Just an update, im trying to do 30-33 atm in Thousand Needles, but im doing it on a computer without wow, and to slow of an internet that by the time i download the game, ill be home (in 2 days). So im using thottbot and basic knowledge for now. Just a question to see what other people think, but going from Ashenvale to Thousand Needles, how would this be possible? You cant use the great lift in the southern barrens, but you should go into barrens, into Stonetalone Mountains, down into desolace, then keep heading south through Feralas, then end up in the North-Western part of Thousand Needles. But that would be too much running, and a lot of higher level mobs. Anyone have a better way to get there? Can't fly, as that would require Plugins etc.
Eh, i could try that, but as i said in the above post, I do not have wow installed on this computer, so I cannot code that atm, if someone could do it and post it on here, id be very greatfull
Hello, I've downloaded this, thank you for the big work... But it's a bit useless with the current state of HB2. Main problems (Pally): - Running into a bunch of mobs and get killed forever. - A big part of the quests are never finished. - Stopping sometimes I don't know why... - HB2 Errors errors errors... Back to HB1 and grinding, way faster and easier for me. For now tried this profile and Blood Elf questing : none was working, compared to grinding. As a bot is mainly needed to do some automated tasks without babysitting, HB2 is far from being efficient in questing. Have fun !
Thank you Lt. Giving it a try now with a shammy. Will report back this afternoon with any issues / praise. Cheers.
Thanks wtg001 I do need some more information and feedback on whats wrong and what i can do, not whats wrong with the bot.
Ok, I ran it for a few hours, and successfully got to level 8. He seemed to get stuck on the island near Sen'jin for the quest 'Zalazane'. He would just stand there and take a beating and heal himself through it. This however, may be a CC issue.
Im still working on getting from Ashenvale to 1K Needles, I am home, but dont know how to force jump off the cliff, and i cant find a way around it other than the shore line. Any suggestions?
Ok, i semi-found a way to it, what i did was just go to Camp T, and used a go to plugin to go to a place in 1K Needles, to see what route it would take, come to find out, he goes into dustwallow marsh and swims to tanaris, then up into 1K Needles, but while swimming to Tanaris he dies from fatigue (which i can fix), then ends up in tanaris GY, then goes up into 1K Needles. If anyone has a better suggestion, i will use it.
you could edit the mesh file so it had a floor where there inst really a floor.. otherwise, find a place right next to the ledge where the bot will get stuck. when trying to unstick itself, it will jump, and hopefully fall to its death :>
I think this would be the best way if you dont wanna make the trip through desolace/feralas. did you try to get it to fall of on purpoise or on accident? it shouldnt be too hard to edit the mesh file to allow a specific spot to fall off, It might be a good idea to PM bossland/Hawker about this, as the online mesh would need a specific spot made for this very pupoise. Imo a way to get down off the lift would save a lot of time and hassle for a lot of people using horde profiles ;-) best of luck
Im looking at the mesh files, and its very obvious they are using a different program for this, and i would not be able to accomplish this myself, i will talk to Hawker/Bossland and see what I come up with. /cheers!
Went to Stonetalon at 25 (Actually had to run towards the area manually to prevent the bot from going other places to grind. It picked up quests, and started running around, up to the area where the quest Cenarius' Legacy is, and down to around Sun Rock Retreat, killing a few mobs and doing nothing else. Tried to place him with the mobs for Cenarius' Legacy and kill some of them, the bot would then run back down towards Sun Rock. Eventually had to change to a different profile.
Is there any way to get HB to actually quest with this? What do I have to do exactly becuase grind mode with horde 1-60 leveling is the only thing I can get to work, as well as a few CCs i tried. Questing does nothing but accept quests then stop and do nothing.
Just a quick little thing here. For the quests in the Echo Isles (levels 6-7 I believe) You forgot to add the faction ID of the tigers. It is 14 (to save you some time). EDIT: Its also missing the surf crawlers faction ID
Will look into this as it might be that the bot doesn't know where the quest givers are, so he is just using his last resort to leveling which is grinding. The new version should (have already) fixed it. I Will add this in there thank you. Do you mean that he completed 1-20 or is in the process? If he completed thats great and I know I don't need to edit much of the section. I am working on this very diligently, sadly, i am going on a 5 day trip to the beach tomorrow (in 10 hours actually), then home for a day, then leaving for 6 more days to somewhere else. While I'm gone i will try to work on it as much as possible. Please bare with me, as I know it has been slow.