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  • I don't feel like I got what I paid for with HB

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Kuval, Jul 21, 2010.

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    1. henrikrox

      henrikrox Member

      Jul 24, 2010
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      i recently got honorbuddy, and while i enjoy many things about it, its the big things thats weird to me, all the questing problems, grinding doesnt work either, cause going to a vendor sometimes the bot just stands there.

      the price for honorbuddy is also quite high, so its just feels wrong paying for something thats in beta. havnt recommended this to anyone else yet, its just so unstable atm. and easily detcable, cause the bot is running around all over the place, skipping quests, etc etc.

      also the frontpage, says read guides, then you are ported to a directoy with 20 guides, for a new time user, thats just to much, one guide is enough, there should be a wiki and proper explaniation on how to set it up.
      Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
    2. tommyluvsbots

      tommyluvsbots New Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      i think hb is good but i am an alliance player and for me there are hardly any profiles.. i know people say make some yourself but i find it very frustrating (which is probably why there arnt many)
      but if you could make a profile Within HB like putting the add Hotspot add mob to target ect. without having to write it yourself from scratch..
    3. henrikrox

      henrikrox Member

      Jul 24, 2010
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      YEs im alliance aswell and many of them are broken.

      i remember making profiles in glider was a breeze, just run and it would add waypoints etc. If i could make a profile within the app without codes and stuff, it would be so much better. That combined with better questing would make this the number #1 bot
    4. tommyluvsbots

      tommyluvsbots New Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      yea agreed ^^
    5. qball99

      qball99 New Member

      Jun 30, 2010
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      I agree with this.
      Thats one off the reasons, i still haven't bought HB.
      To buggy, to beta and it's hard to find the needed informations, espacially to new users like me.
    6. peakaboo

      peakaboo New Member

      Feb 10, 2010
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      "There absolutely needs to be a consolidated location for all information regarding this bot. This should include every single step, in great detail, on how to setup the bot. I'd be happy to contribute whatever I can to help its success, as well. I can't imagine how many posts there are asking questions that have simple answers, yet since there isn't a single "go to" place for it, it confuses/frustrates new users. I would be willing to bet, that there's been multiple people who have tried the bot, and never bought it because they could figure something out. Even from a smart business point of view, this should be a must. Simple, straightforward instructions, with links to portions of the forums, so a new user can get immediate access to the information they seek. Also, it'd be great to include a "known issues" section, so if someone says (this is just an example) "Trying to bot with Rogue and it's not working, because of XYZ" maybe there's an issue with the built-in rogue CC, etc. "

      "There absolutely needs to be a consolidated location for all information regarding this bot."

      ROFL there is, its called a forum.

      "This should include every single step, in great detail, on how to setup the bot."

      Is it so hard to download a profile get the initial net frame works, and type in a few words in some boxes, to get it working.

      "I can't imagine how many posts there are asking questions that have simple answers,"

      most people are lazy and in a hurry to use the search function or spend a little time trying to word the search correctly .

      "I would be willing to bet, that there's been multiple people who have tried the bot, and never bought it because they could figure something out."

      tut tut, the simplest mistake makes this statement hilarious.

      "Also, it'd be great to include a "known issues" section, so if someone says (this is just an example)"
      "Trying to bot with Rogue and it's not working, because of XYZ" maybe there's an issue with the built-in rogue CC, etc. "

      Its called trial and error, if you spend a little time monitoring your bots, you know what ccs cause problems and which don't. I think people post cc errors in the cc forums section.

      Does Sir/Madam want me to wipe it with the Andrex triple quilted, or the silk today?
      Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
    7. qball99

      qball99 New Member

      Jun 30, 2010
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      I am new to this and therefore it doesn't include enough detailed informations, because a lot of this informations are to old or scattered to the four winds.

      Of course, not for a perfect guy like you. :p
    8. Lillberno

      Lillberno New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I totally agree with Kuval, it's really frustrating that there ain't any good working profiles etc for HB. The HB creators should focus on fixing some good running profiles and such instead of updating HB all the time.
      Im quite dissapointed aswell, Glider might be comming back sone tho! Just read in they'r forum, atleast it looks bright for them atm :)
    9. Omgowned

      Omgowned New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      1. If Glider comes back it will not be as good, because there is no way in hell he is starting it again, and someone else will.
      2. Profiles are very hard and confusing to make. There is no good guide out there that I know of. The ones that look good are hard to understand because they are written in crappy english.(I understand the Hawk and Boss are German)
      3. They released questing too early, it shouldn't even called beta it's so bad.
      4. Hoping for instancebuddy
      5. Needs better profiles.
    10. mopysworld

      mopysworld New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      how are profiles hard to make...? name profile, set the levels you want it to run, sell or mail what you want, target vendor then click add, stand infront of mailbox click add, run to a bunch of mobs kill them stand in the middle then get hotspot... rinse repeat for more hotspot. Its really that simple.

      ps add faction :)
    11. tommyluvsbots

      tommyluvsbots New Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      These three^^
      Especially Number 5 I think we should have more profiles for alliance and a little bit more horde :)
      I agree Questing was realesed a bit early.. I actually wonder how Another bot company does it.. we should take their coder xD
    12. ZoOoOoM

      ZoOoOoM Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      2. Not true. it's quite easy to make (excluding the questing profiles)...there are even 2 profile creators that help speed up the process. There are 2 HB profile making guides that i made, both are out-dated by now as they were made for the old mesh system, Though there are other guides that are up to date. and for GB there is one which i agree is a little confusing.
      3. Somewhat true. But they needed users' feedback in order to make it work perfectly.
      4. Stupidest idea ever. Just think of what you said.
      5. 80% of the profiles are user-made profiles. Unless there is some "Motivation" for the profile creators to encourage them take the time to make profiles, it's not gonna happen.
    13. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      All of the information you need is available on these forums (mostly via asking or the guides section). I know it exists because I've had people sign up on day 1 and grinding a level 45 2 days later. I personally had my first 80 within 3 weeks of registering, and 25k 3 weeks after that. Since then I've done 3 80's using publicly available profiles and CC's, and 2 using profiles I made myself and my own CC. Everything is doable, some of it takes effort, and some takes patience.

      I'm afraid that the glider days of having every resource you need at hand and one click installers is over. I miss them too, but this community is 1/100th the size of glider's back in the day, and we work with what we have. The developers working pretty hard to get things fixed and updated as quick as they can, but nevertheless it takes time. HB/GB have only been around for 8 months or so now? I'm confident that once it gets to be the age of some of the other's that exist that it will be what everyone hopes for.

      If there is anything specific you need help with, don't hesitate to PM some of the more knowledgeable members or myself. If you are still unhappy, you can always request a refund within 30 days of purchase.
    14. rackem

      rackem New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I found the majority of the Alliance profiles to be so horrific that I just used HB to lvl my Alli chars in BGs.

      I share the same frustration with many here and feel like I'm just settling with HB because I've already paid for it. When it works it kicks ass, but when it fails... it does so miserably. It is better than nothing. It is what it is. I do not regret buying HB but at this point I would not recommend it to others.
    15. peakaboo

      peakaboo New Member

      Feb 10, 2010
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      Lol maybe they could change a few things, but really i do not have much problems with Hb, its not perfect, but i'm still more than happy to use and reap the benefits off it just like everyone here.
      Ski also mentions in a post that the customers can get a 30 day refund.

      If people were so unhappy they should of evaluated it and got a refund.
      Hb is a little buggier than when i first got it, but then its also way better in many ways than when i first got it.

      I am far from perfect, i just use the bot at its basic level, the public profiles do me fine even Allie which i use the most by far, sure i have some problems, most of which i either put up with, or i fix, such as the recent common CC problems.

      I notice your not English, so this is probably why you have more problems with it.
    16. theholyone

      theholyone New Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      its easy to make an alliance human 1-60 profile.. took me 15 days to grind to 60 that includes the constant d/cs from HB and the time i took to edit death spots

      made with a rogue too which i don't think any public profiles can do
    17. turbocross

      turbocross New Member

      Mar 23, 2010
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      MAN, just when things are starting to go well since I just got my lvl 80 character, the authorization server goes down for two days.....!

      How much longer is it gonna take to bring it back up? This is really nerve-wrecking.
    18. beefcake

      beefcake New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      OK I will be that guy that yells STFU. I NEVER botted anything, no game, no nothing. I got honor buddy and now have 3 80s that I have leveled all the way by botting. I also have maxed herb and fishing. The use of this bot is so simple my 12 year old brother can figure it out. Anyways I am not trying to say you are an idiot or make you feel dumb. Honestly just like Ski posted earlier, everything you need to know is right here on the forums. Also I have not once used a custom profile, everything I have used is right here on the forums. Maybe its because I am horde and there are alot of very good horde profiles? So maybe you should level a horde? Not sure but I didnt find anything difficult about the plugins use or the profile use. Look on the forums under all the profile categories and one of them has pluggins to help make profiles i think. I dont know how to make blackspots or anything like that and luckily havent had any problems with the public profiles already on the forums.
    19. auxywuxy

      auxywuxy New Member

      Jun 10, 2010
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      lol on the RAF thing, took me about a month to figure out what the fuss was all about aswell.
    20. badkitty

      badkitty New Member

      Jun 27, 2010
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      well sorry man but you fail and shouldnt be botting. i figured this thing out in 2 nights..and now working on my 4th 80. :D in 2months
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