I know that www.thebuddyforum.com had a security issue a few weeks ago. I just wanna warn those who didnt change their pass to do it as soon as possible. So u guys can understand what can happen if u ignore the warning like i did, i going to show what can happen! I saw that warning about the security breach and ive ignored it, 3 days ago i logged HB and was getting Invalid Account Details but, as lately HB was having some problems i didnt worried and late that night i went to forum and ... ups... couldnt log on forum aswell (WRONG PW) i tried to pw reset and ... (email not recognized?!?!). Someone had managed to get my pw and waited till hb key were going to be sent and changed the account email and when the keys (old hb logins) were sent he changed everything to his buddyauth.com account. He managed access to my forum and shop accounts, luckly i had invoice number from my purchase and managed to solve things. I would like to thank to Buddy Support cause without some investigation work i wouldnt be able to get MY things back! TO Admins: why not set email changes just after confirmation from original email? Please guys dont ignore SECURITY ISSUES IT CAN HAPPEN TO U