is there any way to make the bot not pick up healthstones? i disabled it in UPVP but it still picks em up .. ppl are using it to distingquish bots from real players nowadays
So If I donate to this And get the GUI settings your telling Me I can have everything off I control all movement and can set this to only interrupt spells on my target and targets around me ????? no rotation or anyhting I do it all but interrupts ?
Hey mate. I need some help with your plugin. I downloaded the ZIP file. Extracted it in plugins folder. In order to work i must donate? Kinda confused here. Can you please help me out?
It actually isn't my adodn doing it. If you do not see "[Ultimate PvP Suite] Trying to get HealthStone from: " it isn't my plugin. And yes I actually did test it. No, in order to get the GUI you must donate. All the variables can be adjusted in the "Ultimate PvP Suite.cs" file. If all you want to do is have it interrupt... Yes you can do that.
Hi, Can i request an enhancement? Basically i used to do this manually but since the donation one is now a DLL i cant. Your strafing code is fantastic but I prefer to be a little more in control for when it starts. At the moment I can click someone far away and it will go towards them mounting if needed etc. If there was an option that I could enable that said enable straffing if target < XX away. That way I could only enable straffing if under 9 yards etc. I play using a blank CC and use your straffing code to look awesome ;D
For a melee character, do you suggest we use the movement from the plugin or from a custom class such as singular? Not sure which would be better. Thanks
Hey Phelon, I have SVN and GUI access, but every time I try to configure the GUI I get this error... Any idea why? btw I have reinstalled a fresh HB and used a fresh new Ultimate PvP Suite folder and it still persists.
Just to be clear. You made a folder in your plugins folder and then did a check out of the SVN into that folder correct? It doesn't seem like it is using the Loaderfile.