i did some testing at the dummy and some heroics. while it works well at the dummy, in heroics it would try to spam fireblast endlessly and result in doing nothing. maybe you can tell me if i did something wrong. and can you tell me, what the AOE rotation is? maybe i stand too near or too far from the mobs. edit: even if i unchecked using fireblast it woould spam it on the boss.
Ty for report. i updated a fix....hope it work. AOE: if mobs >= number your GUI settings if in arcane explosion range cast it Cast flamestrike if mobs in flamestrike range >= your number gui setting cast arcane barrage at 6 charge ignoring any mana config in gui.
Oh, ! I feel so excited when I loaded this when it said your name and to enjoy xD!!!!! I will let you know how it goes! It works well but is there a way to make myself cast blizzard and not use blink is that something i need to fix in the XML file thing? o.o I am noob.
blizzard not implemented yet. you can disable bink in GUI. If other people want blizzard i can implement it.
great, thx for the info. now i know to stand in range haha yes, this is the best part of it and sexy voice, too. does blizzard do more dmg than arcane explosion and flamestrike?
OK! So you think we have to implement blizzard? for rotation actually in svn isnt one you mansioned but previus one but not only with nether but olso living bomb and frost bomb considered in rotation. personally i think living bomb is best.
would be awesome if you could update the arcane rotation to the second suggestion. Regarding aoe: If at range and it is not safe to enter melee range you should use Flamestrike/blizzard But if safe to enter Melee range you should run in and use Arcane explosion it is much better aoe. Also an option to disable targeting would be cool (sorry if it's already in and i missed it.) PS Great work on all your CC's mate Edit: WTB King wow : Rogue with pvp support
OK Blizzard will coming asap. For rotation really at this point i'm little confused can i have reference link to study properly this rotation? And before that i need to know if fire blast work properly (for who has glyphed it and use it) on instance/raid cause bug fix has priority.
Basically it is this: Arcane Mage PvE DPS Rotation and Cooldowns (MoP 5.1) But for a better more detailed guide refer here: MoP Arcane Mage PvE Guide
SVN UPDATE: Racial and Profession Impemented! IMPORTANT!! DELETE "CompiledAssemblies" and "CustomClasses" DIRECTORIES under HB main directory or you will have an exception choosing King-wow as CC.
For barrage you have in GUI an option to set mana percentage for cast it: if you set this percentage at 100% (default) you will cast barrage ALWAYS at 6 charge. if you wanna a burst phase set this level lower.... You can chose to use frost armor.... CC at this point is flexible so try your best tuning using GUI options and share result. Now i have to start restoration Shaman as promised in other post. (1-2 days for a beta)
Ok i try this night whit diferents configuraci?n. At this moment, my best damage are 6 charge and spam AM when proc is up Edit : i try some fights and cant get good dps 75-80k dps whit 490 gear level