Sorry for the slow response. I am using some dungeon farming scripts. With AOE for the trash mobs it is much faster, but for certain bosses, it is a lot faster to have the AOE off. It would be cool to be able to toggle it back and forth between on and off from within the script.
You should have 1 folder Pasteur in your routines folder, without subfolders. In that folder you have Revision.xml who keeps track of the versions. If the file isn't there, you stay at revision 0
No point to put a revision.xml on the svn. All the files are inside the zip file you can download. Just download de zip file, unzip, start HB choose pasteur and he will update auto. I explain it on the download section.
Great CC, i think it's currently the best that you can find for questing, grinding and gathering. Theres just a few thing that i would change (if i had the knowledge to do it): 1. Make Desperate Prayer (Tier 4 talent) optional at a certain % of health, to make it a lifesaver instead of a "normal" healspell. 2. I don't know why, but it doesn't keep my preferences on Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch. I usually don't want Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch below 20% HP, because after two Shadow Word: Deaths (if the mob is below 20%) most of the mobs die and the orbs are wasted. This would speed up grinding, because you can start with 3 orbs at a new enemy (see point 3). 3. Use Devouring Plague to pull mobs if the toon has 3 orbs. Also a little speed up, because with level 90 most mobs between 85 and 87 die after one Plague and perhaps two ticks of Shadow Word: Pain. Everything ealse works fine for me, thank you very much for your work!
There is a Problem with Health out of Combat for Chars < Level 26. Renew is avaible at Level 26, so you should add it that if the Char under Level 26 or Renew not learned, he should irgnore the "Me.HealthPercent <= PasteurSettings.myPrefs.renew" in: Then is the Health under the Renew but over the Flash he take a rest an wait for the normal healt reset.
Just put renew health as low as possible, then he will auto use flash heal. That's the check if he can't cast renew or flash heal, then he use normal rest.
If it works for 98% of the users of this CC why it's not working for you. I put a new download (latest version) and all needed files are there.