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  • [A1 Inferno] Uber Startup

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Magi, Oct 23, 2012.

    1. fuimusbruce

      fuimusbruce New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      anxiously awaiting your profile to fight ubers. If you need a beta tester let me know.
    2. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      will do! Got a bit of logic to code up...already wrote the profiles for the actual fight, it's the pre-fight that needs to be finished up. Will post here when a pre-test is ready!
    3. bombastic

      bombastic New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      221225 is the SNO for arcane laser, not maghda's minions :rolleyes:

      Correct SNO:
                  // Uber Maghda pets: they must be killed first!
      			{219702, 50000},
    4. Tinnvec

      Tinnvec Member

      Sep 29, 2012
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      My bad heh, I thought I had the right one, but I didn't' have them labeled well
    5. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      got it, thanks for the clear up.
    6. ksmaze

      ksmaze Member

      Sep 4, 2012
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      which build do you use for fighting uber boss?
      I find WW build is useless to fight kuller....
    7. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      My monk performed well. I haven't tested high MP levels yet so we'll see. Just MP1 for testing which was a joke. I don't think I'll have much trouble at MP3...MP4 might be too much.

      I've been tinkering with priorities because if you set both ubers to "bosses" in trinity, it tends to just go after the first one it chooses and ignores the priority level I set. In the case of Zolton and Siege...it always goes after Siege first, and Zolton warps out a lot so it would basically just fight Siege until I killed him. Once it locks in on a boss, I don't think it ever locks out until he drops off the Alist.

      So, I had to remove siege from the boss SNO list, which made sure Zolton was top priority and that worked even with his priority level higher. Also noticed Trinity had nothing set for avoiding Zolton's twisters or time warp bubbles. Had to put that in as well (that may be part of the reason you had troubles)

      The stock trinity and unified v.35 don't have those put in...I posted to that thread with the code needed to avoid both, hopefully it makes it's way in there. That definitely made it a lot easier to fight them :)
    8. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Also, get yourself a Maximus and give it to your follower. Holy crap does that help lol. Kept Siegebreaker occupied while I whooped zoltons ass.
    9. Aerroneous_K

      Aerroneous_K New Member

      Sep 26, 2012
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      Yeah, Monk with Thunderclap seems to be the best option for Kulle.

      My problem with Infernal Machine is how they nerfed the hellfire proc, so I haven't even made a single ring, since I don't need the exp bonus.
    10. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Yeah the proc is useless (except for leveling where it still procs at 25k even at normal...makes 1-60 runs real quick, and good for paragon of course)

      You do have the potential to roll a good ring, but will take a lot of rolls likely. My first roll I managed to get a high fire resist (which is my Monk's focus for owe), as well as 30%+ crit damage increase, and decent Dex. A good first roll for sure. They definitely should change the proc to be based on your dps though.

      The 25k proc is useless in Inferno, and plain ridiculous in Normal/Nightmare since it one shots everything (fun, but two complete opposite sides of the spectrum). I basically do it because I'm bored. It's the last challenge left for me pretty much.
    11. fuimusbruce

      fuimusbruce New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Magi, when you have the full uber fighting profile finished, are you going to use this thread or start a whole new one? If a new one, can I suggest putting links in your signature to the different threads you are maintaining to make it easy to find them?
    12. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Yes I'll probably post it in here for now...and I've been meaning to put links in my signature, thanks for the reminder. Will do that now.
    13. fuimusbruce

      fuimusbruce New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      BTW its taking all my super powers to keep from bugging you non stop to see if it is finished lmao. I am so excited to try out your work. As it is I check this thread constantly, even when I havent gotten an email notification that there has been a new post :p
    14. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      haha it's almost there for a first round anyway. Crafting infernal machines will take some figuring out but I've got most of the logic complete for using the machine, interacting with the random portal generation and keeping track of which ubers you killed. Just need to finish writing the machine check and moving all available machines to your inventory. Then do a final run through. Hopefully finish this up today for first round.

      I want this to be as smart as it can right out of the box. I'll work on keeping track of NV5 time and killing an additional elite for NV5 reset in Round 2, and with any luck craft an infernal machine as the pi?ce de r?sistance.
    15. fuimusbruce

      fuimusbruce New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      heck, even a version that omits the creating of the machines and moving them to your pack to begin with would be cool. Im sure most of us would be happy to do that part ourselves until you get it worked out. But yeah I love your whole concept. Will make the whole process so much easier.

      The big thing is being able to bot the ubers. We just dont have anything that will do that right now, so what you are doing is great.

      I recently hobbled together a whimsy profile using several different profiles and merging coding from two different whimsy profiles. (mostly edited coding and hobbled together coding that others wrote. not a coder myself) I was surprised no one else had done this yet. Just like I am surprised you are the first one to put together something for this.

      I really appreciate it
    16. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      I think partially because Trinity couldn't properly fight Ghom/Rak so some profile devs were waiting on that. I felt inclined to try and fix it since I figured no one else was either interested to or didn't know how. Didn't take long to figure out, more just a tedious inspection process. The second issue is you can't use a machine to open a portal with any profile tags from DB/Trinity at the moment, so it requires a plugin to do so. I figure since I have to go through that much trouble, mine as well do some machine checks so when you're up to 40 machines like me, I can let it cycle through a few hours and maybe score a couple organs :)

      Also gotta set some kind of rule to tell the bot what to do when you run out of machines. Do you just stop the bot...sure you can (or else it will cycle for hours, not good). Might be cool if you can just provide it a secondary profile to run once out of machines for the interim (like go back and start collecting keys :)

      The small things like that will make a big difference. In any case, it's almost there. I can taste it!
    17. fuimusbruce

      fuimusbruce New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Yes, I agree it is going to be a great plugin/profile bundle
    18. Aerroneous_K

      Aerroneous_K New Member

      Sep 26, 2012
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      Yeah I can see that. I don't see myself leveling new chars, any time soon, but making a catchall vit-hellfire ring for powerleveling would make perfect sense. :)
    19. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      OK profile is pretty much ready for some alpha testing. I ran it through MP3 on my monk and had no problems whacking the ubers on the first try. Will attempt MP4 tomorrow.

      If you want to use these files, READ ALL OF THIS BELOW!

      This is not an official release yet as I have a few things to finish up, but if any of you are curious as to how your char will perform, give it a whirl. Only do this while monitoring your bot. Once you run out of machines, it will keep looping the profile right now. You also have to craft infernal machines on your own at this point. So craft a few (or a bunch), just make sure you have enough to do all 3 ubers...if you only have 2 and try to run it from the beginning, it will likely get stuck in heretic's abode or just reset itself once it uses all the machines up.

      I had some built in handling to stop the bot if you had less than 3, but of course if you raise all 3 portals and happen to die on the last uber set, it'd think you didn't have enough machines and quit...so for now I disabled it until I fix it tomorrow.

      The bot will always check your stash after each Uber kill (and right before attempting the first uber) and move machines if necessary from your stash to backpack. This is because a town run in the middle of killing ubers is possible/likely and will end up stashing your infernal keys. It's a quick check so not a big deal, and sure beats forcing you to put the machines in a protected slot.


      It's based off unified version v.35 at the moment (I will update to latest eventually, but I need them to put my Uber stuff in their version when I'm done)

      It is required to use this trinity file because Trinity has no detection for Ghom's gas clouds or Zolton's Time Bubble/Twisters. If you want to die quick, don't use my file :)
      I plan on putting in some AoE sliders for Ghom's gas clouds...for now I set it to 0.55 health before it attempts to get out. Sorry if that doesn't work for you initially, you'll get your slider soon enough for your class. I also had to mess with Priorities and Boss assignments. Trinity isn't sure what to do with two bosses. I removed Siegebreaker as a boss because it would constantly go after him first. Your char will still go after him first, but should make his way over to Zolton quickly.

      I do need to set some kill radius numbers for these guys because I think unified version reduced radius of elites from 60 to 30...and Zolton especially tends to warp out past 30 frequently. So you may find yourself jumping back and forth. I will get this fixed so it focuses on Zolton as much as possible. The others seemed to work decent for me, though i will probably have to do the same thing. I will refine tomorrow so it fights better.

      Again, this is an alpha test. See what your bot can do against the ubers. I'm pretty confident I can beat them on MP4 as is. With some further combat tweaking, who knows. MP5 maybe. I typically bot at MP4 so I would say whatever you bot at, you should be able to do the ubers too assuming you don't die frequently at your MP level (I don't at MP4)

      Look for an official BETA release tomorrow. It won't craft machines, but should be afk-able after you've created your machines.

      Oh, and I haven't had an organ drop yet and it might not pick one up :) I added an organ internal name and made it appear like a Key for now...but there may be more than one name (key's have 2 names, I imagine something similar might be for organs). If you get lucky and have an organ drop, please let me know if it picks up. If it doesn't please pause the bot, dump the RActors, and let me know what it says so I can get it into Trinity. Best of luck!

      Attached Files:

    20. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      FYI, just did a run at MP4. No deaths, snatched up *2*....yes *2* organs in one run :)

      And it did pick them up...sweeeet! I also fixed a few things which I'll post in next revision. Off to bed.

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