Could you share with us how to deactivate the crazy usage of Time Warp, until you have an option for it in the settings, please?
AW: Superbad - Mage CC Okay... Go into Mageattacks. Cs. Search for time_warp (string explain) { Add the following line just behind the "{" : return false;
You may need to be more specific All I can find is: Code: private static bool time_warp() return false; { if (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget == null) return false; if (StyxWoW.Me.IsInInstance && !target.IsBoss(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget) && !target.IsTrainingDummy(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget)) return false; if (!SpellManager.HasSpell("Time Warp")) return false; if (SpellManager.Spells["Time Warp"].CooldownTimeLeft.TotalSeconds > SpellManager.GlobalCooldownLeft.TotalSeconds) return false; if (StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Temporal Displacement") || StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Exhaustion")) return false; SpellManager.Cast("Time Warp"); Logging.Write(LogLevel.Normal, "Time Warp"); return true; }
I'm currently struggeling with getting this to work with BGBuddy. It seems like that the bot needs to be helped with mounting each time after combat. Current setup is BGBuddy - Superbad with Ultimate PvP Suite. The CC works fine once I actually mount my character.
Happens for me sometimes aswell, the mount problem. And oddly enough only with this CC haha.. And it also just zones out sometimes and like sits there for until it DC's due to away, dont know what the problem is..