Using newest version and the coffee break time conflicts with YAR and keeps restarting, how do I turn off the coffee breaks for Radsatom? And the links in OP don't work, I get "katt88, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:" for Download GilesTrinity 1.6.2 Download GilesTrinity" and "older Versions re-released" don't work either.
how is this relevant... you know how much I have read... this is what I have seen ... - custom kaizer runs were banned - 1-60 questing banned - ciggar profile banned - key profile banned - galkazier profile(s) banned sorry to tell you this but in no way were profiles responsible, if you run the bot you have the risk of getting banned, it states that all over the place.
v2.6 public test - before released, dropped 24 , and 25. if you know you are on the azmodan wp, you can load the GNOME START HERE . xml file first saves time to speed up run so you don't have to start in town first. I do not know if core 1 file is loading at this time due to no time to test today.
coffee break timer error is still happening. Am using 2.6, unified giles, radsatom 1.5. Any suggestions anyone?
which break number? just scanned all docs it's not there any more.. perhaps try a demon buddy reload, can be disturbing things happen when minor updates. or run another profile for a second then load again... I do not know why dbuddy does this.
[23:28:42.204 N] [YAR Kickstart] Load profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Demonbuddy\Profiles\Alkaizer Pure 2.5O.6 ARC (debug)\00_Gnome_START_HERE.xml [23:28:42.407 N] Loaded profile 00 v2.5O.6 RC ARC - debug version [Galkaizer] Startup Script pure alkaizer [23:28:42.426 N] [UnstuckMe!] Checking new profile [23:28:42.426 N] [UnstuckMe!] Resetting371861843 [23:28:42.460 N] ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:80 Combat:True KillRadius:45 [23:28:42.523 N] Coffee Break Timer - How is my brake ? Break # - 05.5 [23:28:50.829 N] Loading C O R E - 2 - [23:28:50.851 N] Coffee Break Timer - How is my brake ? Break # - 05
Oh ya, sorry. But yes, same thing with 2.6. Loads Core 2 and then just stops. It's just not compatible with Yar at the moment?
Thanks, seems like with 2.6 in KD2 my monk is having trouble with the seige bridge, it doesn't know how to lower the bridge to walk across, it keeps trying to attack the bridge instead. Also in KD 2 the chest lift, it just stands near it and doesn't know how to lift it, I Tried to manually move it but it goes right back to it.
as i have paused my own testing I am unable to know, there is something I can suggest, please try Giles community edition if you are not using it.
Following Trinity community update will also include Total XP gained and XP/Hour in the log file - this number is an EXACT and TRUE number unlike the stupid values we see in the DB screen. This way we can properly evaluate a build and profile. If you run and want to test it b4 the official release: Per hour TEST.rar
Pff I never was able to run one of your profiles and still with v2.6 I'm still not able todo it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. I run a fresh DB + GilesTrinity Community Edition + RadAtom 1.5.1 Not a single other plugin is enabled. When I start the game he takes azmodan wp to "The Core of Arreat" and just sits there doing nothing. In DB log I see : [18:55:05.893 N] Loaded profile 00 v2.6 (public test) [Galkaizer] Startup Script pure alkaizer [18:55:05.981 N] ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:10 Combat:True KillRadius:10 [18:55:10.141 N] Loading C O R E - 2 - Please can anyone/someone help me ?
HINT: Delete the files contained in your CompiledAssemblies folder.. and it will work, your bug is known bug, isn't my profile doing that.
Some info on current work being done, I was doing this before the overwhelm of the raid ban on our caches. - back trace is completely fixed in KD2 (testing versions 3.5+) - still experiencing some crashing on profile, going to test cross trinity(s) plugins etc to find where it's happening New runs are being worked on (3) to be incorporated in the weekly profile.
- svn was updated to 2.50.6 - we are at revision (23) - something went wrong on upload we are now at revision (24)
First of all thanks gnome for the hint, but I removed all files in that folder and problem still exist Where can I find more info about this bug ? Can you give me keywords I can search for ? (tried but found nothing) Code: [21:44:47.367 N] Loaded profile 00.1 v2.6 (public test) [Galkaizer] LOAD ME FIRST Script pure alkaizer v2.6 (public test) [21:44:47.367 N] [Trinity]Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB. [21:44:47.461 N] Waiting 6.5 seconds before next game... [21:44:54.013 N] Creating new game, Params: <Act:A3 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:101758 QuestStep:1 ResumeFromSave:False IsPrivate:True Handicap:1> [21:44:58.557 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============ [21:44:58.557 N] GameChanged. Clearing actors [21:44:59.884 N] Using Waypoint Waypoint-115 Number:10 [21:45:00.976 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============ [21:45:05.506 N] Loading C O R E - O N E - Is what I get after I deleted all assembly files in that dir and restarted DB ofc. Please advise