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  • TUANHA PALADIN ? The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Oct 3, 2012.

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    1. jagarock

      jagarock New Member

      Oct 20, 2012
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      if i donate, will i get a version that can do ret pala mixed mode with grindbot and bgbuddy?
      also, where is the donate link?
      sorry if im blind here.
    2. Shuckles

      Shuckles New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Tuan, if you want me to give you logs I will. Why does your public version seem much more quick and responsive than your private(v27)? It makes decisions 500ms+ faster than your other, and I went from doing 40k-50k hps to over 70k+ constantly.
    3. Rick7C2

      Rick7C2 New Member

      Jan 2, 2011
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      What talents/glyphs should I use for ret and holy? I'm using special edition
    4. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      LFR 1: Guardians of Mogu'shan

      The stone guard:
      Mana left: 56K
      Healer nr: 1 :cool:

      Feng the Accused:
      Mana Left: nothing, but... some idiot pulled before healers were mana pumped, and 1 healer got left out, so extra stress on remaining healers, i started fight with about 240K Mana, we still did not wipe :D
      Healer nr: 1 still :)

      Gara'jal the Spiritbinder:
      Healer nr: 1 Just, got a priest tailing my ass :p
      Mana Left: 68K

      Recount Overall Data: Healing Done; 1, (me) 55531962 - 2, (priest) 34358135
      Recount Overhealing Done: on place 3 with only 18667306

      note on overhealing, i talented to Eternal Flame, when i had Sacred Shield the overhealing was almost zip, atleast almost always on place 5

      LFR 2: The Vault of Mysteries

      The Spirit Kings:
      Healer nr: 1
      Mana Left: 30K :)

      Healer nr: 1
      Mana Left: 80K

      Will of the Emperor:

      Healer nr: 2, monk was nr 1
      Mana Left: nothing, struggeling there couse only 3 good healers in there at that time, first attempt was a wipe becouse of massive DC of many ppl

      Recount Overall Data: Healing Done; 1, (me) 81561247 ? 2, (druid) 54350318
      Recount Overhealing Done: on Place 5

      I'm on a roll :p settings are holding up :D

      Up to The Dread Approach
    5. madaraa

      madaraa New Member

      Nov 9, 2012
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      what talents and glyphs did you use? did you use rev27 and the settings you've postet at the two screens on page 88?
    6. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      Hmm, i clearly posted those settings, yes i use those, that was the hole idea so everyone could try them out if these settings might be good defaults for dungeon / raid
      Please try them and report your findings, incude your stats and possible tweaks to those settings if you find it works better for you / gear

      item level equiped
      stamina unbuffed
      intellect unbuffed
      spirit unbuffed
      mastery unbuffed

      we are trying to find the best entry level default settings for holy paladin as possible, for dungeon and raid

      i use these talends and glyps:

      Recommended for PvE
      Talent [Pursuit of Justice] [Repentance] [Eternal Flame] [Clemency] [Divine Purpose] [Holy Prism]
      Glyph: [Glyph of Beacon of Light] [Glyph of Divine Plea] [Glyph of Illumination]

      If you have Low iLevel you should use Sacred Shield instead of Eternal Flame, especialy when u are only doing dungeons at start, until you can enter LFR Nightmare of Shek'zeer, but you can keep Sacred Shield ofc its your choice

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Nov 15, 2012
    7. rosek

      rosek New Member

      Jun 19, 2012
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      after 4 hours raiding mgs with 3hc

      the other dizi and monk have a higher itemlevel then me

    8. Klikster

      Klikster Member

      Mar 8, 2010
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      Which SVN revision?
    9. heavygun

      heavygun Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      This sentence is a bit wierd for me.
      Did your HPS go on 70k+ with the Public one, or the Private one? I think the Public one, but im not sure because ur sentence is confusing me.
    10. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      He means the public one is working faster in responce time for him, this might be true, the advanced clensing in the SE is maken the BOT or the CR lagging a bit, this is true for his monk CR as well, just turn of those features and looksee, it works like a charm
    11. rosek

      rosek New Member

      Jun 19, 2012
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      latest version on the first page (no SE)
    12. notollerance

      notollerance New Member

      Sep 17, 2011
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      I donate 30$ mr tuanha
    13. Alrothek

      Alrothek Member

      Oct 2, 2011
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      I haven't taken a look through the rest of the posts... but just did a quick test on the Protection release from the SVN, is it possible to have a choice of what seal to use and such?
    14. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      You can chang Seal with these settings.

    15. heavygun

      heavygun Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      Last edited: Nov 16, 2012
    16. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i would turn of holy radiance its a suck as useless spel that cost 21 k mana per tik it would burn ur mana i would go for light of dawn and lights of hammer for aoe healing thats enough u should put light of dawn on 3 units and 95% thats the best setting but if u wanna safe mana turn of holy radiance because the bot wil cast it alot if u use it put holy radiance units on 0 and % on 0 to then it wont cast holy radiance
      also put wings on 40% and guadian on 50 % if u have wings on 80% it wil use it quickly people wil start telling u to safe cooldowns when needed when u put it on 40% wingsu start only using cooldowns when needed

      u should only start using cooldowns to really safe some one with my settings that almost that way

      also if u verry troubles with my settings in mana u should buy spirit potion or int potion for the guild 25 man raids i never been out of mana with my settings also try sometimes to auto attack when its needed by your self.

      it would be nice to add spirit potion and interlect potion in the bot to so when one spirit potion is gone so ituses the next automaticly
      Last edited: Nov 16, 2012
    17. ebouster

      ebouster New Member

      Oct 6, 2012
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      what addon do you guys use to get HPS? recount does not show heals per second when I looked?
    18. madaraa

      madaraa New Member

      Nov 9, 2012
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      i've done some testings today.

      Charakter Informations: Lvl 90 Tauren Paladin. I have Retribution/Holy PvE and Retribution/Holy PvP speccs and Gear twice. Iem Levels: PvE: Holy-466, Retri-473 / PvP: Holy-462 (Full s12 Honored + PvP Weapon and Shield ), Retri-458 (Mixed Gear)

      Testing Areas: random BG, rated BG, Arena 2v2 and 3v3, Heroic 5-Player-Dungeons, Raidbrowser-25, Normal and Heroic Mode 10-Player Mogushan and Heart of Fear.

      The following are my impressions:

      PvP: Holy-462 (Full s12 Honored + PvP Weapon and Shield )

      -random BG = faceroll ;) at BGBuddy and Lazyraider
      -rated BG = works very fine at the moment at Lazyraider
      -Arena 2v2 = works very fine at the moment ( ~1800 rating ) at Lazyraider

      PvP: Retri-458 (Mixed Gear) Specc and Glyphs: KLICK ME

      -random BG = faceroll ;) at BGBuddy and Lazyraider
      -rated BG = works fine at the moment at Lazyraider
      -Arena 3v3 = works fine at the moment ( ~1400 rating ) at Lazyraider

      PvE: Holy-466 ( Full PvE Gear )

      -Heroic 5-Player-Dungeons = faceroll ;) at Lazyraider
      -Raidbrowser-25 = faceroll ;) at Lazyraider
      -Normal and Heroic Mode 10-Player Mogushan = works very fine at Lazyrider
      -Normal and Heroic Mode 10-Player Heart of Fear = works very fine at Lazyrider

      PvE: Retri-473 ( Full PvE Gear )

      -Heroic 5-Player-Dungeons = faceroll ;) at Lazyraider
      -Raidbrowser-25 = works ok but i think its not 100% optimized at the moment ( some strange uses of flash of light seen that doing dps loss ) at Lazyraider ( always at recount dps place 5-7 )
      -Normal and Heroic Mode 10-Player Mogushan = works ok but i think its not 100% optimized at the moment ( some strange uses of flash of light seen that doing dps loss ) at Lazyraider ( mostly at the last place :( )
      -Normal and Heroic Mode 10-Player Heart of Fear = works ok but i think its not 100% optimized at the moment ( some strange uses of flash of light seen that doing dps loss ) at Lazyraider ( mostly at the last place :( )

      Together, I find that on just retri in use in pve raid area a little improvement is needed

      I will later add more precise details as specc, glyphs, and other important information


      Last edited: Nov 16, 2012
    19. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      you are right holy radiance is a mana drain, but the tests yesterday and today hardly made me use it, only when the whole raid got massive damage burst its cast once and seldom twice and thats fine in terms of mana use, but still helps the raid recover a little faster
      the holy radiance could be tuned down just a little to say 60, but i strongly beleve it should not be disabled, in dungeon you are the only healer and you sometimes realy need the extra health boost from holy radiance and thats why the setting is on 5 units

      the reason gardian is on 40 is with these settings you be casting the expensive flash of light by then, you get that, but sometimes 1 flash is enough to get your buddy above 50 again and then it was a waste of the gardian cooldown, in my experiance 40% is as low as your party buddy's must get, this gives you time to recover from stuns, interrupts silences and stuff you might not think about can happen to you as a healer
      Divine Protection is on 80 (i assume you are talking about that) and is a choice, i think the 1 minute cooldown is short enough to use it below 80, do not let ppl tell you wat they want you to do with your cooldowns, do wat you think is right, saving divine protection (or any cooldown for that matter) for a moment that might not come is a waste also

      i understand there are more ideal settings, but this is not an ideal game, these are defaults to use for PVE in witch you normaly can not fail, these settings are for ppl who do not know wat a holy paladin is or can do, but want to play it in one form or another

      i think we can debate about the best settings possible all day long, every healer has it's own preferences and spell priority
      even i deviate a little from the suggested default settings, but then again these are default settings i tested almost 18 hrs in a row, swapped gear to get back to iLevel 455 and tried and tried again to see if these settings would fail in any situation, they did not :) a fail came from the whole party or raid, not just me, i did not get OOM with these settings unless there was a general failure and the raid called for a wipe anyhow

      to be clear, this is an explanation to all ppl reading this, not just you in person, i can understand your suggestions and settings

      these are default settings for a starting holy healer sutable for dungeons and raids with this CR trying to take account for all situations possible, these settings hold up untill atleast iLevel 480 and i beleave it goes further than that

      note for you, i did not use food an potions deliberately in the testing fase, not everyone can buy or make them, so i took those out of the equasion, i myself use them, no doubt about that and i do "Melee for Mana" if its needed

    20. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Thank madaraa for the review.

      We are moving to new thread, this is outdated soon, can you please post in the new one?

      The Flash of Light as Ret only good in PvP, i'll just remove in PvE.

      Last couple of week i only have time to test in pvp, next week will be pve fine tune. (No one need a ret in raid, queue taken so long xD )
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