At the bottom of the main page on the forum there is a section called "Most popular Members" and that list starts with the people you'd expect...Bossland, Tony, Hawker but then is lightingthunder (before ski, fpsware etc). Now no offence to lightingthunder but what ?? Ski, Mordd and Fpsware have done *loads* for the forum yet they are apparently less popular than lightingthunder who's been here for less than a month. What criteria actually defines that list ?
I'm sorry but who cares? We all know thosewho actually do something for the community instead of spamming, its not a list thats gonna define it
Im really not having a go at LT. I'm genuinely curious as to what makes somebody "popular" ? It's not based on rep, already checked that. Nobody cares - just wasting time until next beta arrives
What do you care ? Are you jealous or what ? Seriously.. Why would you care about this list anyways..
Just annoyed by how childish some people react, its not like your swearing and saying "OMG the list matturzz so much i wanna know what it is so i can raizzz !!!" your just curious like me as in what it means and how its determined as its a list, and its there
Im curious because on a forum i'd define somebody's reputation as how "popular" they are. This list though is not based on what's it based on ? The only reason i mention lightingthunder is because he's quite high on it which is surprising given his membership length. Anyway, sorry if anyone took it the wrong way, I was bored and curious. (although to be honest i think some people sit on these forums waiting for a random thread like this one and then rip into the poster, it's the same people every time).
Its based on profile clicks and its since i installed vB4 there, and as you can see i have a lot of profile clicks which lead to PMs
Yea... i honestly got a little annoyed when i noticed it a while back =p But oh well.. we all know why people click on his name
Lmao I'm glad you said it. I think it should say "Most popular members or in some cases, most irritating members"