As an old multiboxer I loved being able to run instances on my own. Getting all the loot all for myself and stuff like that. It would be truly awesome if HB was able to run 5 toons like this in the future. Like a 5 paladin setup by default or something. Since they seem to be the most balanced class to do this with. And on lower levels they could pretty much all tank. Could this be done? Aside from it being awesome to watch it would probably also be one of the safest ways to level 1-80, all you'd have to think about is not staying online for too long to get flagged.
Yes, ofcourse. But I meant more like a stand-alone application supporting this on the fly. I'm sure it is quite far-fetched right now. But once HB and GB is pretty much perfected, you'd probably have more time on your hands and even more stuff you'd like to do with the code available to you
imo seems like an easy task, Characters run to instance, run in instance, follow profile containing every mob in the instance, kill mobs, run out and reset...
prio should not be RAF, prio should be to get questing to work 100%, also, an easier profile creator xD
I doubt any bot will ever be perfected, even Glider which was open for 4(?)+ years wasn't perfected. But this seems like a great idea, so it would be another option like Grind bot or Mixed, PvP, or Questing, it would just be another selection. /signed.
I would much rather see it just work in the main app instead of having to have yet another separate application to do something a single app could do .
If you think about it, with the dungeon finder, you wouldn't need to. Just requeue, and accept when the queue pops. I'm sure also you could program HB to choose certain instances, or do random.
trust me, its idd easy in your head, but its not as easy when it comes to the actually coding. even the simplest task may fry your brain and give a headache ;o also you have to have some kind of intelligence so the bot know how to do bosses which require tacts.(or some kind of tact) and to open closed door's which require u to do something speciall, talk to npc's, etc. but those who never code something, usually think its easyer than it is. but just take a look at the quest feature; "just go to npc, pickup quest, go to spot, kill mob, go back, turn in." sound easy, right? but seeing how many bugs there are, and the time it takes to make that feature work proper, should be a clear proof to you that its never that simple to code something. =/ but i agree, make hb able to do my daily dung, and emblem farm! ^^,
I would pay for this as well. I'm sure it's not easy, but since a large portion of what would be required seems to be in place now, as Tony said. It needs some custom coding for sure, but AIO bot already has a dungeon farming feature, for a single bot to run low level instances. If it were developed on a per instance basis, to custom code behavior for boss fights, and slowly expanded for different dungeons (similar to how the BGs work, there's already some of this in place now.) The CC's are almost there now. Even if it was only partially automated, and just killed trash for me, I would pay for it, then multibox the boss fight manually. It's the trash that sucks.... I mean right now, if the bot could farm the trash in Heroic Pit of Saron, you could make a killing selling battered hilts...
I would definitely pay extra for this option/program. It would save me so much time it's not even funny.
Looks like other bots already have it . So i think its easy to add to HB this P.S p.s ( no its not mimic bot )