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  • Khryptor - All in One Priest CC (PvE, PvP, RaF, Healbot)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Jul 28, 2010.

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    1. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Latest Version: 1.21

      There will be no support for issues posted without a log and a detailed information about how to reproduce the problem you are having.

      This project is a voluntereed work. I'm sparing my work/sleep times to develop this project and others w/o excepting anything. Keep that in mind !

      An all-in-one priest CC. It supports all specs for all situations. Acts depending on your spec and your zone.

      How does Khryptor work ?

      Usable from level 1 to 80. All specs are highy customizable via the configuration form in HB General Settings pane. Its suggested to use Discipline spec for Healbot. Holy spec may not work well.

      Shadow PvE/PvP

      • It is just click and go
      Healbot PvE (RaF and Dungeon Runs)

      • Disable looting: Select Grind Bot, click Bot Settings, uncheck Loot Mobs.
      • Load any profile in HB.
      • Set HB to RaF Mode.
      • Start HB when you are in a party (Works for dungeons aswell)
      • If you are in random dungeon, make sure you are not the Dungeon Guide. If you are, Promote someone else to Dungeon Guide by right-clicking player frame.
      • Khryptor will override RaF Leader to the tank.
      • It will auto follow the tank while buffing, healing and dispelling party members. Have fun watching.
      Healbot PVP

      • Set HB to PvP Mode.
      • Start HB
      • Check "Use Experimental Path Following" under General Settings for better performance
      • That's all ! :)
      • Healbot PvP works in the logic of following highest HP target around.
      • It will follow the flag carrier if there is any nearby.
      • It will heal self and the flag carrier first then others.
      • It supports almost all spells for Discipline spec.
      Suggested Healbot Settings



      • Delete Priest.cs or any other Priest CC installed and located in your HB\CustomClasses folder
      • Download Khryptor.zip
      • Unzip to directly to HB\CustomClasses folder.
      • It should look like HB\CustomClasses\Khryptor\Priest.cs
      Known Bugs

      • None
      Todo List

      • Full Holy spec support for Healbot
      Special Thanks

      • CodenameG - For helping in coding and brainstorming
      • Nesox - His code from Khryses
      • All beta users that helped Khryptor to become perfect !

      Version 1.21

      • Removed Fade usage. It was causing too much exception that i can't handle.
      • Fixed a bug at pet healing. Should work properly now.

      Version 1.20

      • Khryptor now saves settings character basis to Settings folder. That means you won't have to configure settings everytime HB version changes. (Be sure to configure settings since they will wipe to default ones)
      • Khryptor will not try to cast spells on Totems anymore. It will wand them instead.
      • Khryptor now heals/dispels/resurrects party/raid members' pets.
      • Khryptor is more International friendly now.
      • Fixed a bug causing Fade and Every Man for Himself to spam.
      Version 1.19

      • *FIX* Fixed two bug causing Khryptor to hang and stop healing. (Fade spam and Healing range)
      Version 1.18

      • Optimized code to work faster in laggy environment
      • It will now buff only if the player is in buff range and line of sight
      • Works great with Instancebuddy

      Version 1.17

      • Last preparations for Instancebuddy release
      • Lots of minor fixes all around the code
      Version 1.16

      • *FIX* It will no longer move to target while casting DoTs. (Shadow PvE, Healbot Solo)

      Version 1.15

      • *FIX* An issue with spells not being casted while moving to the pull target (Shadow).

      Version 1.14

      • *NEW* Solo grinding support for Holy and Discipline specs ! (So you can level as holy or disc while you are running instances as a healer)
      • *REMOVED* Pull distance settings. (Instancebuddy will take care of that in instances)
      • *FIX* Yet more checks to prevent crashes.
      • *FIX* Will not attack friendly totems anymore.

      Version 1.13

      • Troll Racial Berserking is now supported. (not tested thou. let me know if you encounter any issues)
      • Dual spec support. If you change your spec while HB is running, Khyrptor will detect that and change the way its working. (Supporting Instancebuddy feature)
      • Fade should work properly now.
      • Lots of tweaks to handle exceptions. It should be exception free now.
      • A lot of work other stuff that i forgot

      Version 1.12

      • Finally fixed the exception issue. (been running it for 10+ BGs. it is still working perfect)

      Version 1.11

      • Fixed the bug where Khryptor stops healing after HB is restarted.
      • Fixed an exception that causes Khryptor to fail working happens after you zone.
      • Older versions of Khryptor now archived in archvies folder.

      Version 1.10

      • Resurrection should now work properly.

      Version 1.09

      • Bug fixes all around.
      • More support for Instancing

      Version 1.08

      • Updated to work better with new HB version (will be released soon)
      • Integrated with Instancebuddy. This CC no longer runs instances. Use Instancebuddy to run instances.

      Version 1.07

      • More controls to prevent HB crashes. Hopefully Khryptor will not cause HB to crash anymore.

      Version 1.06

      • Tweaked Healbot PvP. Acts a bit different now.
      • Disabled following targets for SotA and IoC since It was bugging alot. (Siege engines, teleporters etc.)
      • Added wanding to Healbot PvE simple dps rotation.
      • Healbot PvP will now use simple dps rotation (DP, SW:p, Smite) to attack back when it's alone.
      • Improved Dispelling. It will now dispel and remove diseases only when there is nothing else to do. You can safely uncheck Dispel Only Out of Combat in settings.
      • Improved Healing. Removed targeting for heals. It will now cast heal spells directly w/o targeting. With some other tweaks it should work a lot faster now.
      • Shadow PvE - Fear will be used only when you have adds and its checked to be used in config form.
      • Removed your toons' name to be shown in Logs for security reasons. (thanks for the warning laria)

      Version 1.05

      • RaF Leader selection has been changed. It will now set highest HP Warrior, Druid, Paladin or Deathknight as RaF leader upon joining a party.
      • Healbot targeting works a lot more better now.
      • Healbot PvP should use Psychic Scream properly now.
      • Healbot PvP will start following targets after 30 seconds of BG start. That should fix issues with IoC.
      • Fixed a small bug which prevents buffing Divine Spirit and Prayer of Spirit.

      Version 1.04

      • Resurrection should work properly now.
      • Added Binding Heal support. It will now use Binding Heal instead of Flash Heal when both your and your target's health is below desired health.
      • Added Desperate Prayer support. It will now use Desperate Prayer on self instead of Penance when it is off cooldown.
      • Added Shadowfiend support to Healbot PvE. It will now use shadowfiend if your mana is below 60%
      • Added Psychic Scream support to Healbot PvP. It will now use fear if there is an enemy player nearby.

      Version 1.03

      • Added Hymn of Hope support. It will use it before attempting to rest.
      • Added more checks for spec selection. It will now correctly use level 1-10 combat routine if you don't have any talent points.
      • Tweaked Healbot rotations. Heal priority orders should be correct now.

      Version 1.02

      • Healbot will now prioritize self and tank healing.
      • Fixed some targeting issues on Healbot.
      • Fixed a bug that causes HB to crash when a flag carrier drops the flag.

      Version 1.01

      • Healbot Changes

      • Some portions of movement override has been removed from Healbot PvE. It should work a lot more better in both dungeons and level RaFing.
      • Healbot PvE will not crash anymore (hopefully).
      • Had to remove out of combat healing from Healbot PvE to make Khryptor bug free.
      • Added a dps rotation for Healbot PvE that will be used only while soloing.

      • Healbot PvP may still have some crush issues. It's hard to test it for all conditions. Need more feedback for it.
      Version 1.00

      • Initial release

      A lot of time and effort have been put in Khryptor to make it perfect. I even gave it priority over my job and sleep most of the time. If you like how Khryptor works and encourage me to support it, click the button below :)


      or just click the star on left

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
      .iArt and r0sc0 like this.
    2. Techz

      Techz Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      wtf where did it go went to download it and links gone lol :)
    3. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      will be up again in a few minutes. rechecking something
    4. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      link is up
    5. muntahunta

      muntahunta Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      raphus, im re-speccing my priest now, but im wondering what the current healbot would benefit from the most, Holy or Disc?
    6. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Well disc spec is working a lot better then holy and more viable to handle heavy testing. Once I fix everything up for disc, only thing to add for holy will be a simple rotation.
    7. muntahunta

      muntahunta Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      ok, first instance run as Healer using a Disc spec... the first problem i have found so far is as soon as i entered the instance the party was fighting while i was still buffing them. the bot was buffing the party while they were taking damage and didnt heal anyone until the party was fully buffed... healing should be the priority over the buffing as some instances can be joined half way through
    8. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Thats strange. It should not buff while in combat since i have checks for that all over. Can you attack a log please
    9. muntahunta

      muntahunta Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      ah, ok, checked the log myself.... it was actually buffing AND healing at the same time... it just looked as if it was buffing, from now on ill check the log before i post ;)

      ive noticed that the bot is having a few troubles with following too... not sure if thats HB or the CC, ive set the RaF person to the tank and the follow distance to 3, but every now and again the bot gets stuck or runs the wrong way...
    10. jaycrew

      jaycrew New Member

      Feb 6, 2010
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      I've been wanting to get PVP gear on my priest but there hasn't really been a solid PVP CC. Hopefully this changes that. I look forward to testing it out!
    11. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      I will do some more testing tomorrow and check it myself.
    12. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      You better check PvPing with disc spec out. It has been working flawless for me so far.
    13. znex

      znex New Member

      Jun 21, 2010
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      this sounds fantastic!
      testing on my priest right now.
      will give u feedback soon
    14. MrB

      MrB Member

      Jun 29, 2010
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      Great CC for Priests, really loving it at the moment. The only problem I'm having is that when doing RAF, if my priest gets seperated from the main character, HB crashes - is this a CC issue or an HB issue? It's not that much of a problem as I'm tending to actually play the party leader and have the Priest heal me on HB so can keep them close anyway.
    15. muntahunta

      muntahunta Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      ive just finished an instance and for some reason the bot just stopped working... heres the log:

      this continues for a very long time...
      and then:

      also, i have just set the mode to "mixed" so i can gather herbs while waiting for battlegrounds... but while im gathering herbs, the bot doesnt even attempt to kill anything that is attacking it

      (after "activity: combat" i killed the mob myself using a mind blast)

      this makes doing ANYTHING solo using a Disc spec completely impossible :( maybe include an option to choose to do some DPS while in disc/holy spec or not, atleast that way its not just going to stand and heal itself without any kind of dps
      Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
    16. Kuval

      Kuval New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      IMO you should publish a suggested shadow talent tree for PvE and PvP, and you should publish a Disc talent tree for Healbot PvE/PvP.

      Remember, many people botting priests have never played them before!
    17. muntahunta

      muntahunta Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      ive just finished doing a lot of instances all night and it seems like the navigation system isnt working properly. im not sure if thats RaF or the CC but its impossible to let the bot do all of the work.
      i have been stuck on many places, ran out of LoS and all sorts... it has caused a few wipes. maybe making it so the heal bot is doing all of the healing (spells and such) but the player has the option to over-ride the navigation? that way they can move the priest themselves but not worry about casting
    18. mil10puln

      mil10puln New Member

      May 28, 2010
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      Raphus I dont know if its CC or HB side but, how come the bot always runs past people in BG's and doesn't bother to DoT them up or anything?
    19. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Fixed in next version
    20. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Navigation will be better in next version.
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