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  • YourBuddy MoP BT - A warrior raiding custom routine

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by nomnomnom, Oct 23, 2012.

    1. gorunn

      gorunn Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I hope that this is not to much to ask or suggest, but i think that it would be outstanding to add option to change number of targets before Routine starts its AoE rotation. something like:
      "Number of targets for AoE rotation []"

      Anndd.. can you tell me where i can change that number in current routine? If i saw right routine starts its AoE rotation on 4+ mobs, while elitistjerks and several other valued sites recommend (and i prefer) to start it on 3 mobs. Im maybe wrong, bit doing the test on dummies it didnt do AoE rotation (one of the reasons is that they are not "hostile" so maybe routine didnt detect them as targets). As much as i followed rotation and prior system, you did good job there.

      Thx in advance mate, really looking forward to new release!
    2. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      I might implement your request later on, but in my opinion it is not the way AoE is meant to be used. There are strict rules for fury during AoE. The new version, which is coming very shortly now, also has a completely revamped AoE rotation. I'd rather suggest you to stick with that instead of changing it. Ocourse, I'm always open for suggestions to actually tweak that rotation.

    3. gorunn

      gorunn Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      No,no, AoE rotation is flawless as much as i had chance to see it, suggesting was just to allow ppl to choose on how much mobs they will start AoE, you can, for instance make it default rotation, as it is, on 4 mobs (if im not mistaken) and just add option "Start AoE Rotation on 3 targets []" so with this you will actually limit possible numbers to 3 or 4 mobs for AoE.

      On side note, even if it bothered me in the start that lack of "facing mobs" option, i must admit that with lsome time spent with this CC i actually grew to love amount of control that you allowed us to have with it, i can easily switch between mobs, move around freely and not getting locked on mob and staying in its melee range. :D
    4. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      The new version will be released on Monday! At this moment, it's a solid product which is ready for release. Ofcourse, from here, I will keep on improving it.
    5. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      New version is released, grab your copy from the SVN mentioned in the second post. Make sure to follow the instructions, as the CC requires the foldername to be "YourBuddy MoP BT".
    6. Pipedreams

      Pipedreams New Member

      Nov 6, 2012
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      Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
    7. tombot

      tombot New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      Not to take anything away from the Author, excellent work and very very much appreciated. But do you mind providing a copy of your changed routine? I would like to rest both of them out.
      Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
    8. Pipedreams

      Pipedreams New Member

      Nov 6, 2012
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      Deleted - Now in communications with NomNomNom, improvements inc!
      Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
    9. tombot

      tombot New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      WOW ............ That is some insane dps. Using Titans Gripe ( 486 Item Level ) Im hitting numbers Ive never seen before.

      Hell of a JOB!

      Now to test yours

    10. tombot

      tombot New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      When I add the file, the file icon along with the folder iron turn into a red exclamation. How do I remedy this?
    11. Pipedreams

      Pipedreams New Member

      Nov 6, 2012
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      That just indicates that it's not the file that is currently on the author's svn, nothing to worry about.
    12. tombot

      tombot New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      Ok, I think your changes are even giving me more dps. This is crazy. I will need to do a lot more testing but from the quick and dirty recount test I just did I'm seeing improvement. Can't wait to rock this in my 25 man raid this Tuesday
    13. Pipedreams

      Pipedreams New Member

      Nov 6, 2012
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      Just be aware that a couple of the abilities are set to function around whether or not the target has colossus smash, but I am still unsure as to whether or not it's going to work off only your own debuff or any other warrior's in the raid, which is likely to cause some dps loss in a 25man with other warrior dps.

      It may also be worth noting that one of the most important tweaks I made requires the talent shockwave. If you're not already using it, I highly recommend it. (except on bosses like garalon whose hitbox is larger than the range of shockwave, or a boss like wind lord where CC = bad)
    14. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      @ Pipe; Ofcourse you're free to edit the CR as you like for personal use. Choppyness with AoE is expected, I'll be looking to see if I can decrease the amount of choppyness. Either way for now live with it, or disable it and perform the AoE rotation by yourself :). The choppyness is only annoying for the player by the way, the CR will not "notice" this and continue to perform the rotation.
      @ Tombot; I'd really suggest you stay using the version which I provide via the SVN and not make any tweaks yourself.I cannot provide any support when people start to edit their CC ... I'll look into the tweaks Pipe made, and if they're actually viable and not just simply boosting burst numbers, and after the burst dps plumit into the abyss ... So if it's viable, I'll implement it.

      I'm trying to make this as good as possible, so If anyone has any suggestion to make the rotation better which is actually a DPS increase then I'm all up for it.

      The botbase which I suggest is is Raid Bot which is by default included with HonorBuddy.
      Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
    15. gorunn

      gorunn Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Can you check code for "Impending Victory?" It seems that its bugged. I have it on (square is marked) and set it to be used on 80% of my HP. I did large number of tests, both single target and AoE, and CC is not using it below 80%, its not even using it below 40% which was default in CC.

      Btw, im using Impending Victory talent. Its debated is it best in tier vs Enraged Generation on large number of theorycraft sites and its concluded that its best in tier cause it costs 10rage (vs 60r for ER, free if your Engraded) and it actually does DMG, so in a way, its DPS gain.

      Edit2:I will do 10.30 min stress test on it, so far its performing better than old one. I will also do stress test of edited routine, but, personally, i dont like having Shockwave (which is majority Tanking talent) over Dragon Roar.
      Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
    16. daorigin

      daorigin New Member

      Feb 12, 2011
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      Impending victory isnt a dps gain by any means, its literally last in priority when it comes to our rotation however very viable for soloin shit when grinding. Being a fury warrior and needing to have enrage with maximum uptime Enraged Regen rage arguement is sorta void should always be free u will never have enough rage to use it as a dump like you make it seem. Enraged Regen is preferred over IV in some intense healing fights as an instant not on the GCD.

      Can this be more or less viable for SMF nom?
    17. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Are you crazy? IV is definitely a DPS gain when used properly. It's meant for super-low rage situations when you have nothing better to do. (Also an emergency heal)

      It's not as great for Fury as it is for Arms, but it's still a DPS increase. More time you spend doing damage = higher damage.

      You should be pooling rage anyway for CS dumps unless Enrage is dropping or has dropped off.

      On incredibly high damage fights, yes, ER is better. But in general, IV is the best of the 3 talents on that tier, by a fairly large margin.
    18. gorunn

      gorunn Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      You beat me to it, if you are a DPS warrior, know your class and watch warnings/know fights there wont be that large amount of damage that you receive that you will have to pop ER, at least not regularly you have a healers for it, i personally use IV only when im down to ~35% of HP, healing my self a bit and allowing healers to toss a heal to different "softer" target. :) Even so, taking in concern our rotation, your "Berserker Rage" might be on CD, you had incoming damage that you eated like a boss, you must then wait for Enrage proc, wait for BR to come off CD or generate 60 (!) rage for it.

      Im not saying that this is bad talent, but it might get messy with it, i like IV more cause its really cheap, its small heal on demand and above all, it does some minor damage so gCD is not wasted.

      Anyhow, did some more tests.. Nope, Impending Victory is not used at all, no matter how much HP you have and whats your combat state (in combat, out of combat, entering combat) it not used. I tried literally exiting combat with 20% hp and entering combat with "Impending Victory" buff (double the healing after killing mob that gives exp or honor) and allowing mobs to bring me to death to see will it be used, and its not at all.
    19. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      Nice discussion going on here.

      There is no reason to try the edited routine for Shockwave only, as Shockwave is implemented in the SVN version. I took a quick look at the edited version, and basicly it only lets abilities wait for bloodthirst, moved shockwave up the prio list a bit and completely removed the CS+Execute phase as described in this image. Stick with the SVN version.


      Also update from the SVN, Impending Victory should be fixed. Kindly test and confirm.

      @ Apoc, what do you consider extremely low rage on moments IV is viable? And what's your opinion on the changes done by Pipe (A page back)?

      Edit: Update from SVN. Impending Victory should be fixed.
      Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
    20. gorunn

      gorunn Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Tested IV, still not working in all situations, single target, AoE, in combat and when starting combat.

      "Low rage on moments" can be considered grinding situations, Chaining mobs or avoiding boss mechanic. You exit the combat with low rage (cause of Execute) and Charge another mob, with, or without, "Glyph of Bull Rush" you will be pretty much ready to hit IV and get 20% Health back and do some minor damage in that gCD, thus not wasting it. Its ONLY talent in that tier that does some damage and its really low on cost. It has been debated on that topic and did large number of theorycrafting, at the end its down to that IV is best option cause low rage cost, and minor damage done thus giving at least some DPR points (Damage Per Rage).
      ER is next best option, and in higher level gear its overcoming IV cause of higher crit, thus higher Enrage uptime. Simply put, ER is not worth its rage cost, so you aim it to use it on Enrage which uptime is not so solid in lower lvl gear.

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