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  • Singular Mage Revamped. (FROST)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by mz0flick, Oct 4, 2012.

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    1. bi0hazard

      bi0hazard New Member

      Nov 7, 2012
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      Later on i will update the file with the function of Time Warp and Alter Time ;)

      If you used already "my" profile let me know what you think about it and if you like the results.
    2. LionL

      LionL New Member

      Oct 11, 2012
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      Bg thanks m8 :) Actualy seems like a player is playing :D Big up
    3. combatstang

      combatstang New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      sweet man the mage armor buff alone is so sweet.
    4. JackDuck

      JackDuck New Member

      Nov 10, 2012
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      why are the files CSS and not XML? ;s
    5. bi0hazard

      bi0hazard New Member

      Nov 7, 2012
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      Don't know mate i just edit the files like they was here already.
    6. bi0hazard

      bi0hazard New Member

      Nov 7, 2012
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      I updated my file with new features:

      UPDATES V2

      - Time Warp mechanic changed: Time Warp it will only triger when there is 2 or more enemy's.
      - Now uses Alter Time: When you pop up your offensive cooldowns it will triger Alter Time, extra Fingers of Frost / More Uptime in Icy Veins, etc..
      - Now uses Counterspell: Only when your target goes bellow 30%HP, this is a plus when you are killing Healers/Casters or even a DK (ignore the other class's)
      - Now uses Spellsteal:*

    7. xifter

      xifter New Member

      Oct 11, 2011
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      Your version of this cc is the best I have ever seen hands down. Much props man! Can't wait for any more tweaks either... this thing is already amazing with what you have done so far. Thanks to the OP and to bi0hazard for their contributions.
    8. laria

      laria Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      AW: Singular Mage Revamped. (FROST)

      Be sure to checkout mainline Singular with the next hb Release and comment on any shortcomings in the Singular topic with a log.
      Doing your oen fixes is ok, but if we have to search for any edits across the board we loosr time ;)
      Logfiles when reporting shortcomings are also appreciated :)
    9. mz0flick

      mz0flick New Member

      Jan 3, 2012
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      Thanks to bi0hazard for his update on this profile, it seems people really like his changes and I will bring some of them into the main profile with a little tweaks to them.

      @bi0hazard & future updates for the original profile;
      Your work on the profile is great, however counterspell @ 30% or lower might still not be a caster and therefore doesn't secure a kill. This profile bursts targets quite quickly on its own, so stopping ANYTHING at all coming out of the target is in my opinion the best idea rather than having it cs @30%. So in the updated version if you're looking into it when its getting released you can see how I made it CS on a cast that's interruptable, might help you with future coding.
      For Alter time, popping cds is something he does when he first fights a target, so popping alter time directly won't actually give him the maximum damage as he might not have every finger of frost/brain freeze proc available in alter time and might loose some if he exits alter time pre-frost bomb proc. A change I'm adding to this is to use alter time when he got both fingers of frost procs & brain freeze and then use those instantly and cancel altertime when those are gone. This will ensure he's using all procs for maximum damage.

      Mage armor is in my opinion worse than Frost. Simply because your target needs to be frozen for the mastery to matter. Having the 5% haste gives frost bomb a lower cd, and you cast more quickly and might help you dodge a CS in-cast. This is just my opinion.
      Spellsteal is something I'm considering if I should really add or not. Ofcourse there is some spells you would like to spellsteal but with the upcoming patch increasing spellsteals mana cost drastically I just don't see how its going to help the profile out having alot of spells in that "spellsteal list".
      Time Warp is being added, only considering how many people should be around you for it to use it, and I'm thinking of making it for BGs/solo only. Having it use on 2-3 or more enemy's in dungeons will make people mad for using TW on trash. For solo I'm still considering whether I should go for 3 or 4 enemys.

      RoF is something I currently have no idea how to add, as it has alot of factors in it to make it worthwhile adding. It needs to have a factor to make it cast on ground something I still haven't figured out how to do, and it needs to cast it so people actually get trapped in it. It should be used as a defensive cd on yourself, but then again it won't matter if you cast it on the ground below you if a target is allready on you, and blink is off cd as the bpt won't walk out of the ring.
      Last edited: Nov 11, 2012
    10. mz0flick

      mz0flick New Member

      Jan 3, 2012
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      These files are CS instead of XML because they are routines, not profiles. Profiles are for example; grinding profiles, questing profiles etc. Routines is how your bot behaves with each type of class.
      Hope I explained it in an understandable way.
    11. lrc2359

      lrc2359 New Member

      Aug 1, 2012
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      is there anyway u can add pet's freeze and Frozen Orb in the rotation correctly? cuz some times it won't cast freeze in the rotation. Btw, is Icy Veins, Mirror Image, and Alter Time in the rotation? In ur update notes, u said Incanter's ward is added, but whenever i was doing LFR, it never casted.
    12. bi0hazard

      bi0hazard New Member

      Nov 7, 2012
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      No worries mate i was just trying to make some tweaks into your profile^^ like i said earlier i'm really new to this so my knowledge at coding is low so i'm just editing yours.

      Yeah my idea in previous updates was to CS only certain class's em certain spell's with that factor @30%HP included, but i'm still trying to figure out, so i will wait for you future update and check the code you put into it to understand way more :)

      That what i wanted to do with Alter Time but again i didn't know how to code with those conditions and was something i was working on for future update also. Another thing i was trying to do is use Alter Time as a Defensive cooldown when you are @X% HP (to increase our survivability) but there was a problem with the coding i was using when i was @X%HP he used the spell correctly but since he was always at that X%HP he used again making the Alter Time cancel by itself, so my idea was to put a condition to only cancel Alter Time after 6 seconds because it's the time we need to him to go again to the same spot he was. But the code for this i really tried to search in your profile but i didn't found nothing to create that certain condition, in your future update if you look to Alter Time with a Defensive CD it would bring us less times we die ;)

      I understand your idea and i was think in the same way, but sometimes with the Mage Armor on when your target it's in a deep freeze your burst him down really quick. This also depends on the haste your character have. If you have a good amount of haste already you should use Mage Armor otherwise Frost Armor.

      Yeah on the next patch i'm not sure if it's viable to use the spellsteal also at least bot in all those spells i added, but the most important ones like Hand of Protection and such should be viable.

      The Time Warp code i added is only using in BG'S atm like the way you said only when there is 2 or more enemy's. Didn't add to dungeons because what you said too, ppl probably would go nuts lol for dungeons my idea and that could be wrong it was to add a condition to use only if you are fighting a boss.

      My idea in RoF is like use when our pet use Pet Freeze and use RoF right away in TOP of Pet Freeze, this is will force the target's either way trinket the Pet Freeze or otherwise they will get a full Ring. I messed around with the code to try to make this happen but no matter what i do when the Pet Freeze the bot keep trying to cast Ring of Frost but doesn't cast at all and in the honorbuddy it says he is really casting RoF but somehow he doesn't.. Another idea for RoF is like use it on top of you when there is enemies like 10/15yards close to you just to prevent they charge you right and force them to stay away from you 8seconds.

      I hope you understand more the tweaks also i wanted to implement ;)

      And again mate I don't want to be disrespectful with you so let me know if in any way you want me to delete the files.
    13. combatstang

      combatstang New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      Mage armor is absolutly better. Frost mages kill things when frozen. That is all that matters, the HUGE amount of mastery that mage armor gives should never be in question. No glad mage uses haste in reforging / enchants and especially there armor.
    14. LionL

      LionL New Member

      Oct 11, 2012
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      Watchmeblink does ;)
    15. stankopalluza

      stankopalluza New Member

      Oct 19, 2012
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      Bio, the routine seems to bug out sometimes and try to spam my wand and not cast anything until frost bomb comes back off cooldown. Wastes a lot of fingers of frost procs and frost bomb procs too doing who knows what. Is there anyway to prioritize FoF procsto be ice lance spammed before doing anything else so they aren't wasted? Like using the fb and FoF procs before casting another frost bomb, even if it's on cd? Because sometimes with deep freeze and the kite script blinking away and blowing globals, it just nevers uses em.
    16. Claesson2378

      Claesson2378 New Member

      Jan 31, 2011
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      Lovley cc! Really good work. Thx
    17. demonbuddymeh

      demonbuddymeh New Member

      Jul 14, 2012
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      how do i stop this CC from blinking? I prefer to do that myself.

      edit: also, how to stop it from using deep freeze on bosses?
      Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
    18. Alucardtnuoc

      Alucardtnuoc New Member

      Oct 20, 2012
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      I have this issue too, often which ever CC i use it will auto attack and weave a few wand hits in which sucks.
    19. wowlich

      wowlich New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      Hi, I used this cc a bit last night before bed. It seems to be working about 1000% better than the default singular cc. Thank you very much for taking the time to make this.

      I have a suggestion for the list of spells to be stolen during pvp. A ret pally will destroy your mage if he has hand of freedom up, and your ability to deep freeze any pally goes down considerably as well. Any chance you can add hand of freedom to the list of spells to be stolen?
    20. wowlich

      wowlich New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      This Morning's update seems to have broken use of frost bomb somehow.
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