Hi buddys, I wonder if I should rent a server for HonorBuddy. Do you think it's possible to run wow? AMD 64 X2 4200+ 2x2,2GHz 2GB DDR2 RAM 667MHz 160 GB SATAII HDD 500GB Webtraffic ATI Radeon HD3450 Windows XP Pro SP2 32bit Price would be around 50€ ($65 USD) /month. Do you think its ok?
still man, if they are not a serious company, you can say bye bye to your accounts the pc spec is good for runing wow tho
i dont think that any hosting company is specialized in stealing wow accounts ... there are much more valueable things you could steel ...
Well, i think its a serious (but small) company. The guy whio i was talking right now is very friendly. My Plan: - 2 (or 3?) Bots/WoWs simultaneous - max 15 Days to lvl80 So i can sell 4 / 6 Account each month. Unfortunately, an account is not much worth in germany (~70€). -40€ (WoW + Addons) So I will earn 30€ per account. Hmm,... Or should i try to sell gold?
not even remotely a good idea. or to put it in terms everyone should understand, "Obiwan would not approve."
You've also failed to factor in the time taken to sell said accounts etc, competition, risk of getting banned risk of it taking longer than you think etc etc.
Teamviewer is too lagy for managing 3d aplication, dont know if its good idea. I think your comp can handle 3-4 WoWs with HB, more with GB.
As far as teamviewer... I'm running it right now from work connecteced to my home PC. It is laggy, but I have WoW scaled down to like 600x400 and it is streaming ok. Works great to watch the bot or change profiles etc. Logging and out and basic in game 'clicks' is fine too. My home connection is around 2mbps up, so if your on a decent 100mbps line quality will improve, however teamviewer was not made to stream and control video games. If its similar to VNC servers then it scans at like 40ms intervals. Really has nothing to do with 3D or 2D. Correct me if I'm wrong.
$65 a month? Nonono that's way too expensive. Just buy a spare PC for like $350, it'll be more than sufficient, and better specs than that mediocre server. Renting that server for a couple (or even a few) of bots would end up costing you more money than you'd make. $65 a month on top of all the accounts and possible bans, you'd definitely be in the red.