This profile works great, I made a few changes. The only other thing I can think of that I want to add to the pick pocketing routine is to open with a sap then pick pocket. Still tinkering with that, other then that the guy that wants to stand in one place also would work, that's how I started farming these boxes, but I was using an automatic mouse keyboard program, farming for about 2 hours making about 2k so give or take 1k per hour. If I'm away from the comp I just use it in succession with the bot so it doesn't miss any mobs, at least until I can perfect this.
I seen a rogue on my server doing that too and he was definitely a bot because he stood there even though i went forward and just ninja'd all the adds and pocketed them before he could. I know if its empty its really good to stand in that spot.
Profile works completely fine =) Unfortunately EpicJunkBox doesn't work and my bags fill up quickly with loot and boxes, which wouldn't be a problem but I like to run it while I am asleep, which results in it running around not being able to loot anything for a few hours of the night lol. Cheers!
The profile now dont go to repair anymore and sell the greys when the bag reach full it keep pick poketing and dont loot more boxes...
I got the exact same thing too! i am not sure what it is but it no longer opens the lockboxs (the plug in) and it no longer goes to sell the items in its bags.
Yeah +1 Shame because pick pocket part of the profile is working great, fills my bags pretty quickly.
I can get the bot running around and pickpocketing but it never loots..brings up the window and then walks away before taking the loot?? Any ideas/tips would be greatly appreciated, this is my first test of botting so pretty green. Thanks in advance
Just tested this with one of my tanking toons (using Grindbot), assisted by a healer(using Lazyraider). Results: EPIC FARMING! Tons of Motes of Harmony, Windwool Cloth, and greens! Only catch is that it isn't fully AFK-able. The Scentlayers give a stacking debuff, so you need to pause / stop pulling more mobs, til the debuff falls off. Wash, rinse, and repeat!
Tweaked the code a little bit (vendor/mailbox) and slight adjustment on the hotspots (to personal taste) and the profile is running perfectly again; pick pocketing and mailing chests to alt when bags full. 10 Hours running: Raw/Boxed Gold: +8391g Gems: 2 (Sold 150g) Master Healing Potion: 94 (I keep them, but you could sell) Epics: The Gloaming Blade (Sold for 15K) Total: 23,541 Even without looting an epic this profile holds it's own against gathering profiles on bigger population servers. I'll upload the edited profile too if the original creator says its ok =)
Can you pm me a download link to your profile, I'm having problems with the original (getting like 2k/night).
Original profile attached with edited vendor and mailbox hotspots. Remember to designate a mailbox recipient in your bot settings.
Rogues staying at one spot, are pick pocketing most of the mobs. So is it possible for a profile to stay at one spot and pickpocket Thank you
Most rogues that are doing that are not using a bot but an auto keyboard mouse. 2 hour intervals to fill up a 104 slot bag which means you need to manually open and vend.
I have the same loot problem I looked into it and after about 5 minuets Auto Loot from the WoW interfacr keeps getting un-ticked.... Any way to stop this?
That problem was with the plugin EpicJunkBox for me, make sure you have that turned off in the plugins options.