ZilianOP Banhammered since he buys alot of sets for players, he does alot of gold movement. Seems blizz is crazy
https://twitter.com/demonbuddy tehfuck? Demonbuddy @demonbuddy ZilianOP banned for botting! Sorry about that Zilian!
of course its manual, not saying that the guy didn't bot (i think he did), but blizz cannot scan ur computers so they have a shit squad to investigate accounts by hand
thats bull... do you have any idea how many accounts they would have had to manually investigate... hundreds of thousands... asian servers would be deserted
yeah... so you of course have the inside info as to how many accounts got banned... got an exact number for us? didnt think so... besides if it was actually human we would see all linked accounts banned due to the volume they wouldnt have time they would just ban everything and wait to see who complains... people dont get so specific as to ban 2/16 accounts that are linked in some way they would just see the linking and the "violation" and BAM every account would be gone... since it is human nature to not do more work than necessary... IE Blizzards entire business model.
hes going to get whats coming to him. i am firm believer in what goes around comes around, if you report other botters, then your going to get reported, in this case he defrauded people and the universe will fix that in its own time.