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  • I don't feel like I got what I paid for with HB

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Kuval, Jul 21, 2010.

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    1. thephoenix25

      thephoenix25 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      @ Kuval

      Blackspot = area for the bot never to go in this section of your profile i.e enemy town, high level mobs
      hotspot = area for the bot to grind in
      RAF = Recomend A Friend (an option used with multiple accounts to get extra XP google "wow raf" for further info)

      When you use the buttons blackspot, mytarget, myposition. Switch the tabs above the text area on HB the info you need should appear in one of those tabs. Cut and paste into your profile.

      You may want to wait a while to try making questing profiles (as I am). They are still in beta and bringing new tags out often.

      I recommend not to use anything but the standard CC's and addons, until all is working well for you then experiment with them. You could even not use the standard addons until you are happy to experiment.

      Yes imo this is not the best time for HB, but the advancements that are being made are incredible and when everything is out of beta should be very good. What I've done is just to sit back and wait a while as I've not got the time to test atm.

      Hope this helps a little
    2. Kuval

      Kuval New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      This is pretty comforting. First of all, Synik, you deserve a medal. I heard about your thread but the player that told me your name typod it so I couldn't find it. That thread is stellar and so are you. Thanks.

      Second of all, yeah... it looks like I'm going to have to just use the standard bot for now and let it do its thing.

      I just think they need to update information for newer people more often. Really a confusing ass time... VERY confusing. It's especially frustrating because I know it's so good and I just can't get it to work. I'll take a couple days to fiddle with things and update my success/failure.
    3. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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    4. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      RAF = Recruit a Friend.
    5. Kuval

      Kuval New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      You can think all you want, but how the hell am I supposed to know RaF stands for recruit a friend? RaF refers to a bonus within WoW that you get for getting a buddy to join the game. You get 3x xp whilest grouped together (I believe) and what on EARTH does that have to do with botting anyways? Nothing. What does it matter how fast you gain exp except for when you need a new profile. Anyways, I knew some dork would challenge me.

      That being said, I'm still having issues getting a profile to ignore an npc.

      <Name>Refuge Pointe</Name>
      <Factions>22 48 6 7 16 654</Factions>
      <AvoidMob Name="Thundering Exile" Entry="2762" />
      <AvoidMob Name="Giant Plains Creeper" Entry="2565" />

      <Vendor Name="Jannos Ironwill" Entry="1471" Type="Repair" X="-1278.573" Y="-2521.999" Z="21.37443" />
      <Vendor Name="Vikki Lonsav" Entry="2808" Type="Ammo" X="-1275.752" Y="-2538.727" Z="21.54972" />
      <Mailbox X="-3793.068" Y="-838.324" Z="9.656753" />
      <Hotspot X="-1266.369" Y="-2299.056" Z="57.86597" />
      <Hotspot X="-1235.727" Y="-2807.201" Z="49.332" />
      <Hotspot X="-1061.807" Y="-3205.792" Z="45.20158" />
      <Hotspot X="-1185.126" Y="-2861.405" Z="48.45189" />
      <Blackspot X="-959.9113" Y="-2351.524" Z="50.51859" Radius="200"/>

      all looks good to me, i added all the factions I wanted... and yet still... it runs right up to the damned things I get it to try and avoid
    6. ZoOoOoM

      ZoOoOoM Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The bot will not "pull" the mobs you have under <AvoidMobs> , But it will defend itself if the said mobs attacked it.
    7. thephoenix25

      thephoenix25 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The <AvoidMobs> tags mean that the bot wont target them. It won't activley avoid them (as in keep a safe distance), it will just simply ignore them. As soon as the bot is attacked it will defend itself no matter what avoid tags you have.

      the Thundering exiles are all in small locations which you can blacklist the area, whereas the Plains Creepers roam around a bit which means you may bump into one.

      try adjusting your hotspots to take the bot to an area away from where the spiders roam.

      Hope this helps
    8. Morga

      Morga Member

      Feb 18, 2010
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      Kuval check your pm's....

    9. xenn88

      xenn88 New Member

      May 4, 2010
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      Dude seriously what a winer you are XD

      All the info is on this forum if you look in the right places.
      and if you dont understand how profiles work, fiddle around with it and check how other people created theirs, if you still dont understand dont bother making one yourself :p
      I havent read a single guide from this forum and i got it all to work first try, its pretty much self explanatory.
      Even Creating profiles, i cant imagine how it could possibly become easier then it is now :S

      And about the Raf part, why do you think its build in to the bot?? cuz its not useful?
      Honorbuddy is a Lvling bot, that is its soul purpoise, so lvling 3x as fast is a pretty nice increase for 7-8euros
      I for one use HB to powerlvl chars mostly.

      I cant believe you have any experience on botting if i read your posts.
    10. soloak

      soloak New Member

      Jan 22, 2010
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      as someone else in here mentioned, i hands down agree on updating the alliance leveling profiles. Especially for outland which i am attempting to use now. I leveled 2 chars to 80 on horde, there's about 20 profiles for that. For alliance there are less than 9 profiles for ALL of 1-80. But i'm pretty satisfied with the bot, it gets done what i need, just a few kinks and screwups along the way like failed path generation and such, but not anything major.

      In short, good bot but the profiles need a lot of work, there are very few that run flawlessly, let alone say what they do and do it.

      Edit: and im not talking about HB questing whatsoever, these thoughts are on HB grinding profiles and the like. Questing is so bugged i can't begin to get it to work. (i realize it's in Beta so i have left it out of my profile argument for a reason.)
      Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
    11. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      OP makes fair point that HB's user interface is not ideal for making profiles. We expect Apoc's profile maker to be the tool that is used for that.

      Questing has indeed taken a long time and its disappointing that questing profiles are so difficult to make.

      The plan now is to do a few quick releases to fix the remaining bugs (mainly related to skinning and lag) and then while I focus on flawless 1-80 profiles, Nesox, Main and Apoc will add intercontinental travel and expand the range of quests we can do.
    12. mopysworld

      mopysworld New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Is the targets your trying to avoid has the same faction as the one you listed in your faction list. I found that out the hard way when trying to avoid a specific set of mobs and it shared a faction with other type I wanted to kill in a earlier profile as the avoid mob tags have never really seem to work for me.

      As for lack of info... Its kinda of a hit and miss question. The info is there is just really outdated or no longer applies. Big reason why i made a post for the devs to have a specific page with all the tags for profile creation in one spot that they can update when they remove/add or change them in the bot. Instead of having to delve through various post just to find all the info(examples

      Questing overrides,
      original HB Guide outdated with mesh info,
      Bossland Video,
      outdated new profile system?,
      ski's info on switches,
      info on Protected items from ski... same concept for forcemail,
      Zooms pdf,
      Hawkers HB Questing 3 info

      I finally found synik post again after another user gave me his name ... this is the tag guide I was looking for but a little outdated now I guess since they added some new things to the IT REALLY NEEDS TO BE STICKIED and moved to the guide section.

      Also concerning all the public profiles some are outdated it happens as the product evolves. Biggest issue that recently been going on is targeting with the CC's/HB causing alot of drama. Suggestion would be to start off small and make a simple grind profile in a low zone with not many people around to get used to how the software works using a stock CC. Run it a couple of times watching it and making notes on how and were improvements needed to be made in your profile.

      As for just use public profiles all the time... bah i'm not a big fan easier and safer for me to make my own grind/quest ones after seeing repeatedly on my server 2-3 bots all trying to farm the same spot running the same route day in and day out... plus if something breaks you can fix it yourself if you can't wait for the author to make his/her update to it.

      Good guide on explaining the tags
      Guide explaining How Hotspots should be generated
      Video on how HB works

      When I get some more free time Ill make a video using the eprofilemaker I made changes to make a simple grind profile as I am not touching a questing tutorial with a 10foot pole till it gets a little more stable running and profile generation tag wise.
    13. Nesox

      Nesox Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Didn't you notice this? 'RaF - Combat Assist'
    14. w00tsauce

      w00tsauce New Member

      May 15, 2010
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      Well jk but not jk.

      The last release had its issues. Its to be expected with any program.
      I continued to use the old release and had no issues really. The newest release is even better.

      You joined at a bad time. Give it a chance. Ive gotten 3 people to get HB in the past 2 weeks and they all love it.
    15. patto92

      patto92 Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      There have been alot of issues since 3.3.5, but with this latest release, I've had no problems with pvp or pve, and brilliant custom class writers such as codenameG and ski and all the others have great and updated CC's to use.. I'm getting 200k xp/h in Bt.. with this lastest version, non mixed.. Its going brilliantly.
    16. wired420

      wired420 Banned

      Mar 13, 2010
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      RAF = Recruit a Friend. You obviously haven't played WoW much or play in a country where its not allowed.

      Second. The targeting thing sounds like a CC issue since targeting in the bot with a custom CC seems to work fine.

      Third... My major gripe... Quit freaking deleting stuff before the new stuff is ready. I've seen working grinding profiles deleted for some reason to make room for questing profiles.....

      Make questing is own section...

      Deleting stuff prematurely? When HB2 is in beta.... Why did we delete HB1, and delete the cc's for it, and delete plugins for it.... If its in so called BETA.... Why are people being forced to use it. Don't delete the old stuff until we're sure the new stuff works... I thought it was common sense but apparently not. Luckily I have everything I've used backed up on another HDD, but not everyone is so lucky. I understand new features wouldn't be implemented into HB1 at this point, but how hard would it be to just keep it working til the new wasn't in beta. A lot of those problems are fixed now outside of RAF, but this should have been much more thought through instead of just wiping it from boards.

      Also, Finish one thing before we move to the next as well. Why was questing even started before targeting was fixed, and debugged, and some logic added to pathing. All we did was create a whole new mess of bugs, which weren't able to be directly found as it wasn't clear which part was causing it.

      I don't know who the project manager is on this thing but some of these decisions should be better thought out in my opinion.

      Maybe even make a panel of a few of the more advanced users, like 3 to 5, give them access to a section only admins and mods and these users can see (which takes 30 secs to setup in vbulletin) and just ask their opinions on what needs to be done and such. You don't have to listen to them all the time. But it would give the user base not only the feeling that some normal users get to voice their opinions on things, but also could have helped stop a lot of problems in past. I know for one thing I would've voted on questing to not be done until pathing wasn't running into 100's of npcs at a time, and I also would've voted for hb1 to stay until the new one was working better.
      Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
    17. lightingthunder

      lightingthunder New Member

      Jun 28, 2010
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      This. RAF should be a priority in hb2, without using mesh crap. Questing after that.
    18. wired420

      wired420 Banned

      Mar 13, 2010
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      Exactly how do you expect a bot to be able to click next to another bot and get there without a mesh? It can't generate the path it needs to get from point A to point B without a mesh. Even if its following. Pulsing follow packets would just cause even more problems when a leader is out of range or something.
    19. wired420

      wired420 Banned

      Mar 13, 2010
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      Maybe with all the users complaining about not being able to find stuff we should make a wiki? I'd be happy to convert my FAQ's and videos and such for it and maintain it. TBH, that help desk link up there is confusing and kinda useless as well. The little tiny Submit new ticket link and such. Anyone I've referred to there usually comes back and asks what to do. Anyways if your interested in a Wiki let me know. I can get one started on my server then roll it out on yours or what ever you want to do with it. I think it might be a good idea tho. All the information in one place. Can even put a submit a question form on it and I can get questions answered and posted asap that come in.
      peteyboy23 likes this.
    20. peteyboy23

      peteyboy23 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      There absolutely needs to be a consolidated location for all information regarding this bot. This should include every single step, in great detail, on how to setup the bot. I'd be happy to contribute whatever I can to help its success, as well. I can't imagine how many posts there are asking questions that have simple answers, yet since there isn't a single "go to" place for it, it confuses/frustrates new users. I would be willing to bet, that there's been multiple people who have tried the bot, and never bought it because they could figure something out. Even from a smart business point of view, this should be a must. Simple, straightforward instructions, with links to portions of the forums, so a new user can get immediate access to the information they seek. Also, it'd be great to include a "known issues" section, so if someone says (this is just an example) "Trying to bot with Rogue and it's not working, because of XYZ" maybe there's an issue with the built-in rogue CC, etc.
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