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  • I don't feel like I got what I paid for with HB

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Kuval, Jul 21, 2010.

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    1. Kuval

      Kuval New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      First off, you need to realize that I've been reading for 3 days and I'm now at my wit's end. It shouldn't be a research project to figure out a bot. Information needs to be easy and accessable. Before you tell me to read a post, realize that I've read over 20 guides in the past 3 days and read all about plugins, custom classes and the works! I've done the WHOLE SHIBANG. I'm not some random dude that just wants to whine because he can't click "start" and grind to 80.

      So, I'm an ex-glider, you can see me on the glider forums with the same name. I was actually decent friends with Ocktra and made a video for him at one point in time. I'm not new to botting or WoW or anything of the sort... and although I was decently impressed with version 1.9.5... has completely nullified my bot ability.

      There's no way for me to make a profile because there's no profile creation help on these forums. Oh, I've looked. I've read multiple threads! I even downloaded a .pdf about eProfileCreator. I even got the creator and tried to create my own profiles... however, they don't work. Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong... maybe somehow I can get some support. Either way, in a few months I'm sure it'll be ironed out. Until then, I'll sit in stormwind and collect rested.

      It's very angersome to not know anything that's going on and to have no ability to fix my situation. I don't understand what many of the buttons do in the honorbuddy program... like blackspot... what does that do? Does that create a blackspot in my current profile or is it only a blackspot for the current session. Does it save the blackspot as a permanent addition? Does it only blackspot the npc or does it blackspot the entire area. Will it ever go through there again? Who the hell knows. I don't understand any of it and there's no help out there for me. No one is able to answer these questions and of the few times I get help in the chat room (which I understand, that's not what it's for... forums = support) I don't understand why there's such a lack of information if HB has been out for over a year. It's like there are so many applications and 0 information on what exactly is going on.

      I don't understand what plugins are now useless due to HB upgrades and what plugins don't even work anymore. I have eTrain and swear to god it does nothing. It really does do nothing at all. It hasn't since level 1 and I'm now 34.

      Next let's talk about profiles... and I did talk about them a bit already, but let's talk a bit more.

      For glider, there were about 30 profiles for starting areas at any given time. There was much diversity and all of the gliders easily made and distributed their profiles to allow other players the same happiness. In this HB version... it does quests aparently... but not well. Sometimes it'll ignore quests, sometimes it won't. Sometimes it'll complete quests and sometimes it won't turn them in. Sometimes it'll stand infront of a quest npc and just chill there. Sometimes itll do the same with the repair npc. Either way, all of these features are borked. Now, the quick response is "THIS IS BETA, CMON, CUT THEM SOME SLACK". Okay, I get it, it's beta. That's all fine and dandy, just give me a grind bot that works. Or a PvP bot that works.

      Either way, that's not the point. The point is, there are about 2 alliance profiles... both at 1-60. It'd be great if either of them worked. They don't. I had the most luck with Mordd's but his is only to level 45. Then what? What the hell am I going to do?

      Ya know, I don't even know what RaF stands for and I've been reading these forums for 3 days. I understand it has something to do with grouping because when I tried to do it, it wanted a group leader. I assume it's for people running multiple clients, but who knows... maybe it's some automated instance runner seeing as how all instances are now meshed.

      The pathing is actually one thing I like about HB, everything on my profiles seems to run VERY smoothly.

      Just creating profiles is so impossible. When I asked for help I got told to just create them in .txt files. I saw how eProfileCreator created them and I get it... I can copy that exact format. The problem is, it refuses to accept targets that I give and I don't know what all of the input areas are for. For example, under vendor #1 (I'm guessing to repair, which I believe it says in the guide... THAT I READ)... the name is self explanitory... the Entry though... wtf is that? Entry? Maybe it's what type of vendor it is... oh wait no, the TYPE is what type of vendor it is. And how do I get his location, if I click the button vendor #1... nothing comes up!

      I understand it just might not be working right now with the latest update and that might be a big cause of my frustration. But then at least tell me that's the case. Don't leave me to muddle in my own problems and wonder if I'm a complete moron or not.

      Either way, I'm using old profiles that other players have 5 starred and instead of properly targetting NPCs... HB runs right up to them, aggros them and then starts to cast spells. Sometimes, it even clears the target it's on as if it needs to delay more time and suck EVEN MORE than it currently does. The pulling distance is completely irrelivant. When I asked about this, I was told that it was due to poor profiles but no matter what profile I use, I RUN INTO THE SAME PROBLEM. So what's the deal here, does HB just really suck this much? I gurantee that's not the case.

      I know for a fact HB is amazing, and I know for a fact that all of these problems are potentially user error. THE PROBLEM IS, I have no idea how to fix them.

      Maybe I just came at the wrong and confusing time, but so far... I'm VERY disappointed with HB.
      Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
    2. Lt.Leon

      Lt.Leon New Member

      May 19, 2010
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    3. jubor

      jubor New Member

      Feb 25, 2010
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      few days ago YES...test the new release its awesome...i dont even use plugin
    4. lightingthunder

      lightingthunder New Member

      Jun 28, 2010
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      bet some guy will come and say GTFO HB IS WORKING PERFECT FOR ME U R NOB L2 USE IT
      but seriously, i have the same problems with hb for around 2 months, you have to get used to it
    5. Lt.Leon

      Lt.Leon New Member

      May 19, 2010
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      Just get by with what you can.
    6. Kuval

      Kuval New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      What you're not getting is that I'm not getting by. I have no knowledge of how anything works, nor do I have the ability to learn due to complete lack of documentation. The changes to the bot have surpassed all instruction and that leads to a very confused playerbase... or maybe just a confused me, but either way... I'm confused.
    7. Bobble

      Bobble New Member

      Jun 11, 2010
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      Profiles are fairly easy to create just takes a little bit of time... Tbh im in the complete opposite boat, i was a bit hesitant for paying for a bot. For the nearly 2 months i've had it for, i have nothing but praise for the advancement i have seen. This bot is a lot less bottish than glider so i feel the comparison is poor tbh.

      There is some fairly good documentation, but if you actually specified what your issues were then people will try their upmost to assist providing you are polite about it. People seem to react in a much better way if you're like this.
    8. Tinsil

      Tinsil New Member

      Jun 24, 2010
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      I have mostly enjoyed this bot, and have had overall great success with it. Love it. :)

      However, I see your point that there isn't a TON of profiles out there.. and I honestly don't know either how to create them. There's not a real solid guide anywhere out there for it as far as I can tell.

      That said, using profiles others have given.. I haven't really had any issues other than skinning/questing.. which seem to be much improved in Skinning still isnt perfect for whatever reason, but its much better now.
    9. Synik

      Synik Active Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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    10. Tinsil

      Tinsil New Member

      Jun 24, 2010
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      Well there you go theres the guide.. Apparently I missed that! Thanks Synik. Probably why I missed it is the public profiles have been all good enough where I haven't needed to make my own.
    11. jubor

      jubor New Member

      Feb 25, 2010
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      Its simple use user ready made profile...when there is update...the plugin might need updates,the CC's might need updates otherwise it wont work properly...and remember we dont pay for custom plugin and CC's
    12. NiklasNikke

      NiklasNikke New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      I'd suggest to start with just downloading a profile instead of trying to make one already.

      http://www.buddyforum.de/forumdisplay.php?12-Honorbuddy-Profiles download a profile that fits your needs.
      When you've downloaded it, open up Honorbuddy, login. Click "Load profile", it will say something like "Loading PROFILE". Then just hit Start, and it will start working.

      You can catch me in the chat, I'm on it most of the time. (I'm fairly new as well, soo)
    13. andykay123

      andykay123 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    14. Kuval

      Kuval New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      Yeah, I've done this part already which for the most part runs really smoothly. Thanks for the help. The problem comes in when instead of pulling, my character runs into npcs and lets them ADD onto me before casting his first offensive spell.

      I just think there needs to be a separate forum where people can post questions that are answered.

      As well, I read that you now need commas between factions and he doesn't have any in his profile.
    15. Kuval

      Kuval New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      As well, all zones are now meshed? Do I create my own mesh? Is that done with? What's the situation there?
    16. dayloon

      dayloon Active Member

      Mar 5, 2010
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      I agree with you about the profiles. There is an extreme lack of good profiles and how you go about making one seems to be a guessing game. The goal posts seem to constantly move.

      I also agree that trying to work out which plugins/cc's actually work with the current HB version is very confusing and frustrating.

      Although the bot itself is excellent, the rest of it let's it down big time. So much so that I find myself using a competitors bot more than HB. It's time to work on the CC's and profiles in my opinion.
      Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
    17. NiklasNikke

      NiklasNikke New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      All zones are meshed. When you get into a zone you haven't been before, HonorBuddy will start downloading the mesh for that zone. The only thing you have to do is under the General Settings tab, is to press Select Mesh Folder, then select an empty folder.

      Are you sure your character is at the right grinding spot? It won't auto attack before it's at the right spot. So if the profile is made for the western part of Un'goro Crater, and you're at the east, it will start running to the western part, and it won't auto attack the mobs until it's in the western part. However, if the mobs attack you on the way to the western part, the bot will attack them.
    18. Synik

      Synik Active Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      Meshes are all done, they just stream to your mesh/map folder as and when you need them.
    19. Kuval

      Kuval New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      So essentially, all I have to do is put a faction number in my profile and it'll send me to the area with those NPCs?
    20. Synik

      Synik Active Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      You would need hotspots as well.

      Then most other things comes based on your requirements for the profile.
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