BlackDeath - DeathKnight CCOnly blood is supported atm .pvp has not been tested. Features: Only supports blood spec atm pops DPS CD whenever they're up while in combat. interupts uses defensive CDs pulls with death grips or icy touch if grip is on CD priority based dps. death grip or icy chains on runners. To Do List: add support for all 3 speces rune strike aoe pvp gui Feel free to offer suggestions or report any bugs, enjoy How to use: Place the .cs file in your HonorBuddy/Custom Classes folder
Will test right now on my level 59 dk Edit1: It seems like my character doesn't mount up. nothing in the logs even shows it trying to mount up
It's trying to cast icy touch but fails "not enough runes", more than this doesn't happen for me right now.
Testing now, so far I think it's very good Did an AV with it now, ended up on top 10 killing blows, it works very well with pvp
working like a charm in pve.. pvp is a little slow.. and yeah.. too botish but i think thats rather due to hb itself than the cc..
ok my only issue is that if the mob is immune to frost dmg it just sits there spamming icy touch and doesnt do anything else and 1v1 it works because the normal melee swings kill the mob but if its 2v1 the bot dies, 2 boa gear and 1 boa weapon
cant be.. i am just watching my lvl 69 dk killing mobs with this cc and hb maybe you should do a completely new installation of honorbuddy and then delete all other ccs from the folder except this one.. at least thats what i did and its working.. EDIT: yeah happened to me too.. fix would be great..
updated to work with hb, have been really busy lately so haven't had time to add anything new yet