Thanks for updating the PR. Do you think you can support Lay on Hands teammate for the PR? You don't even know how many times we would have wiped if it wasn't for the bot's lay on hands on the old version.
i will update this post as soon as US servers come back online. thank you for your input and i hope this fixes it.
using latest update on the SVN , and for some reason i cannot set Eternal Flame Blanket Moder higher than 1HP , last night it worked , could set it 1-2-3-4-5 , now only wants 0 or 1
EDITED post to make it more clear, suggestions of adding: racial setting to change what mana % u wanna use arcane torrent or what hp % u wanna use gift of naaru etc etc only holy shock during divine plea (for those who actually raid hc and dont bother using that shitty glyph ) also he seems to ignore having ress sickness, sometimes when my quest buddy gets stuck somewhere and takes ress sickness he keeps attacking and dies pretty hardtime. thanks!
Thanks. I know it would make the GUI look a little more complicated, but have you thought about adding another NumericUpDown for Mana requirement?
It is intended, I invent (just kidding) - I think the best setting for eternal blanket mode is to cast on 1 instead of 2 or 3 it a waste. CR routine now do more than just Eternal Blanketing mode, it the new hybrid mode. I test and find out you get more healing done with 1 HP on blanketing and 3 HP on WoG direct heal. So to help user get the most healing done and prevent not optimized setting, I limit it to 1. Edit: Just to clear with Eternal Blanket mode on, Combat Routine still use 3 holy power on Eternal Flame on tank or someone need heal badly so just don't worry, click raid setting and rock
ow oke i see , i reforged full haste now , to get the most out of the 1HP EF style , will post some reviews after tonite's raid
TBH, I want power user get everything from CR but I also don't want to intimidate new user with 200 checkboxes and buttons The current CR use Arcane Torrent on 70% mana when you are in raid/dungeon and it work fairly reasonable. I know you can code, if you want to change it, just do Code: new Decorator( ret => Me.Combat && THSettings.Instance.SRacial && Me.ManaPercent < 90 && SpellManager.HasSpell("Arcane Torrent") && SpellManager.HasSpell("Holy Insight") && (Me.CurrentMap.IsDungeon || Me.CurrentMap.IsRaid) && SpellManager.Spells["Arcane Torrent"].CooldownTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds <= MyLatency, new Action(delegate { { Logging.Write("Arcane Torrent"); CastSpell("Arcane Torrent", Me); } return RunStatus.Failure; })) Also for divine plea, it all about save mana in PvE and please use Glyph of Mana Plea, it a 5 sec cast and CR can not cast Divine Light/FoL or anything during that time
i rewrote my post abit, hope that you could give it a quick look you dont actually need a checkbox for the divine plea, just add a "noheal" while having buff "Divine Plea", only use holy shock for maximizing holy powers, that glyph is mentally retarded to be honest. and yeah the arcane torrent i could change manually.
Well currently, you have a NUD for each spell to say at what health to cast the heal spell. You could add another one next to that for each spell to say when your mana is greater than that value, but now that I think about it, it would require another health NUD to override the mana one. This would make the GUI look a little more complicated, but for people like who me that raid a lot, this kind of functionality would make the ultimate CC. Something like this:
Well i think for 9 sec mana plea, just use hot key to pause the bot action... because add new logic that watch over mana plea - a spell you will only use once very 2 min - will actually slow down performance and hurt everybody What do you think of my suggestion?
I think i have solution for this WITH NO GUI. I have many hidden variable on the setting file. Just add those there, it don't bother normal user and give power user to config whatever they want. Please give me full detail on what spell, what percentage, what override... I think I can add to setting file and you are free to tweak it
well it's what ive been doing so far i also combine one of my plea's with a potion of focus, but i still want him to keep full uptime on holy shock, and you wouldnt even need a checkbox for this, and to be honest i had a even more complicated suggestion to make him only cast divine plea during hymn of hope, that one would require a checkbox or a "only in raid" code, something like: While I have divine plea buff: only cast holy shock(hardcoded) Use divine plea when i have buff Hymn of Hope (checkbox) this would not affect ppl using the casttime glyph, and it would only improve hps of ppl NOT using the glyph, i know this might be some complicated coding but it would increase raid performance ALOT for high-end raiders, I know in LFR mana is never a problem etc, because you never have to cast divine lights or such lol, atm im starting to get some mana problems in our HC modes ): and I have been disabling divine plea checkbox and doing it myself together with hymn of hope.. also make bot idle during ress sickness ret bot goes around dying!