I've searched but I've only found profiles for 1 factions daily quests. Is it possible to make a profile that does ALL the daily quests and you can turn off those you don't want? (Dunno if you need a plugin for that) A profile that could do Shado-Pan, The August Celestials, The Golden Lotus, The Anglers, The Klaxxi, The Tillers & The Order of the Cloud Serpent dailies basicly.
see vego SVN vego - Revision 84: / http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...olden-lotus-daily.html?highlight=golden+lotus
I think you misundestood what I said, these are profiles for a single faction each not ALL the dailies.
No he didn't. Cava has profiles for almost all factions /facepalm. Try searching next time (properly).
Actually he did misunderstand the question. And despite the OP trying to explain it again, so did you. Cava doesn't even have daily profiles. Its technically possible but no one has done it yet. The best thing to do would be to daisy chain the profiles you want to use for the factions you want. Open the first profile in a text editor. At the bottom of the profile just above </QuestOrder> add the following code: PHP: <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Name of the Next Profile.xml" /> Repeat until you have them all linked. Start.
I dont know what your talking about. Vergo does Shado-Pan, The August Celestials, The Golden Lotus, The Anglers, The Klaxxi, The Tillers And links them all together.. You start at The Klaxxi and end up and Shado-Pan. It does not do the cloud serpent rep, as any one that bots would know you just set you bot to collect eggs and you will be exalted in 4-5 hours. Vergo's daily's are brilliant... He has even gone and completed Quest behaviors for incar quests..
I'm not sure who you are referring to in your first sentence. My hunch is me, if not, please disregard. The OP asked for a profile that did all dailies including specifically Tillers and Cloud Serpent that had a settings capability to turn on and off individual pieces and then run as one unit. It doesn't exist at this time. My answer was accurate. Also, when someone requests something specific its kind of rude to imply that "any one that bots" wouldn't want that. If that were actually true I wouldn't have users for one of my profiles and this person wouldn't be asking for it. While Vego (yes V-E-G-O not Vergo) does excellent work he hasn't provided what the OP has asked for and the OP has already specifically said that isn't what he is looking for. We can't give you a link to something that doesn't exist. You were already provided a link to Vego's stuff in the first response to your request. You said that wasn't what you wanted. I told you your other option. You can either use his Daily Loader system and do whatever factions he's chosen for you or you can write your own daisy chain and pick and choose your factions from his work and/or others.
Sorry, I meant Vego's daily profiles and yes it has a chain daily profile. It's in his SVN and is called "Daily Loader".