Hey Nem. When you go into the radar settings what key are you binding the map to? Make sure the key isn't bound in wow. Also make sure the bot has the radar checked but you don't have to turn on the bot. - If you don't see the red in the middle of your screen. Quit wow. Quit the bot. and then re sync. It's never given me problems. Also make sure HB and wow are auth'd by admin.
Update, I just tried it and it worked. I think it was a program I was running on my comp called UltraMon. IT messes with the desktop....oh well so far I'm in heaven!
This is by far one of my favorite plugins got it installed today and went ganking 90's made things soo easy. The only hickup i see is I thought you didnt have to have HB running, but in order for me to get objects to pop up in the radar it needed to be on. I can get the radar to pop up without HB running, but no objects ever appear in it unless i have HB running. Thanks again for making such a wonderful plugin with so many uses.
Ty for your great plugin! Can you add function so it show void zone like an object? so we can see what object voiz zone is and add it in zingular CC for better usage
If I can provide you with a list of all IDs can you add an option for tracking MoP rare spawn pet's tracks? I was using another app for this, but since its been hit with a C&D by Blizzard I'm having to revert to other means. I'm using this now, by entering the object ID of the tracks. But it would be nice to have this as a standard option including all tracks. And preferably using a different colour for the tracks, as currently it can be quite a mess when pet's tracks are mixed up with multiple game objects.
Really fascinating view of the game. However, it does not update if HB is not started. When HB is started, the radar updates at real time. When you stop HB, the radar still updates, BUT if you move, no updates occur to the area you enter. It's as if the Radar is fixed to the last HB stop location. You could work around it by starting Combat Bot, which allows you to fly around, but then you don't really get to fight....
Works again with same version. I dont know what I did wrong before. Oh and if you try to change settings before ticking it on (as in [X] instead of [ ]), it crashes HonorBuddy
unfortunately i can see no map :/ radar turned on in plugins ,wow is running... but even if i hit this button a million times, it doesn't appear... any idea?
Doesn't track anything for me and seems to throw error with newest stable release. With latest beta builds just doesn't track anything, no errors. "Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object. at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[](UInt32 ) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.[]( ) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_NpcFlags() at ..()"
Ok, I will pay someone to get this to work. I don't think i have ever wanted a plugin to work bad! I had it working once, and then never again. Hey if it has to be a private fix, so be it, bottom line name your price!