As title says This Profile will follow the steps of The Time Lost Proto Drake,Vyragosa and Dirkee Good Luck to everyone! Post your screenshot when you get it!!!
GREAT, thank you Will it ever be possible to get aggro and kill him automatically while afk? nope there isnt such a feature on GB and will not be in the future sorry
care if its in not not, tbh this is a nice feature. When you cba to farm herbs or mines then u pop this on and kaboem! TLPD!
can u also disable cloud farming for it to work? cause it rlly looks silly when it does land next to a cloud to suck it but it actually wont...
FAQ about Time Lost here
saying that that means this: A.Ofc you can,just choose the "Clouds farming" on settings tab isn't needed?
havent tried without "Clouds" but i think that is the best anti-afk method no need to actualy have the profession
well if you read all posts again and especially the FAQ it states GB WON'T kill it for you, so I stopped GB killed dragon Enabled again Done job.