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  • Mut Mut - The long awaited pvp rogue profile

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by xvii, Feb 6, 2010.

    1. xvii

      xvii New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      All development has been discontinued for this CC for a while now, I can't say much yet because its still a little ways off, but I'm working on something new. I'm about to revolutionize rogue pvp CC's once again. The only thing I can say is, Sub Sub.​

      Mut Mut - V3.0
      This profile is still in the creation process, and is constantly being update, check back regularly for updates! What I've got so far will get you started if your a pvp (mutilate spec) rogue trying to run battle grounds.


      Update Version 4.0​

      CC Updated for latest release of HB 2. Support for this CC is now continuing. Prepare for the revival of Mut Mut and all its PVP glory. ​

      *Version 4.0 is now the latest version of mut mut, all the previous functionality of mut mut is now working for the latest release of HB.
      *Only the wound poison version has been updated, deadly poison version coming soon.

      Good news rogues I've decided to update this CC for the current version of HB again. However I've been away from the HB scene a while and I haven idea what kind of changes have been made or where to even start to get this thing updated. If there are any current CC developers that could get me some info on recent changes get in touch with me.

      Update Version 3.0​

      *CC update for HB version 2.0

      *Okay you needy bastards, finally found the time to update your CC for you, even though I can't even play wow right now. I don't know why I bother lmao. Naa I only kid with you, I enjoy supporting this CC and enjoy all the positive feedback.

      Alright test monkeys get to testing, need to know what to fix, I'm not even sure if this is going to run at all.
      Big thanks for Khurune fo update information on HB 2.0, without his HB 2.0 details I wouldn't have known what to fix / update for 2.0

      Update Version 2.7​

      *Attempt at capturing some of the issues with poisons, needs to be tested need feedback.

      ***Update Version 2.65***​

      *Another potential fix for slice and dice bug, needs to be tested!

      ***Update Version 2.6***​

      *Pending slice and dice bug fix, needs to be tested!

      Update Version 2.5​

      *Eviscerate bug fixed.

      Update Version 2.4​

      *The latest issue with the CC not loading giving errors should now be fixed, both versions the deadly and wound / deadly versions have both been updated.

      If you haven't read the latest post by me, I cannot play wow right now as I cannot afford it, this means I cannot test this CC what so ever. I need you guys to test it for me and give me detailed feed back on whats not working. Now out of any time I've needed you guys to test for me is most important as like I said I literally cannot test at all. So get out there and test and come back with feedback!!!

      Update Version 2.3​

      I'm sorry it took so long to get this update done, I basically had to recode a lot of what I had done, and it took a really long time to get poisons fixed, as well as a slue of other fixes that went into this build. I haven't tested this build yet as I just finished it at work so I'll need you guys to test it and come back with any errors or issues. Overall there were a ton of fixes / additions to the CC in this build so I'm not going to list every change / fix that went into it.

      *Poisons should be fixed, however as of right now there is no way to make it apply two different poisons to two different weapons, I'm still trying to get this to work but I've talked to several actual HB developers and none of them were sure if there is a way to make that happen. So for right now it will use duel deadly poisons so you can envenom.

      *All other fixes are also in this release, way too many to list, I basically did a rewrite of the entire CC.

      *Jumping is toned down in combat.

      Update Version 2.2.1​

      *Minor update to fix the buggy poison application, there was an issue were if you were applying you poisons and for some reason didn't get a chance to apply your second poison, it wouldn't try to re apply the other poison after. This should be fixed, let me know if it is.

      *Also should no longer continue to attack bubbled or ice blocked mobs.

      *You will no longer choose pets as a target.

      Update Version 2.2​

      *Envenom / deadly poison fix is in. Should now properly envenom when any rank of deadly poison is on target.

      *Now you will sprint to target after a deadly throw is used (IE: Their running away from you) Also you will sprint when trying to get to a target to open on them.

      *You will now jump if your stuck when you have target. You will also jump if your standing still on a target. (Somewhat of an added security feature, you look less bottish) I've tested this out and it works great when stuck on things like fences in AB and the like.

      Update Version​

      Sorry about the extensive updates, but I keep finding small things that need fixing.

      *Fixed a couple more small bugs in recently added utilities.
      *The LOS fix is still semi working, still doing testing, hopefully will have it fully functional soon!

      Update Version 2.0.2​

      *Deadly Throw added! - If target has > 1 combo point on it and target is > 10 yards away. Deadly throw is used.

      Update Version 2.0.1​

      *Made a few minor fixes to recent updates

      It doesn't seem like the LoS fix isn't yet working, still trying to figure it out. Bare with me

      This one took so much effort and time I'm calling this bitch 2.0!
      Update Version 2.0​

      *Mob blacklisting disabled! (I'll figure out a work around later, for now I just disabled black listing, you don't run into too many stuck mobs anyway)

      *Poisons now work! You will use the lowest rank poison in bags, so if your a cheap scumbag like me you can just buy the lowest rank poisons and it will apply them! Otherwise if you have highest rank poisons in back it will apply those. (Note I'm not sure what it will choose if you have both lower rank and higher rank of the same poison on your bags)

      *Added feature, if your current target is not in line of site you will clear your target, so you don't have to run against a wall for 20 minutes with someone targeted on top of a hill. This is amazing because in the past it was clear that you were a bot when you would run against a wall like that, that won't happen anymore so this update is even a security update too!

      *Fixed the random sinister striking, now if you don't have mutilate in your spell book IE: you aren't high enough level to use it, you will use sinister strike.

      *Also implemented a fix for Fan of Knifes, didn't seem to be working in the past, still not sure if its working its being tested. Right now is set to fan if your mob list is > 2 just to test if it works.

      Update Version 1.4​

      *Support for Battlemaster's Rage now implemented! (note currently only supports this specific trinket)

      Update Version 1.3​

      *Dismantle now supported!
      *Seriously overhauled the movement logic, you will no longer chase people around never actually making it to the person. Your target coordinates are updated much faster, you'll stay on target much much better. (probably the most significant fix yet!)
      *Fixed some issues that were causing a lot of log spam.

      In progress:
      Support for Battlemaster's Rage (or any of the pvp trinkets that are on use + health)

      Update Version 1.2​

      *Every man for him self now works properly.

      In progress:
      Support for Battlemaster's Rage (or any of the pvp trinkets that are on use + health)
      Dismantle support for melee type targets.

      Update Version 1.1​

      *Envenom and Eviscerate are now working.
      *Envenom will be used if poisons are on target otherwise eviscerate will be used
      *If health is low, you will now cast cloak of shadows followed by a vanish in attempt to re-open on target
      *If kick is on cool down gouge is used to interrupt (working properly now)
      *If you aren't high enough level for mutilate or if you aren't speced for it you will sinister strike (why would you not be specced for mutilate though this is a pvp profile after all!)
      *Cold Blood is now used when available on Eviscerate / Envenom
      *Preparation is now used if Vanish is on cool down and it is being used because of low health indication

      In progress:
      Support for Battlemaster's Rage (or any of the pvp trinkets that are on use + health)
      Proper use of every man for him self

      Currently Supports (V1.0)

      (obviously ^_^)

      Fan of Knifes
      If greater than 3 mobs in mob.list you'll use fan of knifes.

      If kick is not available to interrupt a cast, gouge will be used.

      Working on: Vanish - Cold Blood - Better stealth procedures - And much more

      Mind you this is still in the works but at least you can properly mutilate people now rather than running around with daggers and a pvp spec sinister striking people.

      You'll want to (back up your old rogue class if you wish) rename your old rogue class if you wish to keep it to something like rogue1.cs then copy and paste this CC into your "CustomClasses" folder.

      For the version that properly finds lower rank poisons, but only uses duel deadly poison, download the second attached file (IE: If you are not level 80 or do not have max rank in wound and deadly poison)

      If you are 80 and do have the max rank of each poison download the first attached file. This one will use deadly and wound poison, however they must be max rank and you must have them in your bags or it will not work.

      Also note, you must rename the file to Rogue.cs otherwise HB will not recognize it.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
      septimas123 likes this.
    2. Endersama

      Endersama New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      first - ill test it/read it now :D
    3. hokumera

      hokumera New Member

      Jan 18, 2010
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      Thank you, xvii!! I'll be sure to check this out when I get some daggers... still leveling at the moment.
    4. Shakam

      Shakam Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      does he also work good in pve ? thinking about to start a rogue the last 15 days before i ll close my acc :)... finally !!! :D
    5. xvii

      xvii New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes it should work fine for pve.
      Working on update: For latest patch, there will also be a few additions to the profile. Such as fixed stealth procedures.

      Let me know how you guys are liking it, I don't want to keep supporting this if nobody is using / nobody cares to use it / needs it.
    6. hokumera

      hokumera New Member

      Jan 18, 2010
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      I'm very surprised the popularity of this has not blown up. People were calling for rogue pvp a while ago. I tested this one xvii, and I have to say a job well done. This is very solid, and I wished I had it since lvl 50. I'm going to use it while I'm 80 to get the conqueror title and AB tabard :).
    7. xvii

      xvii New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the input, as long as enough people say they want it I'll keep supporting it.
    8. Dreike

      Dreike New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes! Thank you so much! I'm going to use for for 68 - 80 mixed mode. :)
    9. brabbit

      brabbit New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Well done XVII
      Cant wait to test this! (at work atm)

      Will report back tonight!
      I know this is for PVP, but as some stated above me - i should have no problem running a mixed with this Eh?
      Currently Combat, but ill do some research and find a decent build for mix.
    10. zomgmage

      zomgmage Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      also cant wait to test this. my rogue needs honor bad!
    11. lysdexic

      lysdexic New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Just dinged 68 and will be switching my rogue to this tonight... Thanks for your efforts!
    12. xvii

      xvii New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the replies guys, lets me know people are interested / lets me know to keep it supported.

      As of right now it doesn't seem to be envenoming properly, the default rogue profile doesn't eviscerate or envenom, when I get home tonight I'll try to get a fix worked out.
    13. Endersama

      Endersama New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i'd be very happy to help you work on this, for ideas &/or script. Let me know if you'd welcome an extra hand :)
    14. moggzie

      moggzie New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Very nice :) gonna give this a try :)
    15. Shakam

      Shakam Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tryed it, but my rogue ist lvl 16 so this cc doesnt work for it... i think until lvl 40 or 50, could you please insert Sinister insted of multi until this talent can be used ?
    16. Ilja Rogoff

      Ilja Rogoff Well-Known Member

      Jan 25, 2010
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      will try this asap. tia
    17. Endersama

      Endersama New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      If you're leveling you should be combat spec, anyways. And you can use stabby for that (awesome cc).

      This doesnt eviscerate for me, btw.
    18. aqrhine

      aqrhine New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      yah umm.. what if he wants to do mixed mode leveling? eh?
    19. zomgmage

      zomgmage Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      good in pve lvlin = combat = more xp

      good in pvp does not help you get more xp.

      mixed mode as combat is fine.. i did it.
    20. xvii

      xvii New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Okay guys, I've been super busy the last few days and haven't had a chance to do any development with this CC, however today is my day off and I'll be over hauling it. I already noted that eviscerate (or envenom) isn't working. It actually doesn't work in any of the rogue CC's. Including the default rogue CC that HB comes with. I have to figure how to get it working, also working on making it recognize when you don't have mutilate in your spellbook.

      If all goes well, you should mutilate if you have it in your spell book and if you don't it should sinister strike, also it should envenom if you have deadly poison stacks on your mob (IE: your using deadly poison aka the current general pvp spec) or it will eviscerate if you have no DP stacks up.

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