That actually NOT a bug, it's intended. Combat Routine ONLY use Hand of Freedom when there are 2 root/slow debuff on you (You got Hamstring + Chain of Ice at the same time for example) If you have ONLY 1 root/slow debuff (only 1 Frost Nova or 1 Concussive shot for example) the combat routine prefer Emancipate. Why: Hand of Freedom remove ALL slow/root so it better use when you have 2+ debuff, Emancipate remove ONE slow/root so it better use when you have 1 debuff instead of wasting a Hand of Freedom. It better save Hand of Freedom for a friend or when you really need it.
Can you please help me with lagging, i tried everything .. Im using it with lazyraider and set to raid mod and force it to 15 FPS and it still lags (
I'm sorry to bother you wit this stupid question, but how should I setup my LazyRaider config to work with this bot atm I have Behavior: RaidBot like, 60 fps, disable all plugins and frame lock and I can't seem to get it to heal anything without targeting enemy.. So should I use Raid Bot or LazyRaider with different settings?
View attachment 3212 2012-11-27 18.57.txt Here is the log file where the bot does not use a particle of light. In the middle of the fight, I have used it myself.
Hi again, i love ur CC so much. Retri, heal and prot doing better then i can do with my own hands. I saw in svn log, that u changed something in prot files, but prot CR still have previous rotation. Any plans on it?
Just donated. I hope this is as good as everyone makes it out to be. If you can speed up the emailing process so i can get started right when servers come back up that would be greatly appreciated
small bug: he tries to flashheal in air sometimes when getting a dot and combat end and he mounts and then go below heal treshhold, only makes it stand still for few seconds tho so nothing major, major bug: he doesnt attack units being ccd by blinding light and sorry for spamming emancipate bug! updated him and it worked awesome was my svn being faulty,
You don't want it to attack the blinded targets because it breaks the CC, So unless its not attacking the (a) single blinded target then its working as intended.
Tua my ret paladin stops automoving in arenas after the first match. I always have auto movement checked.
Can you please tell more detail, I check my prot rotation again and it still good (and better than what in your suggestion imo) Here the current prot rotation: ReckoningCompProtection(), ArdentDefender(), BubbleFlashofLightRet(), CancelBubbleProtection(), SetAutoAttack(), LayonHandsMe(), AvengingWrathBurstRet(), HolyAvengerBurstRet(), DivineProtectionMe(), DevotionAura(), UseHealthstone(), UseBattleStandard(), GuardianofAncientKingsProtection(), DivineShieldMe(), HandofProtectionMe(), SacredShieldMeProt(), AvengersShieldLowestThreatUnit(), HandofProtectionFriend(), CrowdControlSurviveComp(), HandofFreedomMe(), SealProtection(), FlashofLightSelflessHealer(), WordofGloryMeProtection(), ShieldoftheRighteous(), HammerofWrathCurrentTarget(), HammerofWrathUnitHammerofWrath(), JudgementRangeRet(), HammeroftheRighteousProtection(), CrusaderStrikeRet(), JudgementRet(), AvengersShield(), HolyPrismRet(), HolyPrismHeal(), ExecutionSentenceRet(), ExecutionSentenceHeal(), LightHammerRet(), LightHammerHeal(), Consecration(), ConsecrationGlyph(), HolyWrath(), WordofGloryMeTopUpRet(), FlashofLightMeRet(), FlashofLightFriendRet(), FlashofLightMeTopUpRet(), BuffRotation(), RighteousFury(),
This is intended. Combat routine will not attack Blind, Repentance, Sheep... target. These are debuff that break on damage, better don't touch them xD