How can I make gold when the market is extremely bad? On my server a stack of Fool's cap go for under 40g each stack, Snow lily stack for under 35g and everytime you put something on the auction house it gets undercut. Not by 1 copper or 1 gold but by 5 or 10 gold. Nearly every guide I see on the internet tells me to sell this or that item and that they sell really well but on my server they sell for 1/3 of what people say it sells for... Because of this I've had no use of HB to make money, I've made more money doing Archaeology than I've had farming herbs/ores/fish.
Move server then if its so overpopulated, failing that there is things you can do that involve vendoring to NPC's which will generate minimum 7 - 10k a day per account.
I don't want to move server since I'm not playing this game just to make gold. And what items are you talking about that make 7k - 10k gold from vendoring?
I'll give you a hint, it involves making stuff from things you gather that you can sell direct to a NPC for money.
If you're talking about the inscription shoulder enchant it's not that good, you'll make more from selling the inks.
That's actually not that bad, one of my realms has ghost iron ore going for 15g stack and fool's cap 29g a stack. Really are some retard undercutters out there though, oh yeah lets undercut by 20g and post 60 stacks, some serious clowns on wow.
I remember at release fools cap went up to 100g a stack, sold a lot - (Maybe 200k g) but now - 25g< And Golden Lotus was worth 600g
TIP: post everything in the morning every price are high and less stacks are on the AH And post every thing fo 12h
I don't think anyone can help you, first you complain about prices on AH fine that is always issue on some servers especially high pop. Next you complain about using vendoring off to NPC's... as you can sell the ink for more on AH! If you are serious about making lots of gold then you need to do research and find that niche you can make gold off. I think this is last attempt I will make at helping as some people won't help themselves.
Anything you have said has been negative against me. I found a way to make around 10k gold every day from using Gatherit's Snow Lily profile.