fixed someone's issue with his relogger anyway :)
    6. redpill

      redpill New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I have the log file, but I am not quite sure how to submit it. It is pretty long (4860 KB) because I was at work and couldn't stop it when it got stuck.

      Here's the link. 5744 2012-11-09 07.36.txt
    7. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      OK I'll take a look.

      This shouldn't happen on the latest version v2 BETA unless it loaded a completely different act other than any of the A2 profiles. All of the A2 profiles on my latest version have the Caldeum walk to path as some reloggers were starting a new game with a middle Act2 profile (Mine, Alcarnus, Winds, Plateau, Oasis).
    8. redpill

      redpill New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I'm using the v2 BETA with only the plugins included in the .zip and buddystats. I thought it might be the buddystats, but I don't check it that often and it was getting stuck before I added buddystats.
    9. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Think it might be buddy stats, here is where your problem starts:

      [14:12:00.544 N] No more space to pickup a 2-slot item, town-run requested at next free moment.
      [14:12:06.930 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [14:12:26.314 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Stash routine started.
      [14:12:28.656 D] Parsing parent type table: 167097204
      [14:12:28.673 D] Parsing parent type table: 327230447
      [14:12:28.679 D] Parsing parent type table: -1079338204
      [14:12:28.689 D] Parsing parent type table: 167097204
      [14:12:28.695 D] Parsing parent type table: -1079338204
      [14:12:28.701 D] Parsing parent type table: 167097204
      [14:12:29.235 D] Moving item args: <itemId:2018050189, ownerId:2016477301, InventorySlot:PlayerSharedStash, column:5, row:1>
      [14:12:29.509 D] Moving item args: <itemId:2018246800, ownerId:2016477301, InventorySlot:PlayerSharedStash, column:5, row:0>
      [14:26:40.215 N] [BuddyStats]:  Profile request from BuddyStats received! Sending profile list...
      [14:27:15.755 N] Inactivity timer tripped! Leaving game
      [14:27:15.755 N] Leaving game
      You made a townrun, and then the inactivity timer tripped. Exited Game, loaded previous profile which was Alcarnus, and then tried to finish your town sell routine. Unfortunately you weren't in town so it was kept trying to move to sell but it couldn't. Try disabling buddy stats and see what happens. Not sure why your inactivity timer tripped when doing a sell routine.

      However, your log did show me one thing wrong with my Stonefort profile. You got perma stuck after dying near the end of Stonefort. I fixed it on my end. Will include in next update so that is good! Thank you!
      Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
    10. marko001

      marko001 Member

      Jan 20, 2010
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      I noticed that after a successfull Keywarden kill, it loads the town-run profile to check keys in stash.
      Then it logs-out without closing stash. This (more than often) doesn't allow to correctly logging out.
      So DB thinks you are on main D3 screen and after X seconds tries to join the proper profile but you are STILL in game with stash and inventory open.
      So error message,
      [10:23:28.545 N] Closing error dialog
      and after X seconds again it tries to reload profile.

      This, sometimes, leads to stuck, and often I got D3 on main menu and DB paused.

      I think solution would be (noone is in hurry right now...no more Sarkoth speeds...) delay a bit the logout after keycheck (closing stash and inventory) and restart.

      Cya mate,

    11. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Interesting, I haven't encountered this at all myself. Are you running multiple instances of the game?

      There is a 3 second delay before it attempts to restart the next game after it makes the "leave game" call. Sounds like you might need more than 3 seconds before it attempts to load another game.
    12. Cyclone9

      Cyclone9 New Member

      Nov 1, 2012
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      Hey magi, any chance you want to use the Unified GilesPlugin's v0.3? It is stable and improves ww barb's performance making me able to farm higher mp lvls. Just put your modifications in that version and post here.
    13. talaras

      talaras New Member

      Nov 10, 2012
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      What is a good monk spec for this? i have decent gear, but im not sure what skills to use.

      Same thing with a DH? What is your particular Trinity using for skills on a DH?

      Lastly, What MP level is optimal for this particular script? Thanks guys!
    14. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      You bet...actually I am running the unified version now with the latest release of DB that I got earlier today. Just wanted to test it all out before posting. Will post in a bit. Working great!

      I'm generally using MP2 now because I don't need any more keys, more for XP. But when hunting for keys, I do MP4. I don't personally have a DH, but here is my monk spec:

      Breath of Heaven - Blazing Wrath
      Serenity - Ascension
      Blinding Flash - Faith in the Light
      Mantra of Healing - Time of Need (I'll do conviction on lower MP levels, but need the extra tank with the bot on MP4)
      Fists of Thunder - Thunderclap
      Sweeping Wind - Cyclone

      One with Everything - Seize the Initiative - Resolve

      If you find you're dying a lot, put a shield on. I'll run MP4 with a shield usually for the extra tank. I don't lose a ton of DPS either since I my shield has a large amount of crit chance & decent dex. You can gain a ton of resists with it and the extra 1000+ armor and block chance really helps.

      Find a 3% lifesteal weapon with socket and crit damage and you're good to go. Always chip a little dps out for the extra resists when botting. Will help tremendously. If you can run MP2 a lot, you'll end up finding good eq eventually. I've been lucky to find a full Inna set which I'm now wearing. Not really necessary, but makes me feel like a cool Monk. If you can find a good Inna radiance and Temperance, that is all you really need to get that 130dex boost. Having any more pieces isn't really necessary.

      Key to botting effectively is reducing your deaths. Try not to die anymore than 1-2x a run if you can help it since it tremendously slows things down on certain maps. Better to drop 5k dps and gain 150-200 resist.
    15. Mungam

      Mungam New Member

      Nov 10, 2012
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      you should definitely try mantra of evasion - backlash sometime magi, it works really well with dexterity since monks are naturally evasive, and dexterity adds to the backlash damage... and heck, when you dodge with a life steal weapon, the fire nova returns life and becomes the super hidden stat of 'Life on Dodge' !
    16. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Yes I've used it before, it works quite well. I guess I never bothered to change it since I tackle ubers with another monk who usually runs with that and we both share the evasion/healing.

      The one nice thing about the Time of Need rune is the extra resist (that's really the only reason I use it) since that seems to be the biggest pain for the bot. Not the best at evading AoE and unfortunately dodge does ZERO for us in that regard. Plus the amount of damage my monk does the resist helps with reflect which can be quite painful at MP4-5. I do have a ton more dex now with my Inna set so perhaps I'll give that a whirl. Just stumbled upon a Maximus so now I've got my enchantress wielding a demon which is cool.

      I used evade and conviction for the longest time until they nerfed the monk in 1.0.5. I basically only manually fight when doing ubers and I need as much tank as possible since I seem to be the only one reviving my buddies hahaha.

      In the process of leveling up a barb. Been finding Immortal King stuff and felt it was time for the ultimate faceroller.
      Last edited: Nov 10, 2012
    17. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      v2.1 Uploaded. Minor stuff here. INCLUDES unified trinity v0.3 which has some improvements for WW barbs as well as a few other things by forum contributors. Thanks to those for their hard work. I've omitted additional item handler add-ons as some users suggested as their might be some key pick up conflicts. Will require further testing before I decide to include that.

      As a sidenote, I've been starting some Uber Organ profile work. Currently, Trinity does not handle fighting ubers properly. Tried some quick fixes but no luck. Hopefully Giles will return and address what is going on here. In the meantime, I will setup a separate profile that will require using the default combat routine once it's completed.

      The hope is to eventually combine this to one Hellfire run. Get keys, build 3 machines, kill some ubers, rinse and repeat. Couple roadblocks there like crafting machines and Trinity, but I'm hopefully this will be fixed in the near future.
    18. niclas90

      niclas90 New Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      Awesome profile! Had it running for ~6 hours on MP3 and got 2 act 1 keys, 4 act 2 keys and 3 act 3 keys. And also 6 legendary drops ;)
    19. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Sweet! On a new note, I fixed trinity and the Uber Bosses :)

      That should make a few people happy.
    20. talaras

      talaras New Member

      Nov 10, 2012
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      Thank you very much for all this insight. With it, I am now up to farming MP 4 for keys! Thanks a ton!

      On that note, do any of you guys who are using Magi's awesome script and are using DH's have any advice for spec and gear? Thanks!

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