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  • CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by wulf, Aug 28, 2012.

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    1. Omorashi

      Omorashi New Member

      Jan 3, 2011
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      I humbly request Glyph of Dark Succor support for Death Knights.

    2. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      that's right ... the Blade Flurry rotation is depending on the AOE setting ...
      Will think about it, if we can spread it ...

      Maybe ... u should explain why blade flurry should be handled by hand sometimes (need the exact situations!!!)
      so that i can imagine the scenario ...
      But i think i will change blade flurry again ...
      - Blade Flurry rotation should be handled by AOE setting
      - Blade Flurry cancel should be handled by a separate setting (CancelMode: Auto, None ?!?) and we should be fine ... i'll keep this in mind for tommorow ... now it's time for some sleep
    3. Clubwar

      Clubwar Member

      May 3, 2012
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      Whit the last update mage, something are wrong....CLU more slow that usual, or bad rotation, but now, whit configuration that wait proc pyro to use pom pyro, i lost to many dps

      Today i raid Mogu san 6/6 and Heart of fear 3/6 and have bad news, i lost to many dps, alwaya are top 2-3 in my guild and this night are 9-14, all people in my guild are strange and i dont say that my bot no working good.

      we need see check more or back to rotation yesterday

      View attachment 1724 2012-11-14 23.44.zip

      This is all my log for Heart of fear, boss 2 and 3, mage fire 485 item level
    4. Casperus

      Casperus New Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      Look at it this way: once cancelled, Blade Flurry cannot be activated again for the duration of its cooldown (10 seconds).

      The way the Add detection system works right now, the CC will always cancel out the Blade Flurry buff as soon as there are no additional mobs within melee range of your current target.

      This may sound ok in theory, however, when you are fighting a group of enemies where mob/tank/raid movement is always present, there will always be situations when your target will outrange the remaining mob even if only for 0,5 sec,

      thus causing the CC to cancel the Blade Flurry buff and incurring it's cooldown (and therefore loosing a LOT of dps potential).

      Imho, the best solution would be to provide an option which would allows the player to manually control Blade Flurry, while having the CC use only Eviscerate as a finisher while the Blade Flurry buff is present (Rupture is not affected by Blade Flurry).

      I do hope I managed to make myself clear^^
      Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
    5. cordes96

      cordes96 Member

      May 7, 2012
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      If you haven't done this already was to go into your CLU Configs(Forgot where) and change Framelock from Disabled to Enabled when using Lazyraider and that Increased my DPS by 2x went from 20k to 40k with an ilvl of 460 so it does help idk what happened. im just letting the people out there who didn't know this because i was wondering wtf is up with my dps.
    6. Clubwar

      Clubwar Member

      May 3, 2012
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      I dont use lazyraider, i prefer tyraelbot that is more fast and use less cpu.

      We must change framelock for more 30 fps?
    7. Dleihsteam

      Dleihsteam New Member

      Jan 23, 2012
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      MAJOR THUMBS UP for clutwopointzero@gmail.com (Stormchaser ?) and the rest of the CLU team with the Affliction lock CC rewrite!!!

      +10k dps damage done on the training dummies versus the previous version (same toon, same settings)
      Furthermore I've seen hardly any doublecasts and the mana/shard consumtion is reasonable (dummies & raiding tests).
      All in all, for sure on par with an average Affliction lock which is a big compliment as this class/spec isn't that simple :)

      I do want to offer the following remarks, stuff I noticed & possible improvements:

      Affliction CC generic:

      - Calling out the felhunter (for GoS) gets double casted out-of-combat

      - The code is more "logical/modularized" which appeals to my rational sense but on the other hand the spaghetti monster
      is looming around the corner due to the use of many local methods, exotic (in a CC sense) Treesharp constructions and
      varying ways of doing the same thing across the board. This is NOT a complaint!!! By all means, please continue to do
      your thing :) I rather have a good CC with meatballs then a clean plate bad CC. I just have to be more careful when
      svn merging my own edits into it :)

      - HandleAoeCombat() might deserve a second look regarding the fact it handles the different AOE techniques with a
      PrioritySelector in which HandleSoulSwapAoE()'s predicate will virtually fire in all AOE cases. I suggest using a more
      carefull selection here as HandleSoulSwapAoE() is ideal for fights like MSV/StoneGuard but a PITA when confronted
      with a bunch of low life mobs. The point being that one would use HandleSeedofCorruptionAoE() on a bunch of mobs
      to generate Soul Shards through Corruption ticks and then use HandleSoulSwapAoE() to take on multiple individual
      or bigger ones. This would save on the Drain Soul activity involved in handling >4 mobs and provide a substantial
      dps increase.

      - A major improvement might be to refresh non-intel procced dots @50%. Unfortunately there are currently no methods
      to track procced dots across multiple targets which could get you into mana problems if refreshing all dots @50%.
      (one might create a DotManager class fed by attached combatlog events though... hint hint)

      - Healthstone use is not implemented within the Affliction CC (although a use function exists in Common.cs). There
      should also be a pre-combat CreateHealthstone() function though.

      - Talent/CD/Glyph management can still be further optimized. Archie's Vengeance can be an awesome dps increase
      when triggered at the right moment. This would require an adaptation of the TimeToLive() healer method (hint...)
      for the localplayer in order to know the rate of incoming dmg. This could also be used as Tier1 triggers...

      - Fel Flame should not be used as the fall-through filler as it has a predicate of "moving", this will cause the CC
      to stop mid-combat in some cases, deplete your life through multiple "Fel Flame"/"Life Tap" executions or cause
      your toon to become a jerky boddypopper if not facing the mob :p Please add some kind of "allwayssuccess()" at
      the end of the rotation.

      CLU generic:

      - Facing issues on single target Agony/Corruption & UA happen sketchly, there shouldn't be... A lock can
      cast them without facing. Haven't started to look for them in the code, they don't seem to happen all the time (?)
      These are unfortunate because of the lock channeling & facing mechanic which needs to face a mob to start
      the channel but after that no facing is needed. However at the end of the channel the player might be not be
      facing the mob anymore while he/she is not turning/moving during the channel as this might break it.

      - ^^ KJCunning without cast/move penalty might be coming in 5.1 (PTR...), which makes the above a bigger
      problem. Changing all !Me.isMoving() to !Me.isMoving() || hasGlyph(KJC) would be supreme :)

      - Transformation detection (stupid name LOL) The bot/CLU etc. doesn't detect when the player gets transformed.
      "Reshaping Life" in HoF comes to mind which will provide prime "vote kick" material in LFR :) I was lucky to play
      with keybindings ON... Some others weren't hehehe...

      All of the above are humbly offered as input for improvement and NOT as a complaint AT ANY RATE!!! You guys
      ROCK as far as I'm concerned!!! :cool: Let me know if you need more details or further input, I do have some
      programming skills although I'm not a codemeister in the general sense.

      Keep up the good work,
      Good hunting,
      Last edited: Nov 15, 2012
    8. Clubwar

      Clubwar Member

      May 3, 2012
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      We have update in mage fire go try in dummy boss :

      126k average
      153k average
      113k average -> Have error, mage stop because he like use alter time, when he is CD, and use POM but no use Pyro :(
      135k average
      113k average -> Have error, mage stop because he like use alter time, when he is CD, and use POM but no use Pyro :(
      104k average

      In 6 fights, 2 are broken, and 1 are low dps, so i think that no all is correct.

      See the combat, i remember last night and bot no respawn Nether tempesto or Living bomb when finish, he still continue casting fireball for 2 or 3 times, and after renew living bomb or Nether. I think that preference that change for always have debuff in enemy

      And he, the log -> View attachment 2824 2012-11-15 11.46.zip
    9. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      @Dleihstaem: thanks for the wall of text :) i will fight with this in the evening, Affliction is still in the process being reworked, but the current version from Wulf was so impressive that i thought i have to implement it :)
      yes there are a lot local methods which will be moved to the spell class to offer them for all classes, but while testing and porting the code from one CC to the other, it was the fastest way :)

      the rest of your description will be taken into account in a lil while :)

      clutwopointzero@gmail.com <-- this is Wulf, he did the last additions to affliction :D
    10. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      uhm okay, this alter time issue could be from double casting ... doesn't matter, this change was done in a small break so i will take a deeper look into that and do the next change more carefull :)

      u can always revert to a previous working version with SVN (right click on file / folder -> Tortoise SVN -> Update to revision)
      and i sent u a link to a test for firemages two days ago, u can do this change by yourself at everytime :)
      since this "private" version (cause it was never commited to svn) seems to work best atm, i will commit this one today, and the other changes which improved handling of PoM, Alter Time, Pyroblast! will take some time (i think some days ... cause today is my last day i can change some stuff until monday)
    11. Clubwar

      Clubwar Member

      May 3, 2012
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      No problem men, you have a fantastic work in mage fire, i try more along the day the last version in SVN and private that you send me, and see what are more dps average
    12. Clubwar

      Clubwar Member

      May 3, 2012
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      How i configure CLU to stop use when i push a key?? i cant confiure :(
    13. KsuCoolCat

      KsuCoolCat Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      in the settings, you need to set Enable Keybinds to True. It will be on the first tab (under keybinds iirc). Then set the keybind for Pause Rotation to whatever you want it set to.
    14. KsuCoolCat

      KsuCoolCat Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      Question for the dev crew. I am currently using CLU while tanking in Vaults and have been tasked with using the Nullification barrier on Feng the Accursed. The problem i keep running into is that even though I am not moving, if i click the EAB for the Nullification Barrier it will frequently disappear immediately. I have tracked this down to a timing issue with the rotation trying to do something when I manually click the EAB. In an attempt to remedy this, I put the following at the top of the rotation:

      new Decorator(ret => Me.IsChanneling, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
      This seemed to work most of the time, but it's still interrupting it every so often. Do you have any ideas that might help alleviate the issue other than adding a Me.IsChanneling check to every ability?

      I am currently tanking as a Blood DK, but the same will probably apply across the board for tanking.
    15. Extreme_kid

      Extreme_kid New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Okay so I tried your routine on my Unholy Deathknight

      I did 44k on target dummy with your CLU routine

      and 52k with HB singular , I don't know what could possibly be the problem
    16. KsuCoolCat

      KsuCoolCat Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      See this quote

      And for future note, you should at least read the last few pages of the thread before posting. Your question may have been answered recently.
    17. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      The issue you describe happens to our Warrior tank too, but he is playing by hand, without HB or something else, so i dunno if it really is an issue with CLU in this case.
      Second ... Me.IsChanneling ... it is possible that this is not working cause for the off-tank (the one with the spell-steal-ability in this fight) he can still do is attacks (class specific spells) while channeling the spell-steal so maybe the channeling which u see is not remembered as channeling for HB ...

      this has to be tested and will take a "long" time to figure it out... the easiest way atm, would be to stop CLU for the moment you do that action (pause rotation), i know this is not the answer you want to hear ;) but i have no effective way atm to test this stuff (joining lfr, fighting to the boss, test scripts, leave lfr, rinse and repeat ... wait queue for lfr is more than 30 minutes so i can do something like 3 or 4 tests on one day)
    18. Extreme_kid

      Extreme_kid New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      Okay so I opened " Unholy.cs " in notepad to see if I can tweak the rotation a little bit but this thing is way too complicated for my IQ level I gotta have to wait & for when the update comes.
      I did another try on target dummy , this time selected "PVE" instead of "Solo" and the bot did a bit more. 48.7k instead of 44k

      and you are right coolkat, I should have checked the last few pages before commenting on this!
    19. KsuCoolCat

      KsuCoolCat Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      I would be willing to help testing any way i can, just let me know how to help.

      One possible way to test would be to get an instance lock that has the first boss down and just take a healer or 2 with and just mess with it over repeated pulls. You won't be able to defeat the boss, but you should be able to gather enough data as long as everyone involved knows why they're there.

      Alternatively, we could get CLU to handle the whole thing since there are very specific times during the fight to use the Nullification Barrier. Set up CLU to detect the casting of one of the three spells you use it on (Epicenter, Draw Flame, Arcane Velocity) and if it's off cooldown, move to the center of the boss(if movement is enabled), click the EAB, wait 6 seconds (channel time of the spell) and move back to previous location (again, if movement is enabled) to resume tanking.
      Last edited: Nov 15, 2012
    20. khaze

      khaze New Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      how well does this work for hunter? Marksman or beastmaster.
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