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  • TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Nov 16, 2012.

    1. cepera

      cepera New Member

      Jul 27, 2011
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      Tell why freedom Hand the bot doesn't use a spell on himself, but only on the ally?
    2. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Thank you.

      Just svn update the list

      Void Tendril's Grasp and Narrow Escape remove from the list root that can be cleansed.
    3. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      Great job with this CC man and thanks for the quick update.
      Went 9-1 on my full contenders gear/greens holy pally with a good frost DK.

      I'll report any more bugs I encounter while gearing him up :)
    4. cahe

      cahe New Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      How work prot rotation on special edition?

      @tuanha how much i must pay for special pala rot i have monk special atm. Im one of first your donators on monk :)
    5. ace99ro

      ace99ro Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      after many many many tries / reforges / different setups and sims i came up with the perfect combo for this CC ( holy wise )

      so the starting point was alaerwen's settings

      Talents used : Eternal Flame / Divine Purpose / Light's Hammer

      Devotion Aura Below: 0% (using it manually)
      Divine Plea Mana Below: 80%
      Divine Protection Below: 50%
      Hand of Protection: 0%
      Hand of Sacrifice: 25%
      Lay on Hands Below: 15%
      Selfless Healer: 0%
      Light's Hammer (Enemy Below: 0%) Friend Below: 85%
      Cleanse Harmfull Debuffs Immediately!!!!
      Auto Beacon of Light
      Holy Radiance: 6 ppl below 50%
      Light of Dawn: 6 ppl below 75%
      Avenging Wrath: 60%
      Divine Favor: 45%
      Divine Light: 45%
      Eternal Flame: 1 HP
      Flash of Light: 20%
      Guardian of Ancient blaha: 25%
      Holy Avenger: 55%
      Holy Light: 95%
      Word of Glory: 85%

      VERY IMPORTANT IS THE REFORGING NOW - when using this 1HP EF blanket style it is USELESS to reforge all out mastery because the stacking shield wont be so great anyway , on my gear for ex if i go ALL OUT mastery ( the shield will be @ 26% of the heals ) if i go ALL OUT haste ( shield is @ 23% of the heals ) so it wont make much of a difference BUT the tons of haste u gain will make a difference because u will have more EF ticks and ofc less cast times for those oh shit moments

      So if you play the 1HP EF Blanket style with the 4 set pvp bonus ofc u need to reforge all to haste , dont worry mastery wont go too low cuz our current gear has tons of mastery anyway

      Thanks to Haste Breakpoints for Tankadins | Sacred Duty I've compiled a haste breakpoint list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgLeZKZ7KpL1dEFfa3A3bEN5M0lqWkxuLXY0ZGRCMWc#gid=0 for Sacred Shield and Eternal Flame ticks that is more relevant to Holy.

      The first thing to note with Sacred Shield is the haste point for the 7th tick with SoI and the 5% raid buff is 5336 which might be doable. It increases to 5619 during bloodlust to get the 9th tick. If you don't have the raid buff then the 7th tick is 7728 while during BL the 9th is 8025, which are probably too high for most.

      With Eternal Flame the 13th tick assuming SoI and RB is 3496 haste while the 14th tick is 7176, which I probably wouldn't recommend getting to until later gear levels if you really like haste. Adding bloodlust onto SoI and RB gives us 4204 for a 17th tick and 7034 for an 18th. If you don't have the raid buff the 13th tick for EF is 5793 while the 14th is 9660. The 13th might work, but certainly not the 14th if you don't have almost every piece with haste on it (which you shouldn't). With SoI and BL the 16th tick is 3567, 14th is 6539, and 15th is 9511. The 13th is easy in that circumstance, the 14th possibly beyond reach depending on your gear, and the 15 is almost certainly a no.

      SS breakpoints probably aren't worth gearing for and should be incidental as you gear up, though reforging a couple pieces to get to 5619 shouldn't be too much of a problem. EF is a different story, especially if you're using the 4p PVP set since EF will be a large part of your healing. 4204 is probably your best bet if you have the raid buff available.
    6. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Thank you, please let me re quote this on first page!
    7. atlas55

      atlas55 New Member

      Nov 25, 2012
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      Hi Tuanha,

      I am not sure exactly where to ask this question. I did e-mail you from the response of my donation e-mail I got from you. I re-installed my HB and went to download the special editions of the monk and paladin cc's that you sent me. It says that the files have been moved or deleted. I haven't received any updated emails about where they might have gone. Thanks for looking into this.
    8. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Please send me your email about for new version download
    9. alaerwen

      alaerwen Member

      Jun 27, 2011
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      i disagree very fucking badly,

      ONE HP eternal flame is 27k shield when i go out mastery, stacking haste gives you ONE extra tick, wich is 2.1k,

      as u can see mastery gives a 0.02% relative hps increase, and ALSO decreases the mana usage (more haste, more CASTS per second),
      it also gives LESS overhealing (more mastery, more absorbs),
      now you can all do whatever you want but im telling u, this post is pure bullshit and i dont think you should be encouraging people to follow ur line when u dont know what ur talking about,

      saying that it works good for u is one thing, but u make it sound like ur way is the "perfect" way, as u stated.

      ur way is wrong, and not viable for the current tier.

      EDIT: also another valid point with mastery is that when you stack mastery, u benefit MORE from intellect, due to the fact that more intellect = more absorbs, u pretty much get 1.x per intellect, where x is ur absorb amount per intellect point.
      Last edited: Dec 9, 2012
    10. theDon

      theDon New Member

      Feb 20, 2010
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      Completely agree. As someone that has multiple top 100 logs as holy and as someone who has done a lot of research on top logs for most fights, mastery is the way to go while EF blanketing. The shield is incredible and is almost never wasted. Haste is great for those oh shit moments but the point of ef blanketing is to blanket the raid even while no damage is coming out. Haste does nothing for you there other than 1 extra tick which may or may not be wasted depending on when the tick lands.

      On a side note Tuanha, Judgement seems to be constantly breaking CC in arena. Is there some specific logic I need to work around? I have long arm of the law as well as selfless healer and the judgement usage is fantastic other than breaking every trap, poly, etc that my partners throw out.
      Last edited: Dec 9, 2012
    11. ace99ro

      ace99ro Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      @ ~ 4000 mastery u are @ 23% absorb
      @ ~ 6000 mastery u are @ 26% absorb

      if you think 3% more absorbs will benefit you more than gaining 2 or 3 extra ticks on EF than go for it

      @ ~ 4000 mastery u have about 5000 haste so u gain 2 or 3 extra ticks on EF
      @ ~ 6000 mastery u have about 2300-2500 haste so u lose some EF ticks

      if you go all out mastery it is useless to use 1HP EF , not useless but less efficient , for all out mastery builds u need to use EF on DP procs or 3HP

      if you go all out haste you keep the same playstyle you dont start spamming HR or divine light or smth that will make you go OOM , you just use 1HP EF

      this is my opinion , that has been tested in 10 man HC HOF / HC MV with a 470ilvl pala with 4 set pvp bonus

      use whatever you think is best for you
    12. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      I just update the debuff detect method, hope it more accurate and faster.

      Please try and let me know.

      Thank you for reporting.
    13. alaerwen

      alaerwen Member

      Jun 27, 2011
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      feel free to whisper me worldoflogs and we can compare, since im pretty sure my rankings are higher then urs with mastery.

      u can argue about this all year if u like but the math statistics of the stat weights will always be the same.

      i would even rather stack crit infront of haste since infusion of light procs aint calculated into the stat weights. (i think)

      EDIT: Smirk @ Lightning's Blade - Community - World of Warcraft
      i think this link explains my point.
      Last edited: Dec 9, 2012
    14. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Hey guy, please keep discussion calm and helpful.

      ace99ro also take a lot of time testing and we can't just bash him because "by theory that is bad".

      For me, I trusted more tested method than just reading theory on elitist jerks.

      Thank you for your support.
    15. theDon

      theDon New Member

      Feb 20, 2010
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      I don't mind an intelligent discussion on the subject but I hate when someone skews the numbers to support their own theory. As per your spreadsheet, raid buffed you are guaranteed 12 ticks of EF. At 3496 haste you gain an extra tick. At current haste levels, paladins should be able to reach this. To gain a second tick your spreadsheet shows a rating of 7176. At current gear levels this appears unreachable. The fact that you say at 5000 haste you gain 2 or 3 ticks of EF over mastery is laughable and negates the whole point you were making, especially when it contradicts your own spreadsheet.

      Also, this is assuming your spreadsheet is correct which appears to be.
      Last edited: Dec 9, 2012
    16. ace99ro

      ace99ro Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      5000 haste unbuffed + Seal of Insight + Raid buff numbers are different , but as i sayed if you think 2-4% extra absorbs per heal on your shield is better go for it , i am doing 10 man atm , maybe in 25 man those 4% extra absorbs will be better , im not here to argue with anyone just posted my opinion and what works for me at my current gear and 10 man raiding
    17. alaerwen

      alaerwen Member

      Jun 27, 2011
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      thats what i wanted to hear, not "this is perfect combo! best stats! blubblublub"

      anyways appreciate ur time u spent on the spreadsheet,
    18. theDon

      theDon New Member

      Feb 20, 2010
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      Play how you want to play but please don't confuse others with your numbers. On askmrrobot if I swap my mastery at Ilvl 495 with haste, I lose 7.5% from my shields. Quite a bit different than 3% and even with a 1 hp EF, you would gain more through mastery. My experience all comes from 10 man as well, but like you said, do what you "feel" is better.
    19. ChestRockwell

      ChestRockwell Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      What is exactly Eternal Flame Blanket mode? Can someone explain quick to me
    20. Alucardtnuoc

      Alucardtnuoc New Member

      Oct 20, 2012
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      Will use Eternal flame on every member of your party if possible to cover them all in the HoT it provides.

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