Ive been bg'in in av for the past 2 days as almost every other botter how wants quick lvling or honor and i recieved this 1 hour before i woke up and when i logged in nothing had happend to my account(it was logged of while i was sleeping). So not sure what the go was or if this is a scam email i havnt gone to any of the links etc but they sent it to the registered email account and put in the correct account name so had me worried abit. Unlike what the email says the only thing i did was bg botting didnt exploit(guessing its a generalisation). But thought i would share with everyone. Email from: WoWAccountAdmin@blizzard.com Account Name: They got the right account name(not wow 1) and the right email adress. Type of Violation: PvP Arena/Battleground Exploitation Details of Incident: Exploitation of PvP Battlegrounds and the honor system Consequences for Account: Account suspended for 3 hours Greetings, This account has recently been identified as being involved in actions deemed inappropriate for World of Warcraft. This may include, but is not limited to the following: * Use of add-ons, "mods", external hardware, or any unapproved third party software to automate gameplay. * Abuse of game mechanics or "bugs". * Any behavior that has been found to be outside the intent of the game. This action has been taken in accordance with the World of Warcraft Terms of Use Blizzard Entertainment:Blizzard Legal Documentation and our game policies http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/policy. Any further inappropriate behavior could result in penalties ranging from a temporary suspension to account closure, and may also include the loss of any rewards the exploitive character has received. For any disputes of this action or further information on exploitive activity, please visit the Account Administration Overview and contact page here: http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/300515 To maintain the integrity of our investigation methods, we will be unable to disclose the specifics of our investigation methods. Thank you for your time and for understanding our position in this matter. Regards, Customer Services Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft DONT CLICK THE LINKS, JUST INCASE!
Also this particular account has been banned 5 times its my vanilla account so because im a long standing customer they always give it back(morons) but i was meant to be on my last warning after they banned the raiders + officers in my guild(i was the gm used the guild to sell gold to guildies about 15 other players we all got banned but we got it back and im not talking small amounts of gold im talking i was moving in wrath and cata around 1 mill a week in gold i have 10 bots running flat chat on the server to keep up with the demand). Also to all those who who keep crying ban wave STFU it cant be a ban wave due to a banwave is bassed soley on the entire product(not a little here and a little there). My main account is what got banned however my 4 botting accounts(reduced my bots due to finding work in other services other then gold selling) + the ones im leveling for other players havnt been touched. My bot accounts run 15 hrs a day with 400+ items on the ah a day and have been doing so for well over 2 years now. Botting is 20% dumb luck, 80% setting it up right. If you dont invest time and/or $ into botting you will most likly be one of those caught out.
why would one appeal a 3hour suspension ????????????? Don't insult other players and you're fine.....
NEVER APPEAL FOR LESS THAM A PERMANET BAN. If you do they will investigate more yours acc and could let to a permanet ban.
GOt the same email and 3hours ban 2 days ago. 1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? honorbuddy 2)If so, when was the last time?: 10 mins ago but 100% supervising, whats sucks cause i have things to do =( 3)What profile were you using?: was using BGBuddy, doing randoms for honor 4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: default affliction warlock 5)What plugins are you using?: none 6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: was using 12h + now i am using a lot less cause i'm afraid of a perma ban 6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 80% 7)How many auctions per day did you have?: none on this acc 8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? absolutely no 9)Was your account involved in gold selling? sold gold once but it was months ago 10)EU or US realm? US (brazilian nemesis)
i got one too. but i didn't know untill i got a perm ban. i don't check my emails. came home. see it dissconnect, (3h banned). thought i just got d/c. then 4 days later i got a perm banned, then i found out. 4 days ago i had a 3h ban.
Wow, blizzard have decided that instead of permanent ban they should just 3 hour, because if it's permanent then they don't get paid any moneys. Blizzard are like what? why permanent ban, we get no monies
Yes! Yes, this is a scam mail. Look at the email addres... Blizzard uses something like "noreply@blizzard.com". This is a scammer, just delete it