I don't use any. I don't need them. Trinity handles death handling for me in my profiles (I have the death count set at 15 in the profiles, it can be adjusted based on your needs). I honestly don't see the point to Rads/Atom anymore unless you are using their specific profiles which require them. I think Atom has included some new features which makes it a bit more useful, but since elites no longer regenerate their health, you really don't encounter impossible elites anymore. You'll eventually kill them. Db has also hadded new XML tags that allow us to do what we couldn't do before which relied on Rads. I've stopped using Rads now for quite some time. No complaints. They just seem to cause too many problems. I don't get any town stucks or the issues people seem to get when running them quite honestly. I'd personally just turn them off when using my profiles and turn them back on when you use their champ pack profiles. dbuser123 - if you can send me a full log detail, that would be great. I can't seem to replicate this issue people are having with not warping out from act2 bazaar.
Magi, currently I can manually edit act[1,2,3]_start.xml and set monsterPower there. What do you think, can this be done automatically? Maybe Keyrun can set this (per act)?
I assume you are trying to run different MP levels for different acts...? I'm not sure my plugin can override the DB MP slider and/or the GameParam Monster Level. Usually I can only manipulate stuff once the game has started. I can look around though and see if it's possible.
That's practically impossible. Do you see a message from KeyRun that an Infernal key has dropped when it drops? Log please.
im watched my bot kill the warden and the key dropped but he didnt pick it up. i ran this profile all night but no key. my bot isn't picking up any
Seems to get stuck at spawn a lot when its completed an act. Any idea why? Using Demonbuddy v1.0.1206.288 / GilesTrinity Community Edition (version / Linked KeyRun Plugin v1.4 for Trinity CE v1.7.1.3+ users / A1-A3 Keyhunt v2.6.zip
are you perma-stucking? regular stucks here and there happen frequently depending on a variety of factors (chasing monsters/goblins, bot build, etc). I don't bother logging brief stucks, only perma stucks which cause inactivity trips. You're bot will get stuck regardless of profile, but it should recover quickly. Wardens to have a higher kill radius than most monsters, so it could see a brief stuck going after them (especially in A2 and A3). The only chance for a possible perma-stuck that my profile could cause that I've seen (mind you, only once has this happened to me) would be going back to the warden corpse after killing him. Usually this could happen if you kill the warden and then chase another monster (usually an elite) a fair distance away or into a corridor of some sort which prevents you from finding your way back to the corpse. I've only had this happen to me once, and I've run these profiles probably more than anyone.
It doesnt happen in those instances you mentioned above. This situation happens when i teleport back into town after i kill the keywarden. He just runs around town and eventually gets stuck. I have to manually move him until he gets free, then he checks the stash for keys and loads next profile.
If you're using my KeyRun 1.4 plugin, when a Key is dropped, the plugin will post a message into the DB info pane. You will see this anytime a key is dropped unless you somehow kill the warden from a very far distance (like off screen quite a bit, aka impossible I should think). If you post a log I can see immediately what is going on, but if you aren't picking up keys, you likely don't have either KeyRun or Trinity enabled. Trinity has built in Key pick up and with their latest CE version extra special handling of targeting keys so they are not missed. If somehow trinity misses it, my plugin will Spam you character to pick up the key if it exists in the ActorList which if it dropped and you are anywhere within site of the key or even a bit out of site, my plugin will not stop spamming your character to pick the key up until it does. Hence why if you're running the latest stuff, I don't see how you can miss a key. If you're running the latest plugins and profile, and it's not picking up keys, post a log if you can so I can confirm there is indeed a problem.
Ah ok, then that is either the DB/Trinity town bug. You using RadsAtom/Atom at all? Disable if you are. I don't get these, though I do see my character occasionally walk around town aimlessly for about 10 seconds, but it recovers on it's own and eventually finds it's way to the waypoint portal/stash. Didn't use to do this up until recently. My code hasn't changed for that part in quite some time so it's definitely either DB or Trinity doing something funky when you get back to town. You could try throwing a wait timer once you get back to town in the A1-A3_START_HERE.xml Change this: Code: <!-- Load Act Based on Keys Acquired --> <While condition="Me.IsInTown"> <MoveTo questId="1" actorId="130400" /> <UseObject questId="1" actorId="130400" /> <KeyRunProfile questId="1" act1profile="act1_start.xml" act2profile="act2_start.xml" act3profile="act3_start.xml" /> </While> to this: Code: <!-- Load Act Based on Keys Acquired --> <While condition="Me.IsInTown"> <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" /> <UseObject questId="1" actorId="130400" /> <KeyRunProfile questId="1" act1profile="act1_start.xml" act2profile="act2_start.xml" act3profile="act3_start.xml" /> </While> The MoveTo really isn't needed anymore as DB will now walk to objects you tell it to interact with.
Thanks for the quick response. Will definitely try the above. You're right though, your profile never used to do it which led me to think its either DB or Trinity. Thought i'd ask you anyway thanks again and will report back if the issue is still there.
yeah a wait timer might help. I actually just put in that code above into mine and we'll see how it runs. Maybe it'll fix the random drunken walk to the waypoint.
Nice profile! Working great, with a few areas where I get stuck for a couple seconds. I have yet to find my first key, but the profile keeps doing Act 2. Thought it was randomized? Or does it stick with one Act until key is found, then randomly chooses the next and sticks with it till key is found, and so on.... Also, I get this error: but it doesnt seem to effect the bot: [02:18:50.330 Q] [Trinity][CacheManagement]System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000008 [299]! at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative) at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative) at Zeta.Internals.Actors.ACD.[](ACD , Int32 ) at Zeta.Internals.Actors.ACD.GetAttribute[T](Int32 attribute) at Zeta.Internals.Actors.ACD.GetAttribute[T](ActorAttributeType attributeType) at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaUnit.get_IsBurrowed() at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.RefreshGilesUnit(Boolean AddToCache) at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.RefreshStepMainObjectType(Boolean& AddToCache) at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.CacheDiaObject(DiaObject freshObject) at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.RefreshCacheMainLoop()
Yeah that error is a Trinity thing, has no impact. It should randomize the acts if you have an equal amount of keys between all acts (or no keys at all). Not sure how many runs you've done but since there are only 3 acts to choose from, it can manage to repeat the same act a few times by chance.
Yea bout 7 runs now. Seems like its typical for it to be a lot of runs on mp0. Can you please explain the KeyWarden Health part of the code? Whats it purpose? and how does it work? Thanks EDIT... runs right pass the keywarden... [02:48:46.214 N] [KeyRun] ========== KEYWARDEN WITHIN RANGE ============ [02:48:50.554 N] [KeyRun] WARDEN HP: 1074350 [02:48:50.554 N] [KeyRun] ========== KEYWARDEN OUT OF RANGE ============ [02:50:03.024 N] ========== KEYWARDEN NOT FOUND/TRIGGERED ============
Magi, sometimes after killing elite #5, it opens town portal too fast (Keyrun kicks in) and does'nt pick anything that dropped.