I use Vego MoP Daily Quests Profile. but why does one of the quest, he shifted to another profile? and fly to another area to do another quest, which also did the same. here's something I have not done? Is this a bug?
Small update for RampageAgainstTheMachine.cs, bot uses now also 1st skill - thanks for feedback Probably you didnt use fresh hb, means hb without cached daily.
why is this the only profile that wigs if u dont have a fresh hb or cleared cache? all the other profiles work just fine for me.
Mounts Kevok then Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create 'CurrentBehavior' in quest bot; an exception was thrown: Assembly is null! With fresh install and behaviours and plugin
Update svn (new rampageaganstthemachine should be available), restart hb, run again and report if problem still occour please
With quest 'An Ancient Empire', this profile moves to the location defined in the FlyTo... <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="20.35941" Y="2313.101" Z="204.6583" /> It does the forced dismount, then it leaves. HonorBuddy doesn't actually think the quest is complete, but it's not moving to the QuestOverride's hotspots to gather either. I'm not sure what to think of this. I verified it doesn't think the quest is complete by changing the entry for this quest to this: Code: <If Condition="((HasQuest(31232)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(31232)))" > <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="20.35941" Y="2313.101" Z="204.6583" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <While Condition="(!IsQuestCompleted(31232))" > <Objective QuestName="An Ancient Empire" QuestId="31232" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="213314" ObjectType="GameObject" CollectionDistance="20000" /> </While> </If> It never leaves the FlyTo location, which means it never thinks the quest is completed but isn't smart enough to move to the QuestOverride's hotspots. I wish I knew why. Tl;dr it's broken.
Same exact problem. Fresh install. EDIT: Got it working. Visco, are you using a fresh copy of the plugin from the SVN? I had copied it over from yesterday's install that I made. Also, copy the quest behaviors from the SVN to the fresh install.
I rly dont understand whats wrong with this Kovok quest, cus behavior doesnt have any bugs.... I think its svn problem as you told before.
Just brought my second one day auth, dont really post here, just wanted to thank you for the script (id rather pay 99p every now and then when dailies just get too much) 1st time I used this it worked flawlessly, had 1 problem but that was an error on my end, installed the golden lotus 1.1 instead of 2 I beleive. Running for the second time, so far no problems (fresh install, I assume the 'cache' is the temp folder? If so clean cache also) read that a few people have had problems after 1st usage. Im on my second quest now with not 1 issue. I will edit post later just to confirm. Anyway big thanks, I know how long script editing takes if its anything like C++! Keep up the good work, Shmoke Edit - 2 errors so far, nothing that would break the profile/bot so much. First - Moving mists I beleive the quest is called. Basically targeted a dead mist lurker and tried to engage it constantly. No idea what would cause this. Stopped and restarted bot, worked fine afterwards. Second - More annoyingly, whitepetal lake. Ive heard somewhere its an issue with the bot, not your script. It basically never comes out of water to breath. Obvious result was death, the bot never runs back to corpse in water for some reason, got a feeling this could break any script.
I posted about it earlier, but this profile seems utterly incapable of handling "An Ancient Empire". It moves to the FlyTo location, dismounts, then immediately moves on to the next quest.
Shmokeh - targeting dead mobs is very very annoying questing issue, I believe devs working on it (needed to change few hotspots already for some quests cus sometimes dead mobs on the ground make quest stucked). Second thing and easy solution about dying in water is Anti-Drown plugin created by someone I dont rly know. Anyway I added it to my svn stealthy - i know i ask it often, anyway - did you clear your cache ?
for some reason my toon is geting suck at the golden stairs for no reason. bot says move to next location but its juts sitin there. Fresh install , using golden lotus V2, got Net frame 4 worked flawlessly yesterday cant figure it out . anyone having this problem?
hello. my toon don't want do quests. he took 6 Kyparite Shards, and after this just stayed. reload hb 3 times, nothing more
Hello, delete cache folder, you are in infinite loop: Behavior sees 'done'. Skipping behavior. It think behavior is done even if its not.
Bot didn't pick up quest "Sampling the Empire's Finest". The daily loader automatically handed in the quests and started flying to Golden Lotus dailies. Had to stop the bot, pick up the quest, and start it again in order for the bot to do the quest.