BG with 40man not working Special edition is lately not more able to run in 40man BGs. Here is the log Error: [07:53:11.981 N] You are: Mistweaver [07:53:11.993 D] Registered Hotkey 'Toggle AOE - Mistweaver' [07:53:12.857 D] System.ApplicationException: Cannot run Tick before running Start first! at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.() [07:53:12.558 N] ---------------------------------- [07:53:12.558 N] Talent: [07:53:12.558 N] [Momentum] [Chi Wave] [Ascension] [Leg Sweep] [Healing Elixirs] [Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger] [07:53:12.558 N] ---------------------------------- [07:53:12.814 N] Glyph: [07:53:12.814 N] [Glyph of Blackout Kick] [Glyph of Renewing Mist] [Glyph of Water Roll] [Glyph of Life Cocoon] [Glyph of Spirit Roll] [Glyph of Mana Tea] [07:53:12.814 N] ---------------------------------- [07:53:12.849 N] Building Rotation Completed [07:53:12.849 N] ---------------------------------- [07:53:12.849 N] If you change Talent or Glyph, just click Class Config to rebuild rotation, restart Honorbuddy is not required. [07:53:12.849 N] ---------------------------------- [07:53:12.857 D] System.ApplicationException: Cannot run Tick before running Start first! at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.() [07:53:12.858 D] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick() [07:53:12.858 D] Cleared POI [07:53:12.952 D] System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at TuanHA_Monk.Classname.GetUnits() in c:\AHorn3\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THCombat.cs:line 155 at TuanHA_Monk.Classname.Pulse() in c:\AHorn3\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THCombat.cs:line 318 at Styx.Pulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags) at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.() at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
damn winderwalkers didn't saw that their spec was the only one, which was updated in the recent rev's. just joking, but it's true .
tanks for the awesome cc; I am using SPECIAL EDITION: mistweaver cant use jab or other attack spells. i have jab and others ticked but not working at all. also when using mistweaver the quest help and other pre added help cant use jab . all the spells that belongs to the attack tab can not be casted
Hey guys, First of all, I'm sorry for the performance of BrewMaster and Windwalker... we are aware of the issue. We are working on new version that better at everything AND FULL PvP Support. Release schedule is in 1 week. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
About the mystweaver spec: Anyone raiding HL in 25men (HM if possible) can upload his settings please ? And anyone else who does arena 2's & 3's can upload his settings ? Thank you
for all mistweavers ! if you're struggeling with your hps.. disable Chi Wave in the settings. and use it manually.. but you should mainly let use the bot the Chi for Uplift.. like txd said, Uplift is still the bawz! ;D
depends on how often the bot uses Uplift and how often the uses Chi Burst. if he uses the chi more for uplift, u can let it be enabled. if he uses chi burst more, u should do it manually.
nvm i figured it out. now i cant chose brewmaster since im a the cc broken is that what im understanding. in posts above?
Same amount of sparks yes, and I think I fought him the same way, i got small gear upgrade but still I believe it's a pretty good DPS considering my gear isn't very good (still have a 463 weapon) I know it can be better but still i'm out DPSing a lot of better geared monks in raids/LFR. FoF should be fixed, AoE damage is low too compared to the DPS i do manually, don't know why.
hey guys just wondering what some of your mistweaver settings are. For 10 man hm raids and normal. Guild i am in is going to start doing hms. Cause i could only pull 23k -25k hps. Would appreciate any help thanks.
I'm noticed something new happening which can cause my toon to die. When I'm in Windwalker spec, after a kill, the bot will use "Healing Sphere" on himself to heal himself up. Problem is this spell doesn't go away unless you right click on your mouse. Also because this spell is active, no other spell can be cast. Either way it's causing problems.. How can I turn it off.. looked through the options and nothing seems to affect it.