as story has it I was on my main account testing some stuff and when i went to check my alt account who was grinding mobs for a pet there was high level hunter there standing next to me who had whispered to me. he had been tagging my mobs because when I clicked for full view of the screen he was following me and when a mob would spawn he would run to tag it. when he noticed I targeted him he whispers "make botting a little more obvious" he had been watching me for about 10min I would say since I check fairly often. He also hearthed leaving the zone when he noticed I was back and logged shortly after whispering me. I manage to add him to friends and noticed he hearth back to Northrend which is waaaayyy far from where I was. I am pretty sure he wanted the zone for himself. there is no reason for him to be in that exact spot which is COMPLETELY dead on my already dead server. I am going to lay low and I will be updating this situation! for people new to getting reported I am going to do dungeons/quests etc by hand and do a lot of activity for the next few days to play it safe. if all goes well and I do get checked out perhaps they will notice to much normal activity and pass over. Wish me luck!
Im sorry did I miss the part where you were reported? You had an interaction with someone that recognised that you were botting while you were using a grinding profile. You think there was no reason for him to be there yet I can think of a good one ....he was there to grind a pet just like you . No the sky is not falling but feel free to go inside anyways B
If you want to get rid of a botter, dont report him, just kill him. He'll be frightened and leave the zone
I personally believe that alot , if not most of the reports actually come from other botters. Why? 1. They are probably the ones that would benefit the most if you would get banned , especially when it comes to Grind / Farming bots. Less competition , both when it comes to available nodes or mobs , or when it comes to AH prices. 2. If botters cant spot another bot just like that , then who can ? Im sure everyone agrees that after using bots for a long time yourself , its alot easier to realize wether another person it botting or not. I mean , HB is not perfect , and most of us know it's flaws when it comes to " Not behaving like a real human being " . So do i think its ok if botters report botters? Fuck no , i think it's lame and incredibly immoral . And my filosophy is never do something to another person that you don't want others to do to you. But.... 3.Alot of people become assholes when they're behind their monitors and are dealing with strangers. So expect alot of immorality across the internet... ergo , expect alot of reports from other botters...
i wouldnt report someone else on principle and not only that but i think it will bring heat to yourself as well.
And that's what makes you a huge ashole... I am botting for RL cash, and I'd never report anyone. Honestly, that's the lowest thing you can do, you're basically ratting someone out. And it's even lower when it comes to RL cash, you know... in RL you can get yourself killed for ratting someone out, even for less than 100k wow gold is worth.
The "smart" people who report fellow botters or claim they would, might want to spend 1 min in the help desk section and read this That means you're probably begging for a ban as well. Even if you don't know what "honor among thieves" is, reporting might be against your interest, so don't.
Dont do that !!!! NEVER REPORT A BOTTER no matter what !! If you see there is someone in one spot, go to onther one, there is a lot of fish to be cougth out there to be fighting for one ...