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  • [A3 Inferno] Ultimate SkyHigh Farm

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Magi, Dec 15, 2012.

    1. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Based on the newly found Ultimate SkyHigh Farm post on D3 forums. I modeled this after his video because it differs from what he posted. If the order needs to be re-arranged, it can be done so at a later time. Look for routine optimizations over time. Please read changelog.

      IF YOU USE RADSATOM/ATOM, please remove TrinityMaxDeaths XML tag inside the profile. I use it to reload the profile just in case a death occurs. I haven't used RadsAtom in awhile, so if you're having problems, disable RadsAtom.

      RELOGGERS, please download the relog file in addition to the profile of your choice. EDIT the relog file to load the appropriate profile you plan to use.


      Requires DB Beta .178+ Non DB-BETA users, see this workaround

      Required Plugins
      Trinity CE

      Required Quest
      7.3 Kill Azmodan

      Original SkyHigh [ Download Profile ]
      Overall Gold/Loot/XP Profile

      What it does:
      • Skycrown Battlements
      • Tower of the Damned - Level 1
      • The Keep Depths - Level 2
      • Rakkis Crossing
      • Fields of Slaughter
      • Arreat Crater - Level 2


      Extended SkyHigh [ Download Profile ]
      Overall Gold/Loot/XP Profile Extended

      (You will need to start a new game at 7.3 Kill Azmodan before starting the profile, it will then RESUME the game from then on so we start at the checkpoint just like the Tinnkaizer Profile)

      What it does:
      • The Core of Arreat
      • Skycrown Battlements
      • Tower of the Damned - Level 1
      • The Keep Depths - Level 2
      • Rakkis Crossing
      • Fields of Slaughter
      • Arreat Crater - Level 2


      SkyHigh Raoha Version [ Download Profile ]
      Best for Loot

      (You will need to start a new game at 7.3 Kill Azmodan before starting the profile, it will then RESUME the game from then on so we start at the checkpoint just like the Extended Profile). Make sure you are running latest Trinity/DB Beta as Towers of the Cursed use 1 long distance TrinityMoveTo

      What it does:
      • The Core of Arreat
      • Skycrown Battlements
      • Tower of the Damned - Level 1
      • The Keep Depths - Level 2
      • Rakkis Crossing
      • Fields of Slaughter
      • Arreat Crater - Level 2
      • Tower of the Cursed - Level 1
      • Tower of the Cursed - Level 2


      SkyHigh Max [ Download Profile ]
      Best for Gold/XP/NO RANDOM DUNGEONS

      (You will need to start a new game at 7.3 Kill Azmodan before starting the profile, it will then RESUME the game from then on so we start at the checkpoint just like the Extended Profile). Make sure you are running latest Trinity/DB Beta as Towers of the Cursed use 1 long distance TrinityMoveTo

      What it does:
      • The Core of Arreat
      • Tower of the Damned - Level 1
      • Rakkis Crossing
      • Fields of Slaughter
      • Skycrown Battlements


      SkyHigh Max Extended [ Download Profile ]
      Best for Gold/XP/NO RANDOM DUNGEONS

      (You will need to start a new game at 7.3 Kill Azmodan before starting the profile, it will then RESUME the game from then on so we start at the checkpoint just like the Extended Profile). Make sure you are running latest Trinity/DB Beta as Towers of the Cursed use 1 long distance TrinityMoveTo

      What it does:
      • The Core of Arreat
      • Tower of the Damned - Level 1
      • Rakkis Crossing
      • Fields of Slaughter
      • Tower of the Cursed Level 1
      • Tower of the Cursed Level 2
      • Skycrown Battlements


      Ultima Magi [ Download Profile ]
      Targeted at Ultimate XP, Gold and Loot

      What it does:
      • The Core of Arreat
      • Arreat Crater - Level 2
      • Rakkis Crossing
      • Fields of Slaughter
      • The Keep Depths - Level 2


      Ultima Magi Extended [ Download Profile ]
      Targeted for Ultimate Loot

      What it does:
      • The Core of Arreat
      • Tower of the Damned - Level 1
      • Arreat Crater - Level 2
      • Tower of the Cursed Level 1
      • Tower of the Cursed Level 2
      • Rakkis Crossing
      • Fields of Slaughter
      • The Keep Depths - Level 2


      Other Recommendations
      For optimal performance, run at a low MP level (0 - 3). You don't want to die while running this. Make sure to enable Trinity unstucker and Gold Inactivity timer (I set it for 120 seconds).

      I make no warrants or guarantees of these profiles. I do my best to ensure they work properly. If you are running other plugins besides Trinity and are having issues (like reloggers), please disable and run without your plugins. If you continue to see an error, please let me know and include a log.

      Gardettos, Tinnvec, rrrix, Gnome

      v2 Editions added
      - Updated for 1.0.7. Uses new DB Beta tag for using Portal at start up.
      - Keeps 2 / Crater 2 code revamped using combo Explore/Manual Plot
        for maximized speed and minimized backtracking
      - Updated Rakki Store code to prevent stucks
      - Updated Raaki Store elite check( Thank you Gardettos!)

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Feb 21, 2013
      TheDo likes this.
    2. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Profile Shootout

      To determine which profile does what best. Overall gold/exp/item hunting, Best EPH, GPH, IPH. Shortest Profile, Longest Profile, Randomization/Tinfoil hunting, etc. I anticipate there isn't ONE profile to meet everyone's needs, so this is for information only. I will present the facts and my interpretation of the facts. This will likely be an evolving process over time as profiles are updated. I will ensure when comparing profiles, that all variables I can control, are controlled.

      Each profile will begin at the Diablo homescreen. For profiles that resume, they will resume at their designated area (like Core, but maybe someplace else? I'll make sure they start off in their optimal state). Inventory will start off empty other than the first column which I use as saved blocks for potions/collections/etc. 
      I will run each profile long enough to the point that I feel it has equalized it's statistics. Some profiles are very short (like my Max, while others are quite a bit longer like rrrix's). The profiles need to run long enough that variables in game (like Shrines, elite spawns, random dungeons) have little impact. At the same time, some of us don't have the luxury or the desire to run 24/7, so I have to limit game time to a certain extent (I can't just set x of games and sit back as my max version will probably run 5x faster than some of the longer ones and I can't run some of these profiles for 32 hours :)
      So, I will keep an eye on the running stats as best as I humanely can, and attempt to give each profile sufficient time to run it's course. No shorter than 4 hours, but likely not much past 8 hours. My Max version usually equalizes after a few hours, but I imagine rrrix/tinn v7 will take longer because of the longer routes.
      When I stop a profile, I will not cut it off in the middle of a run. I will let it complete it's last game before stopping. If I should encounter a problem during testing of a profile (on my end) I will restart. I use no reloggers or disconnect plugins, so that will not be a factor. If Diablo quits or disconnects for any reason, the profile will be reset. I will NOT help these bots in anyway, so if you get stuck, Trinity unstucker will do it's job (hopefully). All bots get stuck from time to time, and I don't believe any of these profiles have to worry, but if a permastuck does happen, I have a 2 minute inactivity timer as well as gold inactivity timer (120 seconds). These will all be taken into account for each profile. Reliability is just as important as GPH. I have a pretty reliable rig so we shouldn't have a problem I don't believe.
      This will be performed on a single Barb bot. It is the most popular class for botting, so only makes sense to use this. Keep that in mind as some profiles may work better for different classes. All profiles will be run on MP0, basic specs below:
      375%GF, 338%MF (will go up slightly as I paragon, but won't impact IPH dropped)
      102% bonus XP
      24% Movement speed
      14 radius
      Rarely die

      Each run will be supplied with a Trinity stat log, as well as my entire run log so there is no debate. I have no reason to lie, cheat, or otherwise interfere with the results. I, like you, want to be running the best profile for my purposes, and I don't care who made it (and to be honest, I think most of these profiles have elements and/or inspirations from the community, I know mine do so if any of  the Sky versions win a category, that is a win for all profile devs as it has code snippets from just about everyone).
      I will then give my interpretation of the results for anyone who cares to read it. 

      Results so far:

      Ultimate Magi Extended
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 9h 35m 43s
      Total deaths: 0 [0 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 29 [3.02 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 308.73 million [32.17 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 6222.82 Thousand [648.52 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 5462 [569.23 per hour]
      Legendary: 18 [1.88 per hour] {6.32 %}

      Ultimate Raoha Magi/Gardettos Edition
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 9h 6m 23s
      Total deaths: 2 [0.22 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 31 [3.4 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 276.96 million [30.41 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 6021.09 Thousand [661.18 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 4874 [535.22 per hour]

      Ultimate SkyHigh Max Extended
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 7h 21m 46s
      Total deaths: 1 [0.140000000596046 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 23 [3.11999988555908 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 204.619995117188 million [27.7900009155273 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 4710.2001953125 Thousand [639.710021972656 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 3854 [523.419982910156 per hour]

      Ultimate SkyHigh Raoha
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 4h 29m 14s
      Total deaths: 1 [0.22 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 5 [1.11 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 121.74 million [27.13 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 2581.27 Thousand [575.21 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 2094 [466.63 per hour]

      Gnome's Galkaizer v3 Public
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 4h 23m 7s
      Total deaths: 0 [0 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 11 [2.51 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 114.76 million [26.17 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 2506.96 Thousand [571.66 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 2014 [459.25 per hour]

      Tinnkaizer v7
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 5h 44m 2s
      Total deaths: 1 [0.17 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 7 [1.22 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 146.56 million [25.56 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 3154.51 Thousand [550.14 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 2592 [452.04 per hour]

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Feb 19, 2013
    3. Tinnvec

      Tinnvec Member

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Damn, beat me to it :)
    4. macedawg

      macedawg Member

      Nov 19, 2012
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      cheers mate. gonna take it for a whirl now.
    5. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      lol...yeah I wasn't sure where people we're at with it. I had a little free time and was kind of interested to see how it performs. I still think your profile puts out better numbers than this. We'll see. If you've got any improvements or anything you want to pop in here, by all means.

      Would be nice if we could have multiple people manage threads...?
    6. babosasa

      babosasa New Member

      Jun 22, 2012
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      1st place to download the file, thx and will report later :rolleyes:, btw, could you add back core or arret with amazdon please :rolleyes:??
      Last edited: Dec 15, 2012
    7. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Yeah I believe Tinnvec and I are going to try and tackle this together and build the most optimal setup we can. I wanted to start off with the original SkyHigh and then build from that. For now I'm doing some initial testing and just wanted to share with folks to test as well.

      Been running this for about 2 hours now and am seeing some positive numbers...about 300k GPH, 33-34 eph (lower p level barb). XP is the most I've seen with this char setup from any profile so far...not sure about gold but it's definitely up there with Tinn's original. Will let this run overnight and report back. Off to bed.
    8. Yayification

      Yayification New Member

      Dec 9, 2012
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      Straight off the bat when you enter skycrown from stonefort I think the bot should clear to the left towards the flame and then downwards. There can be a pack at the top of those stairs and the current path doesn't account for this. Still testing the rest.
    9. babosasa

      babosasa New Member

      Jun 22, 2012
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      okay, my bot encountered a stuck problem inside the store of rakki , triggered gold inactivity timer:(
    10. guymay

      guymay New Member

      Aug 7, 2012
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      you're the man magi . thanks for this great profile !
    11. ViperFace

      ViperFace New Member

      Nov 8, 2012
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      This looks awesome. I have been using your Keyhunting and Ubers profiles, and I love them. I have also been using Tinnevec's Tinnkaizer's profile. The combination you provide looks really promising, I'll be running this when I get homoe from work tonight! thanx!
    12. babosasa

      babosasa New Member

      Jun 22, 2012
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      beside of the rakki's store problem, it seems to have no stuck around, great profile! btw, could you add core of arreat with amazdon, it would just be perfect!
    13. sp0rk

      sp0rk New Member

      Nov 13, 2012
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      guys when u post statistics can u also provide items per hour rate? this is very crucial to me. not sure why u guys are so interested in xp per hour though...
    14. Trozzie

      Trozzie New Member

      Dec 7, 2012
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      No time for good testing!!
      But thx for your efforts Magi and Tinn!! Gonan test tomorrow
    15. TheDo

      TheDo New Member

      Dec 26, 2010
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      Trying it out atm on 2 characters. Will be reporting back later.
    16. Trozzie

      Trozzie New Member

      Dec 7, 2012
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      What giles u use? got no time for testing and if u use 1.634 as me and stuck i won't leave the bot for a whole 24h session ;)
    17. Wushu_Baller

      Wushu_Baller New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      how the bot guys? What wrong with the latest db version came out to be flagged? Did it get fixed yet? Are there many ppls still using the db updated version one?

      Let me know 12/15/12
    18. TheDo

      TheDo New Member

      Dec 26, 2010
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      I seem to have a problem. if my bot dies it's using the town portal and it's going back to all the areas
      that have already been cleared. Is this a profile thing or do I have a wrong setting somewhere in DB
      or Trinity?. Any help is welcome :)
    19. Damndrunk

      Damndrunk New Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      turn off atom
    20. and1mixtape

      and1mixtape New Member

      May 30, 2012
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      Rakkis stair stuck!

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