For those not able to find the .exe You probably downloaded the first link. thats for developers. Use the 2th trunk link. edit: Ill see if i can increase the loading time my self since its open source Ill upload it here if i can get it work or let HighVoltz upload it Since credits go to him.
Hey, I'm having the same issue and I'm using Kick's 1-90 profile pack, [N] 86-87 Valley of the four winds atm. I do not use any plugins. And by the way everything worked fine both on 507 and 56 beta. Problems started with the most recent update.
Ok I downloaded hbrelog from 2nd link and unchecked "check hb's responsiveness" just in case, everything works properly now.
HB stuck on "Connection..." when started by HBRelog; loads perfectly when started manually. Problems persists since .513
9:10:07 PM] mining/herb: Closing Honorbuddy because it took too long to attach [9:10:07 PM] mining/herb: Attempting to close Honorbuddy [9:10:09 PM] mining/herb: Successfully closed Honorbuddy Why wont it start if i pause it when it starts honorbuddy and it just sits at logging in for the longest time even if i pause it but when i open honorbuddy manually it works.
Is there a problem with detecting the Realm Status? My realm was down, but it kept trying to connect even though I enabled 'Check for Realm Status' in HBRelog. Please let me know, thanks Log is attached.
How to set to use mixed mode (grind bot & dungeonbot) by HBRelog? p.s. and yes realm status don't check correct at my (russian) realms too.
Not working with HB beta v2.5.6519.513 Manually starting HB works great but using HBRelog with it, it is stuck at logging in and just keep restarting HB after it doesnt login for a while.
Hay mel u can set it up to do 2 differnt codes make 2 folders put a HB shortcut in each folder and set the hbrelog track to the different folders hb will save a code to each folder shortcut thos should fix the problem
I got the opposite problem, I had two bots running to night, one of them kept on going after the restart, but one got stuck on "waiting for the realm to back online"
I start HBRelog and have set it properly (I think) and it will open wow and then just stop. Any advice? ------------Here's a copy of my Log--------------- [9:18:23 AM] HBRelog Version [9:18:23 AM] Preist: ********* Tasks *********** [9:18:23 AM] Preist: Start profile: Preist [9:18:23 AM] Preist: Logon [9:18:23 AM] Preist: ********* End of Task list *********** [9:18:23 AM] Preist: starting C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe [9:18:23 AM] Preist: Installing Endscene hook
auto shut down and restarts my problem is i open hb relog and makes it start and it workes fine a short while.... because it just shuts down wow and HB abd then just re starts it and this happens each 5 min or somting and then closing HB it spends a long tile w8ing for: Max Sessions Authentication failed! Logging in... to end and it makes it hard 4 me to be productive when farming then my bot spends moste of it time starting up the bot and closing it. log: View attachment Log[2012-11-11_04-58-54].zip
yea the problem isnt Max Sessions Authentication failed! Logging in... the problem is the HBRelog is closing down both the bot and wow each 5 min and starts it up again ald thats the way it goes for the entier time im using HBRelog.
It does not seem to be able to handle queues, hbrelog seems to believe that wow has frozen and restarts it instead of waiting for the queue.