When you start sharing mode quests + BG, the character becomes in turn on the battlefield, and is further to one place without doing quests. Applying log, waited 7 minutes.The same situation with archeology + BG.
looks like you stopped it? [15:58:08.503 D] Stop called! [15:58:08.512 Q] Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
I stopped after seven minutes of waiting, it still stands today, although BG already went here one log
[16:24:58.782 N] [Singular] ERROR: Could not add combat log event filter! - Performance may be horrible, and things may not work properly! can you try another Routine?
I will switch to BG + archeology and set aside in an hour if it would help to understand.Character went to BG, then I'll translate it into the city and change to another mode
report it here plz http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb.../59800-bot-beta-dungeonbuddy-dungeon-bot.html