Still struggeling with getting D3 installed on my virtual machine with the windows 7 version suggested in OP. It just won't go past the "updating setup files", does not matter if I try to install it from scratch using installer from or if i copy the game client from my host to the virtual machine, still just get stuck on "Updating setup files". Tried the -launch thing and it did not help. How much more performance will it take if I use a standard version of windows instead of the one suggested by OP? Edit: Shared my hosts D3 folder, but still the same thing. Running out of ideas! Edit 2: It seems the version of win7 lite I downloaded was corrupt in some way, picked another win 7 iso and everything is working fine!
Can someone please help? I'm 90% complete but can't figure out the last part of this setup. So far I've: installed a copy of diablo 3 for my bot created a vmworkstation (and did all the tweaks up to step 7 in the first post) shared the diablo 3 folder for my bot in my z drive copied demonbuddy to my vmware workstation desktop created a launch shortcut for diablo 3 on vmware workstation desktop This allows me to run diablo with demonbuddy and let it bot. Problem: diablo 3 lags HARD when I turn demonbuddy on. If I play without demonbuddy, it runs fine. note- I have turned down all the settings in diablo 3 as low as possible and edited the d3prefs.txt file. I tried creating a bat file from here: and it did nothing? I also don't understand how to edit the vmx file. I opened in in notepad and didn't see this part: mainMem.useNamedFile=FALSE MemTrimRate=0 prefvmx.minVmMemPct = "100" prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = "TRUE" sched.mem.pshare.enable = "FALSE" the task manager shows that my CPU spikes to 100 A LOT when running demonbuddy in vmware. Memory stays btwn 1-1.5 gb VMware also makes my host computer lag hard when I browse the internet while it runs. My computer should be able to run it. Host CPU: I7 2600k 8GB of DDR3 ram windows 7 64-bit western digital 1TB 7200 drive GEforce GTX 560 vid card 2mb internet connection -task manager window on left is WITHIN VMware -Task manager on right is the computer's task manager window that runs VMware
i have no ideia how to change the bat files can some one help me?I am trying this for the weekend 2 days straight i would be welcome if someone could help me.I will post my relloger log of my host.Thx very much in advance set D3Name=Diablo III.exe set DBName=Demonbuddy.exe set DBDrive=C:\Users\johnny\Desktop set D3Path=D:\diablo 3\Diablo III\ set DBPath=C:\Users\johnny\Desktop\demonbuddy\
I've got 4 machines up and running now and got a question about the amount of RAM you should distribute to each machine. I started out by giving them all 2.3GB each but after running a while one machine started to complain about that it was running out of memory (and asked me if I wanted to close Diablo 3). I don't know why though since it is only using max 1.81GB according to task manager. Any suggestions?
sometimes my vmware will go into this white blank screen im using vmware 9, 3g ram per vm, and 1 cpu 2 cores, anyone else experience this?, it just happens after a while i guess with the bot running
I'm currently running with 16gb ram, i5 3570k and HD7950. How much of a difference would it make if I were to swap my CPU out for something like i7 3770k? At the moment I can run 4 virtual machines + d3+db directly on the host. Guess my question is how effective HT is when you are running multiple machines?
im runnign 3770 32gb ram and i can only stably run 8-9. i can run 10 after fresh reboot. Question: how to prevent ram usage continue to go up? i have 7 bots at 23gb, after a day it goes up to 25, and it keeps going up day by day until all vm crash. anyone knows how to prevent that?
Is everyone using Linked-Clones just to conserve HDD space on a SSD-HDD? 32-bit Vmware or 64-bit Vmware image? Host PC is 32-bit or 64-bit?
I decided to give it a try and upgraded from i5 3570K to i7 3770K and the difference is huge. I went from 4 virtual machines and ~85% CPU load to 5 and a cpu load of ~45%. This and my 32GB RAM will give me atleast 8-9 bots, wei!
well done! we should be able to run 10-11 because shaliuno was able to do that. the only issue is that ram usage on host windoes keeps going up (at least its the case on my gig) and eventually im running out of ram and everything crashes. do you have any clue how we can fix that?
I've only been running VMware for a couple of days and changed hardware etc. along the way so haven't noticed it yet. Will report back if I notice a similar problem and/or find a fix for it!
I want to ask whether it is possible to work this relogger with VMvare? the problem is that in the run VMvare Dblo can only bat file or by run. I tried to run, pointing the way to the bat file run Diablo, but Dyablo with spam starts. it seems that reloger not see that Diablo is already running.
I've messed up a bit, planned on running 6 bots using a 120GB SSD so I gave each virtual machine 20GB. I ofc did not think about the face that you loose like 8-9% when you first format your drive. Is it in some way possible to change the disk size after the machines created? Really cba to do them all form the start again...
Hey guys Im sooo lost, ive been trying this for 2 days now ........ Soo Ive made this bath file (enGB version) I use it, and then go to CMD and type in "C:\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe" -launcher When I hit enter I my diablo starts - but it take ages to start up - and when I finally get ingame - I cant join a game ( When I hit start game, after awhile I get this "you are unable to join the game at this time" My HDD is 7200RPM - Is this only doable with SSD or have I dont anything else wrong ? Ive piced 2 core and 1.5gb ram Host is I7 3770k 32GB ram Anyone how could help me ? Im really lost :/ mkdir "C:\Diablo III" mkdir "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3" mkdir "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC" mkdir "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs" mkdir "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Cache" copy "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Cache" "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Cache" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\ClientData.mpq" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\ClientData.mpq" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\CoreData.mpq" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\CoreData.mpq" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\HLSLShaders.mpq" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\HLSLShaders.mpq" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Sound.mpq" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Sound.mpq" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Texture.mpq" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Texture.mpq" mklink /D "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Win" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Win" mklink /D "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\base" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\base" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\base-Win.mpq" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\base-Win.mpq" mklink /D "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\enGB" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\enGB" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\enGB_Audio.mpq" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\enGB_Audio.mpq" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\enGB_Cutscene.mpq" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\enGB_Cutscene.mpq" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\enGB_Text.mpq" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\enGB_Text.mpq" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\realmlist.dtf" "Z:\Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\realmlist.dtf" mklink "C:\Diablo III\.agent.db" "Z:\Diablo III\.agent.db" mklink "C:\Diablo III\BattlenetAccount.url" "Z:\Diablo III\BattlenetAccount.url" mklink /D "C:\Diablo III\Bnet" "Z:\Diablo III\Bnet" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Diablo III Launcher.exe" "Z:\Diablo III\Diablo III Launcher.exe" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe" "Z:\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Diablo III.mfil" "Z:\Diablo III\Diablo III.mfil" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Diablo III.tfil" "Z:\Diablo III\Diablo III.tfil" mklink /D "C:\Diablo III\InspectorReporter" "Z:\Diablo III\InspectorReporter" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Launcher.db" "Z:\Diablo III\Launcher.db" mklink /D "C:\Diablo III\Logs" "Z:\Diablo III\Logs" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Manual.url" "Z:\Diablo III\Manual.url" mklink "C:\Diablo III\Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest" "Z:\Diablo III\Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest" mklink "C:\Diablo III\SetupWin.mpq" "Z:\Diablo III\SetupWin.mpq" mklink "C:\Diablo III\TechSupport.url" "Z:\Diablo III\TechSupport.url" mklink /D "C:\Diablo III\Updates" "Z:\Diablo III\Updates" mklink "C:\Diablo III\fmodex.dll" "Z:\Diablo III\fmodex.dll" mklink "C:\Diablo III\icudt49.dll" "Z:\Diablo III\icudt49.dll" mklink "C:\Diablo III\icuin49.dll" "Z:\Diablo III\icuin49.dll" mklink "C:\Diablo III\icuuc49.dll" "Z:\Diablo III\icuuc49.dll" mklink "C:\Diablo III\ijl15.dll" "Z:\Diablo III\ijl15.dll" mklink "C:\Diablo III\msvcp100.dll" "Z:\Diablo III\msvcp100.dll" mklink "C:\Diablo III\msvcr100.dll" "Z:\Diablo III\msvcr100.dll" mklink /D "C:\ProgramData\" "Z:\"
I've read whole thread almost 50 pages, found few peoples with same problem as mine. I've done everything just like in guide even tried 5 times (3 times on this win 7 lite and 2 times on normal win 7). Always got same problem when it comes to -launch the diablo head appears and nothing happens. Do anyone of those people who had this problem found any solution?
The thing u re talking was mentioned somewhere here. Experienced it too. It s because cache-file u re copying is too large and doesnt fit to your small hard disk (one of the MPQs/.../base/... With batch commands you must have not seen the message that the copy operation failed. In that case u just should make your HDD larger Another possible reason is that you turned off write-permission when created shared folder in the dialog menu. And diablo cant access something due to it. Question from me: how do you cope with every-time growing cache-file? The size of the HDD of my VMs is 5 GB, but nevertheless one of the MPQs everytime grows upto 1.5 GB causing not enough disk space exception and some programs fail to work. Thanks