Unhandled exception during init: System.Exception: This version of Buddy Wing does not support this build of SWTOR! [Current: 947013, Supported: 943703] vid Buddy.Swtor.BuddyTor.Initialize(Process proc) vid Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization()
Uglier than those two combined and multiplied by GW2 that is... Shows in the performance too.... Performance of the game that is...
I noticed HB had an update, I keep hoping BW will get one soon too. Though since it isnt as popular, it probably isnt high on the To Do list by comparison.
Its not popular because users like me that have used it since launch cant even get support on as to why it wont work for them since patch 1.3 after making multiple posts about it. Support and a working bot would be nice considering they actually sell this.
I've heard that more than once. In that case I suppose I'd rather see a "We cant fix this and this because of this reason" than "Someday at some point it may or may not work eventually maybe." I think a big problem we have is that we want them to be more vocal about whats going on with fixing the bot, but in their view that eats up time away from actually working on the bot itself. Not sure if theres a happy medium, but I liked the HB changelog idea that they incorporated into every update. But I don't think BW is updated as often right?
BW hasn't had an actual update as in improvement since 9th august (version 1.0.913.314). Further more i'm starting to get a bit impatient. It's 5 days since the large 1.5 patch and 4 days for Biowares "fuck-up patch" on friday. I really don't understand what's taking the time with this patch? Surely Bioware didn't rewrite everything internally. My uneducated guess is that BW isn't being looked on AT ALL atm because of the coming GW2 bot.
You'd be wrong. We couldn't do anything over the weekend and yesterday because of the horrible storms and internet/electricity issues kynox was having in Australia. That's all sorted out now and a release should be done today. Oh and, yes, they did change a lot internally, and yes, we did put Gw2buddy on hold while fixing BuddyWing.
Thanks for the info, letting us know would have gone a long way to calming everyone down and understanding that things out of your control were holding you up. A quick 30 second post goes a long way my friend
Awesome, really appreciate the update and work you guys put in. Sorry about people getting flustered, obviously we have a slight bot addiction